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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Thanks for that, it was exactly the sort of answer that I was after and confirmed a few things that I had heard over the years. Similar sort of thing, and this is more video than audio so sorry to the audiophiles out there. Does anybody know if there is stuff out there on Blu-Ray that is simply not worth getting due to the original source material not having high enough resolution? In other words a DVD would be just as effective (and maybe cheaper). I am mainly thinking of TV programs, especially older ones. Taksraven
  2. How much of a difference can it make. Is there any real scientific way of measuring the difference or is it all just down to the ears of the listener? I'm not trying to hassle, I'm just interested in pinning down a person who claims to know the difference so I can be educated. Is sound quality really just an "eye of the beholder" sort of thing? If I am happy with my current setup that does use "shitty" cables, how much of a difference can it make?
  3. Define please, and what is not "shitty"? I find this to be an interesting area of discussion. Taksraven
  4. What's a "tine loop"?? :P
  5. He's taking the picture, dude...... :P Taksraven
  6. No way man, everybody knows that VF stands for Veritech Fighter!! And Greedo fired first. Trukk not Munky. Taksraven
  7. Since I haven't played this and all I have heard is media hype annd students screaming about how good it is (never a reliable indicator), I was looking for a more reliable opinion on whether or not this game is worth playing. Any thoughts? Taksraven
  8. And the thing is, even though it is a prequel, how true will it hold to the events that we know take place at the Sweden base? I'm betting nor very. Taksraven
  9. Robert Picardo's career has taken off since Voyager.....
  10. Love the JC original (yeah yeah, I know its a remake) film (thats a great pic BTW), but I am NOT looking forward to the new one. Taksraven
  11. Generally I have no problem with technology itself, the hardware at least, but software.... The iphone/ipod/iwhatever is a good example. Nothing wrong with the hardware, but Apple has always made the WORST software to run its machines, the music players especially. You never feel like you are truly in charge of the hardware, the software always behaves like it knows better than you. Unfortunately, Microsoft is now heading down that path. A few months ago I purchased a new MP3/FLAC music player. Did not want to get any Apple stuff, and the girl at the checkout asks me why anybody would NOT want to buy an Apple. I said "Three simple words, drag and drop" The Itunes interface software is truly horrible and un-user-friendly. The other thing that annoys me is not just the technology, but people's attitude towards the technology. The way people suck up to Apple and Jobs........
  12. Good point. But people in reality do tend to go over the top when a war ends, regardless of the cost of the conflict......
  13. What about animation errors? Or how about Robotech as a whole??
  14. Ordering around the Lord of the Sith. Great stuff....
  15. Preordered THIS today. Should hopefully get it next week or the week after. YAY!!! Taksraven
  16. A true unsung Star Wars hero. From what I understand he was an "actors director", much more than Lucas is, and the results shone through in ESB, the Star Wars film with THE best characterisations and performances..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdc7v4vkbJI (Possibly the best SW sequence ever, featuring the most misquoted line in SF history, even the title of this youtube clip misquotes it)
  17. *sob*
  18. Zombies? Spaceships?? Bah. Read On the Beach, a great but completely depressing book......
  19. Seems that 10 seconds of bayonet love in Macross Plus was enough to win over most people, including myself. It was an especially hardcore moment for a Macross production.
  20. Oh yeah, we have things soooooooooooo good here in Australia. (sarcasm) On my way to work on the bus every morning I check out the huge crowd gathering outside the methodone clinic at St. Marys. Then, on my way home from work every day I check out the junkies and pregnant teenage mothers with cigarette's hanging out of their mouths at Mt Druitt station. Talk about living in glass houses. Anybody else wanting to talk politics should PM me or each other, before a mod waves the banhammer here. Million Star, you especially should talk to me. Taksraven
  21. Thanks for that. IQ9 looked great. If anything, its a wonder that they included the character in the film, since that is normally the sort of thing that smartarse producers would cut out. Taksraven
  22. Its going to be like a remake of a really bad adaptation. A horrible double whammie. Taksraven
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