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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Great camo. There was a good reason why French soldiers stopped wearing Red, White and Blue uniforms in WWI.
  2. TUMBLEWEED at the Metro last night. Great show.
  3. pssst. *whispers* You could draw up a similar chart for most film directors and they would look very similar!
  4. Ha. I love that prejudice that many so-called hardcore metalheads have, that nothing "electronic" or too technological can be involved in what they consider to be "true" heavy metal. Most of it stems from the traditional prejudice that many guitar players have against many other instruments, especially keyboards and synthesizers. Like the other instruments are "not as real" as the guitars. Hey, Wanzerfan, here is the true "METAL"!!
  5. Maybe a merge is all that is required?
  6. REAL 90's classic, bro.
  7. Think we'll see any robots like Wynona's Big Brown Bieber?
  8. Very good, but still pales into insignificance when compared to this....
  9. THE GREAT GATSBY IN 3D!!!! YAY!!!!!
  10. Dude, I was there at the Annandale show too. I was closer to the front until a glass was thrown at me, then I moved back a bit. PM me next time you go to a show like that if you want and we'll have a mini MW convention. 'Lightsabre C*cksucking Blues' did rock. Easily the highlight of the night, and to be honest, one of the dirtiest and best songs evar!! I loved the way he dealt with the heckler b4 Manchasm though. Great show. The entire thing has been uploaded on youtube as well.
  11. Three things. a) Were you there? b) Were you the heckler? c) Are you going to Tumbleweed at the Metro this week? (If yer not you should)
  12. I think that the literary basis of the Trilogy helped with making those films. Peter Jackson knew exactly where he was going and where he had to go. From what I understand the money made just from Fellowship was enough to cover the budget of the entire trilogy. The Matrix parts 2 and three also suffered from the fact that the filmmakers had more of an unlimited budget and resources and got lazy. This often happens. Also one of the "Brothers" was in the process of becoming a "Sister". Don't forget as well, if you produce a film and have the sequels in production at the same time it means that the sequels will get made, rather than be axed if the first film is a failure or if it is a success but just doesn't make the hundreds of millions the studio imagined. (ie, The Golden Compass and The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, both were successful films with the sequels pretty much ready to go, but at the end of the day not enough of a profit was made to satisfy the studio, thats also why things have gone quiet about Iron Man 3.) No, it never assures success, artistically or financially, but I think it helps a lot. Even though he made lame decisions at times, I think the Star Trek franchise did suffer from the death of Gene Rodenberry and I'm sure that most of the stuff that was made afterwards did not really conform to his "vision" of the 23rd century. (Word has it that Gene saw an early edit of Star Trek VI, gave the thumbs up to everybody there, then went and got his lawyer on the phone and began legal proceedings to have 15 minutes cut from the film for being too "militaristic". He died 3 days later so this legal action was never completed and the film was released uncut.)
  13. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  14. The biggest problem with the Alien franchise has been that its like a car with nobody at the steering wheel. Different directors, different writers, all with their own take on what the franchise is about and as a result the franchise weaves all over the road. I don't think that there is any real solution to the problem, I just wanted to point it out.
  15. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! NOBODY WANTS WONDER WOMAN!! Well, I am sure that there are plenty of fanboys who "want" her in some sense of the word....
  16. "Its like going to your daughters graduation" Yeah right. Like that nerd is ever going to get the chance to procreate. Boring review, stupid voice, can't sit through it. Would rather listen to Fran Dresher.
  17. You are making the really bad assumption here that I bothered to watch the damn thing. I like to at least pretend that I have some self respect.
  18. Took that long to thaw him out after he locked himself in the freezer??
  19. Since this thread is supposed to be about music, how come fucking Bieber is always being mentioned?? ?
  20. So the characters didn't even use the Shadow Chronicles wallets in the movie???
  21. "You, like your father, are now.....MINE!!" I did enjoy the film. Certainly the least out of the original trilogy, but still pretty good. I love the darkness of it, even goody-two-shoes Kenobi is finally revealed to be a big fat liar. Yoda's double standard as well (even though we couldn't truly appreciate it until the prequel trilogy was made), pretty much mindf*cking with Luke telling him to go and fight Vader otherwise he is a failure, when Yoda himself had run away like a little bitch from Palpatine. Also the way that Luke proved Kenobi and Yoda wrong when he turned Vader back from the dark side. What did they know??
  22. Yeah, that was always the point of that wound, but it was done *very* well I thought. You know, a lot of people love to slag off at ROTJ for the Ewoks and such, but if you keep your eye's shut during the Endor scene's and just watch the rest of the film, its *really* good. Yeah, they made it much more explicit in the novelisation that those last few bolts were frying his whole body, going into his heart and destroying it.
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