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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. “he’s got a mad demon in his house”
  2. Was it SyFy that did the version of Flash Gordon with NO SPACESHIPS!!??
  3. As a Gatchaman/BOTP fan for over thirty years, (fark), I have to say that no matter what I am interested in the prospect of a LAM, so I will wait and see about this.
  4. Ewww. That was terrible. Which is a pity 'cause it's the first bum note (literally) that they have hit so far with 2199.
  5. D'OH TO THE POWER OF D'OH!!! http://www.doctorwhonews.net/2013/04/dwn050413130012no-eccleston-in-50th-anniversary-special.html
  6. I see your Alanis/Wesley, I raise you the chick with the fangs in Sneaker Pimps......
  7. Yes, too far indeed. THIS is much better at dealing with excess testosterone......
  8. Loving this song right now.......
  9. I think that this is the biggest problem with some of these films. Much of Disney and Pixars success since the release of Toy Story has been that many of these films are "Family" entertainment as opposed to "Kids" films. To me, Cars was definitely a "kids" film and many parents don't want to be dragged into a cinema to sit through that sort of thing. "Family" entertainment means that both parents and kids can enjoy the films, but I think Disney is forgetting this and losing the plot....
  10. 00.43. The girl typing on what must be the world's first wireless keyboard....LOL!!
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA OH DEAR GOD!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=dhqfdpIkXKA&NR=1 LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Thanks to the internet over the last decade or so I have become aware of Mr Ebert and his work here in Australia and I have to say that, even though I might not have always agreed with his views or reviews, I could not fault him on his morality, love of humanity and his love of film. But THIS was the moment when he really won me over and I became a fan...... (He would have won me over sooner if we had ever got his show over here, this is from a documentary about the film BLT (Better Luck Tomorrow))
  13. There is clearly no other way to see LLA!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CabB4E4qLw
  14. Go STRAYA!!! indeed. Of course, with the best stats and most kills, it means that Eureka Striker (Cool name if you know Australian history) is not going to survive till the end of the film. D'OH!!!
  15. It's simple. Giant robots onscreen that are not frikkin transformers or comic book characters? I'm there.
  16. Thank you, although I suspect that some will struggle to get their heads around that concept.......
  17. LOL Thanks for that. A lot of people seem to be quite willing to forget the insanity that became part of Trek fandom in the 1990's. AND a lot of people seem to forget that the fans abandoned the TV version of the franchise soon after..... So the idea that the fans think that they can dictate what goes on in the franchise now is REALLY funny...... (They are Enterprise ratings, BTW.....)
  18. Screw you idiots, I think Voyager's great.......lol...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sE5gNEWQNU
  19. Not so sure about him causing problems with TNG. I heard a story that Q was primarily his idea and that the writers hated the character. He was made to cop the perceived "failure" of TMP (which I think was flawed but not *that* bad) and it's also said that he had major issues with The Undiscovered Country right before he died.....
  20. The original Trek series had an engine room more impressive than Abrams version, FFS!!
  21. Lets just hope that they spend a bit of money on an engine room set this time.....
  22. It looks great FX wise and I am not hung up on the "Alien" thing either. I just think that the script stunk (needed a lot more revision, to me it looks like it must have been too close to the first draft, clunky dialogue and exposition) and I also think that Ridley Scott is very overrated.
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