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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Actually, that brings up a good question. Who to direct Episode 7? Personally I think it should be someone like Brad Bird maybe. Good with action AND character development. Any other suggestions?
  2. SECOND moon of Endor, to quote Wikipedia....... "The second moon of Endor, also referred to as the forest moon of Endor, or sanctuary moon, is a moon in the Star Wars universe."
  3. Hey man, everybody knows that the Ewoks are from Endor!! :rolleyes:
  4. WOW, I never knew that the Disney castle was on ENDOR!!! LOL!!!
  5. Any mention of the vapourware Star Wars Live-Action TV series that was supposed to appear in the midst of all this?
  7. Interesting indeed. Is Agrama actually in jail in Italy or is he in the US?
  8. Some good designs, some great action sequences, some interesting ideas, but ultimately it did not come together as a show. Too bad.
  9. Yeah, he could never afford to buy a new mansion, I'm sure.
  10. Heh, like the way that Eric Stoltz was nearly Marty Mcfly (in fact he was for the initial shooting)..... and of course, some of the worst SF casting ever in the next example that was quickly fixed.......
  11. That's really hard to say. Studio's are famous for picking hits and misses wrong. Even audience-testing has been known to stuff up on occasion. Problem with this film is that with a big director like Ridley working on it, even if the studio had concerns it was unlikely that they would step in. It does happen, I think that the most recent Judge Dredd had the director replaced either during or after production and they reckon studio execs have recently travelled to the latest Mad Max set to get things back on track. The first things studio's get worried about during production are budgets and running overtime on the shooting.
  12. The best thing about Prometheus were the trailers and promotional campaign preceding it. They made it seem like it was going to be a fantastic film. (Just go back to the earlier pages of this thread for some indicator of the excitement that was building up pre-release......
  13. And it's already been stated by a mod, why lock this thread when it is more fun than the film?
  14. I think that the real strength of the original Aliens films, for all of their individual faults and weaknesses, was Sigourney's incredible portrayal of Ellen Ripley, and I don't see anything of the like in Prometheus. It seems like a lot of fanboys are ignoring this.
  15. BUY ANIME????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Seriously though, some stuff gets released locally here but I don't buy much because: a) It's very expensive b) It's hard to find c) Most anime is shite. (there, I said it)
  16. I just wanna see a trailer for now. Would indicate if it was the sort of thing I wanted to see.......
  17. Come on, I can't believe that people are arguing so much about this film. Lets look at the reality of it. * Ridley Scott sat down, watched "2001 A Space Odyssey" and decided he could do better. * He created a film that copied "2001" on nearly every single major plot point that was also based on an existing intellectual property. * This film he created, known as "Prometheus" demonstrated that Ridley could not improve on Kubrick. * Much fanrage. * End of story.
  18. With my physique I would only be good as Ryu and that helmet is simply the wrong shape. LOL!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-kJ9HeczRI You forgot the very last one where Berg Katse himself appears at the end, and he has never looked cooler or more dangerous......
  21. As a student and teacher of History and Politics, I would rather see a doco talking to those involved than watch a dramatisation.......
  22. Enough of the overacted, cartoonish villainry on display here, how about a bad guy who is truly cold and not even trying to kill the hero. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-3HaOvUIzw Richard Burton as O'Brien in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Quotable quote: "You must love Him. It's not enough to obey him."
  23. If I was in charge I know which direction I would go with a sequel.......
  24. It's opened in the UK and the first review looks promising. To sum up without spoilers, cheap, dirty, gritty and very violent. What else would anybody want from this film? And in an answer to the most important question. Yes, it stays ON. I still think it will probably bomb internationally, but with a 45 million dollar budget, they should be able to make that back.
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