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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. THIS IS REALLY FUNNY. There was a story on the internet today about how a "robot" was featured in a source that was supposed to be about the Russian Revolution of 1917 in a Senior exam in Victoria Australia. Seems that the people putting together the exam had taken the source from the internet without looking at it too closely and had failed to notice the "robot" in the image of Revolutionaries Storming the Winter Palace in 1917. So I looked at the image to see if I could spot the robot. Can you?? Here is the article. Read and enjoy......
  2. Um no. They are just more closely based on the originals.......
  3. Cybermen 2.0 from the new series. Neil Gaiman is writing the episode "The Last Cyberman" and it looks like they Cybermen have been rejigged again to look at bit more like the "classic" series versions. More pics here
  4. Modern Hollywood couldn't give a stuff about the "adjusted for inflation" list. The fact that anybody goes to a cinema to see films these days is a miracle in itself.
  5. No I get your point, don't worry about that. Personally I think that the Rebuild Shinji is just less hesitant than the TV series version. Thats all. I am more concerned about what they have been doing to Rei in the Rebuild series. As much as I love the Rebuild films, I was concerned about her efforts to get Shinji to have a better relationship with his father in the second film. I can see the logic of it, that part of her character can be seen as the Yui in Rei trying to bring the two together, but I think that the more insular, embittered and ultimately defiant Rei from the TV series and original films ("I am not your doll") was a stronger character, not just worried about pleasing others.
  6. You love it.....
  7. Reading the last paragraph of this post reminded me of the ending of 2001:A Space Odyssey. Good work.
  8. I still think that the TV Shinji VS Rebuild Shinji argument isnt' worth worrying about at the moment with the possibility that the Rebuild films are set *AFTER* the TV series. (I know a lot aren't buying it, but it is still possible).
  9. What about the fate of Star Wars LEGO? Does this mean that renegotiation is on the cards for that??
  10. Nup, no effing way. He couldn't give a stuff about the EU as long as it brings the money in. He was never going to follow its "directions".
  11. I think, in all honesty, the best thing about episodes 7,8 and 9 is that we don't really know what is going to happen or where they are going to go. There were NO surprises at all in the prequel trilogy, mainly because we all knew what had to happen by the end of them....
  12. Yeah, they detailed that on the "Empire of Dreams" doco or whatever the hell it was called on the original DVD release. Pretty good doco for info about the trilogy. Pretty bad doco from the way it tries to portray George Lucas as a "Rebel Leader" fighting agains the "Evil Empire" (Hollywood studio system) to get his films made.
  13. I enjoyed "Splinter of the Minds Eye". VERY non-canon but a good read and one of the earliest if not *the* earliest EU work.
  14. The mods just need to merge them if they want. (HINT) Then again, I started my thread on this when the last two films were supposed to be released on the same day, but I think that plan has gone out the window, hasn't it??
  15. Mate, I am really, really sorry that we are not all looking like Olympic Athletes when we get to over forty. My sincerest apologies and I am sure that Ms Fischer would apologise as well if she had the chance. :rolleyes:
  16. Yeah, it takes a little bit of gloss over the announcement of the deal. Realistically, I would imagine that they would be projecting ticket sales of over a billion each for episodes 7,8 and 9 so there's three billion, factor in merchandising, DVD & Blu-Ray rentals and sales, TV rights as well as possible TV series (live action & animation) and I think it can be seen that Disney is going to make it's money back pretty easily on this deal and then some. I don't know how far along the plans are for Episode 7, but to me the 2015 release date seems a bit optimistic if they don't want to do too much of a rush job. Yeah, I was careful with my wording. If I had to say "best" I would say Doctor Who.
  17. Four billion for the biggest SF franchise in the world. (Sorry Trek & Who) I think Disney got a bargain.
  18. Heh, heh.....
  19. I meant Marvel, I didn't say anything about Lucasfilm....... :P
  20. I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the REAL intellectual property that Disney was seeking with this deal......
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