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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I publicly apologise to anybody who may have been offended by my posting of youtube links on this page. I also apologise to people who made those youtube clips.
  2. Custard at The Standard in Sydney on 24.9.11 A really good show. AND, I scored a setlist....
  3. New scene's, LOL.......
  4. Who is Erica Campbell??
  5. Christ, it's been a long time since I heard that song.
  6. Seriously, does anybody *really* think that Lucas took any of this stuff into consideration??? I really doubt that he did.
  7. These guys tomorrow night...... YEAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. From wikipedia, which is always right.... "A director's cut of Dark City was also officially released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on July 29, 2008. The DVD version removes the opening narration which the director felt explained too much of the plot, and restores it to its original location in the film. The director's cut also includes 15 minutes of additional footage, generally consisting of extended scenes with additional establishing shots and dialogue.[66] The DVD also includes expanded audio commentaries by Ebert, Proyas, Dobbs and Goyer, and several new documentaries. The Blu-ray disc includes all the content from the DVD version, as well as the original theatrical cut and the special features from the 1998 DVD release."
  9. I think it depends on the style of the "directors cut". If is the sort of thing that the director had his cut and the studio refused to release it and then they release their own version, (resulting in Alan Smithee as director), I think that the ultimate release of the "original" version is important. (most of Zack Snyders films seem to go through this process) I think that the directors cut of Dark City was far superior to the version that was released in the cinema's. If it is a director just trying to correct their "errors" later on (I'm lookin at you, George L.) I am much more wary of it....
  10. How I choose to remember REM..... They did rock....
  11. Interesting theory, but I don't think that GL knows what was happening, it was purely "making up the shite as he went along" and I doubt that he put as much thought into it as you have. Ever thought of becoming a screen writer?
  12. Yeah well, its thanks to The Phantom Menace that we finally know where David Bowman from 2001 ended up (see his space pod next to Watto on the right of this frame), so why not look for Rick Hunter too.....?
  13. I love open ended films like that.
  14. OMG!!! (That means Oh My God!!!) :P Back in the 70's and 80's, from what I understand, TV networks often used to show their own "edits" of films, quite often using footage never seen before and in some cases since. This was especially true with the first two Superman films, as they both used scenes on TV that were not used in the later DVD releases. Khan is the same.
  15. Hate is one of the few things that separates us from "the animals". I say, embrace it.
  16. That's really too bad about TMP, I like the "new" version.
  17. Not such a big difference to Wrath of Khan, makes a VERY big difference to TMP if the didn't include the trims and new FX shots of V'Ger etc.
  18. Ohhhhhhhhhh-kaaaaaaaaaay.
  20. Hang on. Citizen Kane is out on Blu-ray?? WOOO-HOOOOOOO!!!!! (just noticed that it is pretty pricey though. The next major film I want to see on blu-ray is Lawrence of Arabia, should be great......
  21. Hey. I saw Star Wars when it first came out. I was five years old. I remember sitting in the cinema with my mother sitting next to me reading the opening crawl text to me since I couldn't read. I have really fond memories of all three films in the original trilogy. It's too bad that I will never get to see those films again. We are all entitled to an opinion here. That whole sequence that they added with Vader returning to the Star Destroyer was unnecessary and really spoiled the flow.
  22. The best romance stuff in all 6 films has to be in ESB, with Han grinding down Leia's defences to bring out her true feelings. Personally I don't think that Lucas originally had any plans for Luke and Leia to be brother and sister until he was writing ROTJ and suddenly realised that he needed a reason why the Luke/Leia romance didn't go anywhere. A few more female characters in the original trilogy would have made it more plausible though.
  23. Nah, it's the original, leaner version. Dunno why, but I prefer it to the extended version.
  24. Dude's, we should take off and nuke the Star Wars Blu-Rays from orbit, just to be sure, cause the GREATEST SF FILM OF ALL TIME is on TV in Sydney RIGHT NOW!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKSQmYUaIyE
  25. Fantastic. What is the context for this?
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