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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I don't think its doing well enough at the box office for that.... Taksraven
  2. Nah, it is the real Spielberg, Lucas and Coppola, its just that they got older and lazy working with megabudgets on their films. I think that the best films, particularly SF ones are made by people who are, a) Younger b) Working on a tight budget rather than a really big one.
  3. AND if we don't have to use those stupid bloody glasses......
  4. Have to put a bigger downer on that man. If you meant Lisa Blount as the redhead from Prince of Darkness, the actress died back in October. Sorry man.
  5. That second last one is *really* nice. Thanks for that.
  6. Would rather watch "The Incredibles 2", which I think is on their schedule but will be years away.....
  7. When you consider the fact that "cyberspace" is one of the most interesting concepts that has been introduced to the world of fiction in the last thirty or so years (and overused and abused, yes I will admit that), I don't consider the concept "silly". If the concept of "cyberspace" had existed in the time of Shakespeare, I'm sure that he would have used it.
  8. On-Topic Land is a boring place.
  9. Yeah, it was a great ending. So up in the air, beautiful. More movies need to end like that, instead of the cookie-cutter "The good guys win".
  10. Nah, his best performance was the night he walked past myself and my wife after a Tenacious D show at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney. He drifted past us, eyes glazed over, he was so high as a kite he was walking but his feet were not touching the ground. Total druggie.
  12. Yeah, that was one the most disappointing aspects of the film. Since Cillian was playing the son of Dillinger from the first film, I thought that a digital equivalent of him would be running the show in the Grid. Didn't turn out to be the case and I think it was a missed opportunity.
  13. Um, there was no "Year Zero". 1BCE -> 1AD
  14. "Who is Number One?" "You are. Number Six"
  15. The novelisation is pretty good. Alan Dean Foster. 'Nuff said. As usual he was clearly working from a script rather than the finished film itself, so some parts are fairly different. But its a great read. Back in the 70's-80's it was often a lot of fun to read the adaptations of Sci-Fi features, but these days with DVD's etc they are no longer required. Taksraven
  16. 1) Anime Series/Film/OVA that aired this year: Macross frontier film (whatever it was called) 2) Science Fiction Film: Inception, without doubt. 3) TV Series: Who has time for TV? 4) PC/Video Game: Fallout 3 (Yeah yeah, I know its old, just started playing it this year, so sue me) 5) Consumer Electronic: Still love my old Nokia E71 6) Toy/Model/Action Figure/Plushie/Nendoroid or whatever... : Toys?? You gotta be kidding me. 7) Music: Muse at Acer Arena earlier this month. I can't describe how stunning it was. Person of the Year: Julian Assange
  17. So over Galactica now. Lost interest as soon as the New Caprica stuff happened. All downhill from there..... And the subtitle should be "Galacticasaurus Vs. MegaCylon"
  18. A7, that is the best link you have ever posted. I love you. Taksraven
  19. Yeah, I see yr point, but too old maybe?? Taksraven
  20. I didn't see any cops in the digital world? :P
  21. I got stuck in Limbo once. Stuck down there for fifty years. When I woke up I was an old soul in a young person's body.
  22. Just saw it. First Macrossworlder?? Yeah!!!! Great film, could have had a bit of a stronger ending. Jeff Bridges was great, as was the rest of the cast. I'll do a full review tomorrow morning. And Shiroth was right, the soundtrack is excellent and goes brilliantly with the film. Will be seeing this one again. Goodnight.
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