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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. "KHANNN!!!" is pretty good, but "Ship....out of danger?" is heartbreakingly good. Such a good film. The most successful film at emulating the original series.
  2. *EXCELLENT* first post dude. A lot of people lurk on forums for a while, getting a feel of what's going on and then when they do start posting, they do so with a little bit of caution so they don't piss off the community that they are about to try and enter, but you just WENT FOR IT, got a lot of regulars off side and then wondered why a little bit of hatred was sent straight back at you. Love your work......
  3. Seconded, especially the bit where they put the eels in the ears!!!
  4. I can understand that......
  5. I have no idea of what you are talking about........ :D
  6. 3D rocks.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjUTReWUTaQ
  7. So which versions of these films are going to get converted to 3D and re-released in the cinema??
  8. Yeah, the Clone Wars were much better as a mysterious whispered about element....... And in ANH when Ben was referred to as General Kenobi by Leia, I always imagined him as a uniformed soldier rather than some sort of hippie fighter......
  9. LOL x 100.
  10. Insert villain wholly owned and controlled by HG here.......
  11. You made me laugh and now I can't stop, dammit....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyDqd42-FKg
  12. Yeah, a good film that I don't think the director is going to be screwing around with in 30 years time.......
  13. It is still possible for the whole "Nooooooo" thing to be a hoax to drum up publicity?
  14. I swear, if Lucas hadn't of farked around with the Vader stuff in ROTJ, I probably would be getting this.
  15. "I didn't think it was possible for something to suck and blow at the same time......"
  16. Just think, somewhere out there is the person who was 7 years old when they won the competition to design all of the new alien races in the Sentinels.....
  17. Thanks for that, but my bandwidth is too tight at the moment. Just watched the first few mins, the opening titles is the best thing about it. Actually, this would have made a GREAT animated feature.
  18. Yeah, it would have been great to see. The comet empire was always my favorite yamato stuff...
  19. Yeah we do, how about the great Australian hobby involving asia and dragons.....
  20. A very underrated band from the 90's.....
  21. Michael Crawford is a comedy legend, but not for this bloody movie.... Frank Spencer rules!!
  22. Meh, once you have this on Blu-Ray, you don't need Star Wars.......
  23. Technically, at the moment, these movies are "retellings" of the old Evangelion story with new events/characters/elements included. The animation/action/everything about it has been brilliant so far. BUT There has also been a few lines spoken by Kaworu in the new films that suggest that either the events of the films have happened before or possibly these events are not a retelling but actually take place *after* End of Evangelion. Time will tell.
  24. Works better if you say it three times..... :P
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