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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I mentioned Space:1999. It was a flawed masterpiece. When you read about the hoops that Anderson was made to jump through to produce pretty much *all* of his shows, it becomes clear that his creative vision was held back at times. Especially with the second season of 1999, which was truly awful. Here is the episode you mentioned, Dragon's Domain...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79dD5kQ1zLs
  2. It wasn't all doom and gloom though. Thanks Gerry.......
  3. A truly great loss of a fantastic SF creator. Of course everybody is talking about the Thunderbirds and I'm not trying to say that the show wasn't great, but for me, the really classic Anderson stuff were his live-action efforts, UFO and Space:1999. Neither show was perfect, but I enjoy them immensely. UFO in particular was *very* dark. The UFO episode "A Question of Priorities" is a classic example, Straker is forced to sacrifice the life of his own young son to stop the alien invaders. Very, very dark......
  4. Last line from the intro to "The Prisoner".....
  5. Who cares about the "big" girls, anybody get this joke from episode 3??
  6. LOL. You need to get out more. Make that your new years resolution......
  7. Just out of interest, is there anybody posting on this thread who *hasn't* seen the original series? I want to talk about some of the upcoming stuff but I could be giving away big spoilers to those who are unaware of what happens in the original.
  8. Is this "two guys operating one unit" or are they operating two different units. Don't get a bee in your bonnet about this sort of stuff yet.
  9. The Yamato is "dimensionally transcendental". LOL!!
  10. Sorry to hear about the passing of this legendary astronomer. If anybody hasn't taken the time to check out The Sky At Night, the show he hosted for 55 years only missing one episode, they should.
  11. Avatar??? Enemy Mine??? Are you kidding me?? Its this.... .....combined with this......
  12. Ha! I think its more due to the fact that we can now turn on the subtitles and understand EXACTLY what is being said!!
  13. Japanese version. 10 seconds of extra footage. You tell me what movie it is, 'cause it's obvious.....
  14. I wouldn't read too much into sequel talk from the studio at this stage. Remember the sequels for Green Lantern and Tron:Legacy that were supposed to be pretty far along in the planning stages when the films came out? Where are they then? Not much has been heard about either. Sequel talk before an original is out can be seen as: a) Yes, there is a sequel in development but since we don't know how big the original will be we will wait and see if we are either going to make it or cancel it. Splinter of the Minds Eye, the Expanded Universe Star Wars sequel novel written by Alan Dean Foster was supposed to be a possible sequel to Star Wars on film if ANH didn't do as well as hoped. It was going to be a low-budget quickie. Instead, ANH was a huge success and Splinter was never developed further than the novel. B) Talk of a sequel in development at this stage can be seen as the studio as talking up it's own product before release, trying to seem to be reeeallllly confident that the film will do well.
  15. I'm sure that there will be tougher battles ahead. They have been walking through the Gamilon forces, but that has been due to overconfidence from the Gamilas. Once Desslock starts taking the threat more seriously.........
  16. Nice little bit of Evangelion 3.0 coverage on Dark Horizons of all places..... Looks like the film is doing great business.
  17. Early versions of scripts and even synopsis of films are pretty useless. ON PAPER, a lot of films can be made to look great. I read an accurate synopsis for Star Trek:First Contact before it came out and I thought it sounded like a great film. My opinion changed quickly once I saw it. I think that this film was going to be a stuff up one way or another.
  18. The Victorian Board of Studies will probably cop a C&D from HG. LOL. Seriously though, I was reading this article at work (in a teachers staffroom). When I saw the article I started to scan the foreground of the image for the "robot" but as soon as I noticed what it was I burst out laughing so loudly everybody was wondering what was wrong with me. This needs to be a new internet meme.
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