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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. We need a chart so we can identify these refugees. Was it his wording that gave him away or his fake ID?
  2. Um, you do know about *those* pictures.
  3. Yeah, I guess I was being a bit unfair to Mr Phelps. LOL Actually, fill in the gap. The RT fans protest sign would say "God Hates ____________"?
  4. RT fandom is like the Westboro Baptist Church of Anime fandom in general.
  5. Thats the problem with the type of armour he has these days. It's so bodytight it barely looks protective at all. It makes him look more like a robot than a man in a suit. Guess I would prefer a more old fashioned and chunkier suit.
  6. I smell Pizza.
  7. *Great* first post dude. What do you do for an encore??
  8. Mate, it's time to let Robotech and all the bad baggage that comes with it (HG, MEMO, etc) go. Come over to our side and become a Macross purist. It will do wonders for you.
  9. Meh. Life scars us enough, no need to add more.
  10. Well, I think that this project will be the key for the RT:LAM. There is no way that it will be greenlit while this is in production and if the Akira films stuffs up (high probability of that), I think that people can kiss the RT:LAM goodbye for sure. Time will tell.
  11. What about Southern Cross fans?
  12. Napalm Dropper. LOL.
  13. Could be worse. They could be trying to maul Flashback 2012 for footage.
  14. This fits in perfectly with their business model. If anything it's just a surprise that they are including new footage. Why are people surprised by this?
  15. I think its really funny how Paramount is so tentative about this though, releasing the little "taster" disk first to see if people are interested in it. They once had much more confidence in this franchise and would have released all of it without a second thought. Now they aren't so sure....
  16. Wouldn't they still be vulnerable to accusations of copyright breaches? Sure the characters and designs would be different, but it would still be known where the original story came from.
  17. No KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!! :P
  18. Not looking for major spoilers or anything like that, I would just like to know if this version retains the very dark humor of the Carpenter version, which was one of the best things about it. All the promo stuff makes it look very "straight".
  19. This is one of the earliest Lego "animations" and it is the one that I like the best......
  20. I try to get in here normally and it tells me that there is fixin to do, but I can log in at work. What is being done here and am I supposed to be here now??
  21. I said fairly similar, not exactly the same. But yes, robot living with the family.
  22. I knew that there was something horrible lurking in the dark recesses of my mind and today I recalled it. A show that is at least as bad as but I think worse than Small Wonder. I present to you..... METAL MICKEY!!!!! First part of Episode one..... Second part of Episode one, where Mickey "comes to life". Admittedly a fairly similar concept to Small Wonder but it predates it by several years, so there. And this is *really shite*....
  23. It sucks. There you go, you just did.
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