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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. You can't cancel a project that has about as much credibility as vapourware. And for those wondering why Tobey M. got interested in the RTLAM to start with, two words. Tax dodge.
  2. That's absolutely right. Problems with continuity, canon, reboots and retcons are effectively killing comics, especially for casual readers. Just read this little article about reboots and retcons and their impact on DC.
  3. I think that TISM accurately reflects my sorrow at the death of Amy Whinehouse, enjoy.....
  4. Smaug is going to be voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch, who has become famous in the last 12 months for playing Sherlock Holmes in the latest BBC series based on the legend. Great actor. Martin Freeman plays his Watson so there is a bit of a link there...... A trailer for Sherlock, so you can get some idea of what he's like..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kewHgXwgemk
  5. For a childrens animated program it had a pretty accurate depiction of how industrialists and developers could not give a stuff about the environment.
  6. When I first read this on Dark Horizons I thought it said *Captain Power* live action film to be made. Imagine that. "Captain Planet and the Soldiers of the Future" LAM
  7. It did have the brains to build a flying saucer when it was pretending to be Blair. Sure it slipped up a few times, but I think that things like the underwear business was just it's attempt to confuse the base members. (and it was successful in confusing them)
  8. Yeah, that is possible. But the John Carpenter version revealed that it can have a degree of cunning. What better way to avoid being busted in a blood-test scenario than by hiding in a womb. People are forgetting that this creature wants to get the hell out of Antarctica and will do so by any means necessary. Nyah! :P And besides, who cares about logic, it would look great on film!! It can infect a person with just a few cells. It doesn't have to appear as a big gooey alien. Remember in the last one how everybody had to start to prepare their own food and shite.
  9. To hell with that. How about some real shock and horror, with one of the female characters being pregnant and giving birth to some sort of nightmare that she has been infected with that has taken over her foetus. That would be terrifying.
  10. Who is the chick in that one?
  11. Its funny isn't it. To filmmakers it is probably the biggest "in joke" that they have, but I think that so many in the general public are aware of it now, that it does have the effect you describe of taking one out of the film. And for those who want to know what the hell we are talking about...
  12. If you have to ask.....
  13. Personally, I am sick of some of the G1 worship. Some treat it like it was perfect. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdPDQ6P2ypo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du69Ud0hfpU And one of the reasons why Casey Kasem left the show.....
  14. A more high-res version of the poster that Exo put up this morning. And the extra detail reveals a stunning feature......
  15. But I thought that critics were always right!
  16. Its just the shittiness of the sequels that has made the first film seem better, even though it wasn't.
  17. Lets break in this new music thread with a song that has 17 million views on youtube.....
  18. First teaser poster. Drool.........
  19. Personally, I think that the problem with this film series has been Michael Bays age. Not that he is too old to do films like this now, but the fact that he was so old when the original TF series was on TV. It is extremely unlikely that it had any real impact on him and therefore he has no idea as to what the fans have been after in this film series. In saying that, I still understand that the films have been a massive success and the studio has no real reason to change direction now with future TF films.
  20. Yes, I would never deny being a wanker. I have been surprised though at how the thread has taken off and like I suggested, the passion people have about this topic, even after three films, is astonishing. I would expect people to say that they never wanted to see another TF film again.
  21. How about the next live action film being a remake of the original TF movie from the 80's? I'm sure that most of us would love to see Unicron. And it should fit into continuity?
  22. Yeah well, it *is* going to happen. AND there is already speculation about where the franchise will go now that Bay isn't doing anymore.....
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