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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. There are other things that are annoying about this as well. Bruce Boxleitner is now 65 which probably means that this was his last chance to play Tron and if they leave it too long I guess they will be looking for a total "reboot" of the franchise if they do another film, which will suck. But yeah, at the end of the day, Disney has all of these other franchises going gangbusters for them now so why bother with anything that could be perceived as a financial risk. I wonder how far along planning was for Tron 3 though. I suppose we'll find out someday.
  2. Yeah, but Disney is shiiting itself because Tomorrowland has "underperformed". You know what it's like, all films are expected to be billion dollar making blockbusters today, there is little room for films considered to be more moderate successes and certainly no room for SF films that fit that bill. I can imagine that Tron 3 probably had a very high budget estimate that got the studio nervous. And since this is true "Disney" property I don't think we will see it get taken to another studio, of course. A great pity.
  3. Word is starting to circulate that Disney has pulled the plug on this film! Damn!
  4. When is the Yamato film coming out on Blu-ray.
  5. You mean that all 10 members who have not been permabanned can see each others email addresses. LOL. Serves them right for maintaining such an antique website......
  6. Pretty cool. I guess we can say that there is not really a move away from CG in Hollywood recently, they have just come to appreciate that there is still value in real props and modelwork.
  7. The Gunstar is an awesome ship. The death blossom "petals" opening looked cool as well. The Ko-Dan ships also had a nice unique design. I had the comic before I saw the film and I couldn't believe that it was an actual movie, it was that cool.....
  8. Disagree. I was watching it on TV here the other night and apart from the close up rendering of the asteroids surfaces, the mountain that the Rylos base is mounted on an pretty much any other landscape, the animation still holds up pretty well. In fact, my biggest problem with the movie was THIS extra and his facial expressions who should have been much further back in shot.......
  9. Only 'cause I was stumbling around trying to find this stoopid thread, LOL!!!
  10. Looks like SONY has picked up the LAM rights for RT.....
  11. Any word of a follow up to the 2199 series yet? (Apart from the movie, when is that coming out for home release, BTW?)
  12. Funnily enough I have enjoyed the series more in my 30's and 40's than what I did in my teen's and 20's. Guess I fall more into the target audience age now and know that it's not all about the "pew pew". The character interactions and development on the show was really good and stands up well. The first few seasons were clunky of course but only in that era could a show plod along for a few seasons without getting quickly axed. (How many potentially good shows have been axed in recent times because they haven't been given the chance to "develop"?) It had pretty high production values which I think is what saves it from being forgotten and second-rate.
  13. This to me was a big issue with the film. That's not to say I didn't like it but they went on with a lot of metaphysical stuff that probably doesn't really belong in the action film it was trying to be.
  14. And that's the problem. They are all a bunch of absolute hacks with no concept of how to review or even how to write.
  15. A great actor and a true SF icon. He will be missed......
  16. Fark me, I hate just about every internet movie reviewer though. Bunch of wankers.
  17. Frikkin NICE!!!
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