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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Possible, but not likely. Wouldn't fit in with Nolan's attempt at a *more* realistic comic book hero film, esp. if Batman is walking again by the end of the film. This film is going to have to be about redemption, Batman winning the people back, proving that he is different to the Joker and what Harvey Dent became. And Selina Kyle, whatever she becomes, is going to take the journey with him.
  2. Maybe it's a smokescreen, maybe it really is Alien but they are trying to take some of the heat off the production so they are pulling a "Blue Harvest"? Why? I dunno, fear of media intrusions, wanting to work in some sort of secrecy without all of the films content being blurted over the net? Stranger things have happened.
  3. Dune could do with a remake where they actually get it right for once. Every version has been botched in some way.
  4. He's still an Allan Funt though, isn't he??
  5. Good point. He could also adopt some of the Pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths and Earth-2 stuff and have Batman reforming and marrying Selina and she could become Batwoman. Does this mean that Nolan is going to conclude his trilogy with no Robin? I'm sure that most of us hope so.
  6. Yeah, thats pretty good. Stuff like that started to appear as soon as the DVD was out. More obscure stuff, Check out Mal's expression as Saito gets angry.... AND, the other famous one, with Yusuf giving the finger to the projections as he drives off the bridge......
  7. *sigh*
  8. Yer probably right..... :P
  9. Thanks to the nerds over at nolanfans.com for pointing out that the button on the Pasiv device matches the colour palette for each dream level....
  10. Sorry that she isn't up to your standards of perfection. :P I'm sure that most of us here wouldn't kick her out of bed if she farted. ;)
  11. Yeah, but if they follow the normal pattern, Catwoman should be "Not really bad, bad", and probably the romantic interest. Bane will be "bad bad", I'm sure. It should work.
  12. Bah. Interesting but not surprising. Its impossible to keep authors happy.
  13. Sean Young missed her chance AGAIN!!!! ;) :P
  14. Pretty good. Tron Jeremy was better, but this is still pretty good......
  15. Ugh. The character design in that poster is *ugly* though. Looks more like a bad comic book or computer game.
  16. The Black Hole might benefit from a remake. The original *nearly* got it right, but they stuffed it up towards the end. Disney is planning a remake but I'm not sure how far along that is. Personally though, as I'm sure that I have already stated here, I would like to see some SF books that haven't been filmed in the past due to the limitations of SFX get made using CGI. Most films do not require remakes.
  17. Both versions of Solaris are good for different reasons. I have heard the newer one called Solaris-lite and that is a good description. Watch the '72 version first though.
  18. If EDF was called UNIT I would go to see it..... ;)
  19. Next time you direct me to that shithole of a website to listen to some really insane nerd ramblings, you can come here and clean up the vomit yerself. :P
  20. Hope you've got a nice set of speakers, soundtrack is awesome.
  21. All fictional horror pales into insignificance when compared to things like real wars or the actions of people like Armin Meiwes.
  22. It was subtle, wasn't it...
  23. Looks like it could be a massive advertisment for Angels and Airwaves.
  24. Meh. Gimme TA anyday.
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