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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Yeah, I think that they were chasing another syndication number. 175 new episodes + the 85 original episodes = enough episodes to show one every weekday of the year. (or something like that) Anyway, enough HG chatter here.
  2. That's always been the viewpoint I have taken towards this. They have been hyping it ever since the prequel trilogy ended and it hasn't gone anywhere. Personally, I would like to see a series set at the beginning of the Old Republic, depicting the original conflict between the Sith and the Jedi. That would be cool.
  3. Great. So now we are going to have people trying to literally pull rank on each other. LOL.
  4. This thread should do it's own skype podcast. I'm sure that most of us would have some sort of amusing comments.....
  5. I think that I discovered that Macross was a series in it's own right (not part of Robotech) when I read the article in the April 1986 issue 105 of Starlog, Japan+Animation= JAPANIMATION!! This article also mentioned that Harmony Gold was going to commission a further 175 episodes of animation to "bridge the gap between the three series" and that the first 65 new episodes were expected to be ready by the end of the year!!
  6. It's fine as it is, just leave it Yueh. You will always be the Flash Crapper in my heart.....
  7. YES!!!!!! And here is a video I recorded of Future of the Left playing their classic pop ballad adeadenemyalwayssmellsgood at the Annandale Hotel back on Dec 8. Enjoy....
  8. I also predict that this will be the last "Alien" film that we see in the original continuity. I think that this film will set the stage for a remake/reboot of the original. (I doubt that Ridley would do it though)
  9. I think that they are going to have problems marketing this film to a "broader" audience without the Aliens in it. (don't like the Xenomorph expression) Ridley Scott fans and diehard Aliens fanboys will certainly be on board (ie, people like us), but to a broader cinema going audience, all they really have so far is star power. I'm not trying to be critical here, just making an observation.
  10. It's called inbreeding. LOL.
  11. Three new contenders today, the first one being season appropriate, The second is General Zolo from Romancing the Stone. Watched it last night and he is bloody ruthless.. The third speaks for itself, I don't think he has been listed here before.....
  12. I wasn't the only one saying it at the time but I think I was pretty correct. Thanks for io9 for pointing out this little gem...... Check out the whole article here for analysis. Also look at the comparison between the Prometheus trailer and the original Alien trailer.......
  13. To be fair (not that I really need to be in regards to HG and RT), there are a lot of older programs that have been released on DVD and blu-ray that have had their original content edited due to copyright and legal considerations. Most of the time it is in regards to soundtracks. Music and songs that once had legal clearance to be used in shows often have to be removed because the rights for their usage have expired. In mild cases like Doctor Who and Felicity, copyrighted music in the background has just been replaced with generic "soundalike" stuff. In the worst cases, like some episodes of the Young Ones, entire segments have been cut from the show, which is really terrible. (I know about Felicity 'cause my wife watches it.)
  14. Don't worry, I'm sure that we will continue to get disillusioned RT fans continuing to wander over here from time to time, saying that after the better part of THREE DECADES that they have seen the error of their ways and now want to be Macross fans. When you look at it, it's really extraordinary that there are any RT fans left.
  15. Just out of interest. Has purchasing lots of crap from the Robotech.com store ever protected anybody from being banned from the forums?
  16. Looks like Zor has OD'ing on the steroids, that or he's about to do this.....
  17. HG should "purchase" this and combine it with Mospeada for a Robotech Sequel.... My head hurts......
  18. Yeah, that has always been an interesting claim of Macek's, but at the end of the day, with no proof to back himself up I consider it to be just a conspiracy theory to help explain why a project that was his responsibility went bad. Robotech Art 3 is full of excuses, some more credible than others. (I think that the problems with the exchange rate is a factor that can justify quite a few problems), but at the end of the day, it still sounds like Macek just trying to blame others for the failure.
  19. Yeah, just read about the TV series thing. That has me even more excited. I thought that the animation wasn't quite up to feature film quality, but if they avoid going to places like Beeland I will be happy.
  20. Here is a youtube version of the trailer. The music has been replaced with the traditional Yamato theme, so enjoy..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scA5-z5jHBk
  21. I liked how they kept the original ship designs, they looked pretty cool. Seems that there will always be people around trying to squeeze more money out of Yamato. Doesn't bother me though.
  22. DUDE!! You clearly have your priorities wrong!! Who tries to get people interested in Star Crash by mentioning the Hoff, when Caroline Munro was in it??!!
  23. Yeah, the show was loaded with major flaws. Thats not to say that it didnt have potential, I'm just saying that the potential was never realised. The show being cancelled was a mercy killing.
  24. ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ................ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  25. Heh, Imagine that, Roger Corman making a Robotech LAM.
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