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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Oh come on people, "the trailer looks great therefore the film is going to be great"???? REALLY??? The ROTF trailers looked pretty cool too. Its called advertising, and when it comes to films, the filmmakers are allowed to be deceptive.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cIdJFmFkag Gary Moore at 5.02 of this brilliant sketch.....RIP.
  3. Personally, I miss joysticks. These fifty-button controllers for X-Box and Playstation suck. Is there really a need for such complexity? Thats one of the reasons why I am sticking to PC.
  4. LOL!!
  5. LOL. And there you have the exact reason why "The Kings Arse Speech" is going to clean up at the Academy Awards this year and Inception will be lucky to get anything.
  6. Thats for sure. Watch the film with a woman who has had a child, especially the scene where Monica abandons David. My wife can't bear to watch it, its waaaay too much emotionally. (Mothers losing their children or possibly losing their children is a them, of course, that Spielberg explored in both CE3K and E.T.) I think another reason why people didn't like this film is that it ultimately sends you out of the theatre in a sad emotional state. Audiences don't like that.
  7. Oh, you mean this one.... :P
  8. Both movies are flawed (I find A.I. to be more watchable), but both of them had a brilliant concept behind them and managed to do more in two hours with the "machines trying to define and achieve humanity" theme than the hack writers of Star Trek: The Next Generation did with Data over 7 seasons and several films..... A.I. was originally supposed to have been a Kubrick film but he died too soon. Personally I don't think that old Kubrick would have done it justice, but I think that at his peak time (late 60's, early 70's) he probably would have made a masterpiece.
  9. OMFG!!! DO *NOT* WATCH BLACK CAT. THERE IS A BIT AT THE END WHERE THE BLACK CAT TURNS BLUE, AND IT WILL MAKE YOU WANT TO POKE YOUR EYES OUT WITH HOT FORKS!!!!! I think that misc. toy stuff gets dumped here 'cause the main toy section on these forums is dedicated to Macross stuff. Fair enough, I know what these forums are ultimately about, but how about a different sub-forum for non-macross toys?
  10. A note to Jimmy Buffet on stage diving. You are doing it wrong!!! Go to 3.40 to see the bad stage dive....
  11. Its at times like this that I miss the barf emoticon. No wait.... Heh heh.
  12. Get some of this into yer, Wanzer.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L_y9isEBCs&feature=related "Mamma's little baby likes it short and sweet" - Great lyrics. And my eternal thanks to Doug Mulray for introducing me to this song.
  13. Somebody is going soft in his old age..... :P Dude, there is a "guilty pleasures" thread somewhere on this site, I think you have some confessing to do.
  14. For all those who love to rave about the perfection of G1 TF, I just have to present this..... That show had some *real* problems.....
  15. Zombie thread back from the dead??
  16. Read the third post. I've already had to discredit it.
  17. There are always mumblings about it. I think when they eventually realise that the proposed SW TV series is too expensive and pointless, and when its all out on Blu-Ray, and when its all been rereleased in the cinemas in 3d, they might get around to it if they somehow run out of money.
  18. And here is why we need a "speculation thread", cause the "Matrix sequel" news was discredited pretty much immediately.....
  19. Thought that this might be an idea, especially for sequels that are so embryonic in their development that they don't deserve their own thread yet. First cab off the rank. Does anybody want The Matrix 4 & 5?? They really did leave it open at the end of the turd third one, but do we want another??
  20. Sebastian-frikkin-Shaw???!!!!! :P
  21. There are some that would argue that ALL music video's are a distraction. ;)
  22. Actually, that is a great idea. Here is some Eno..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLXyNuyxggs Sorry, its not a proper clip. They didn't always used to make em, you know.
  23. And we care about this because??? Its worthy of its own thread because???
  24. Why....did.....January....Jones.....get....the.....part......???
  25. Correct. It is in the shooting script therefore not a mistake.
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