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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. After listening to his characters voice for about 2 seconds it was pretty clear that he was meant to be gay. Great hair too, Taksraven
  2. I doubt that I am the first one to notice this, but.....
  3. Who says that Sheryl is a human being? Taksraven
  4. I think that its pretty clear that the animation does not show any real indication of the timing of the events it depicts, especially the way the colonisation fleet arrives at Eden and then a heap of other fleets seem to be instantly launched from Eden. I love this stuff. The speculation, the mystery, etc.... It really hooks you in. I would like to think that with this series that we might get some answers. If not for the Megaroad 01, then maybe what happened to Shin and Sara....... Taksraven
  5. Johnny Byrne (born 1935 in Dublin, Ireland, died 3 April 2008) Its all well and good to remember the deaths of larger than life "legends" such as Charlton Heston and Arthur C. Clarke, but its also important to remember those who do not get the recognition they deserve in life. Johnny Byrne was a good example. He wrote stories for Doctor Who such as "The Keeper of Traken", "Arc of Infinity" and "Warriors of the Deep" and he also wrote several episodes of Space:1999, including two of the best episodes, "Voyagers Return" and "The Troubled Spirit". He also wrote heaps of other programs as well as working as script editor and consultant. He will be missed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Byrne Taksraven
  6. Easy, Les Claypool III did the final sound mix for the English version of Macross Plus. He is also the lead singer of the band Primus, which I have seen in concert many times. Cool, eh..... Taksraven Edit: Now I am reading statements to the fact that Les Claypool is not the same person as Les Claypool III who did the mix for Macross Plus. I am going to look into this. What a pity......
  7. I love it every time they say "PROE-TOE-CUL-CHAAAA!!!!" Great stuff Taksraven
  8. Don't forget that it was the Cylon featuring in your own avatar, Leoben Conoy, who said early on that Adama is a Cylon. I have not been able to get that out of my head and I think that he is right. Taksraven
  9. Here is a big stack of Cylons that not many people know about..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cylon%2C_Wisconsin Taksraven
  10. I could not resist the Cannon Fodder moments in Macross frontier, they were too brutal!! Taksraven
  11. I think that the whole series is a joke. Taksraven
  12. But I wanted to see McG or Pitof or maybe even Michael Bay have a go at it!!! Taksraven
  13. First comment? Nobody else going to comment on "Partners in Crime". I thought it was a pretty good episode. There was a little bit of padding that could have been tightened up, but what the hell. Taksraven
  14. **Prediction time** I bet that in this version that in this new version, Klaatu gets to kiss the single mom chick, DUDE!!!!! And the chick will have to qualify as a MILF! DUDE!!!!! Taksraven
  15. The new 209 Number 5.... "You now have 10 seconds to comply!!!!!" Taksraven
  16. Outstanding!!! An excellent resource is brought up to date, well done..... Taksraven
  17. Is it the raw or fansubbed version that is up? Anybody have ANY idea? Taksraven
  18. Its not a particularly inspiring topic, since most "remakes", whether they be cinema or TV are inferior to the original at best and at the worst they are utter garbage. There are a number of reasons why this is the case, varying from a lack of understanding (or even just plain ignorance) of the original material, through to funding or even just sheer bloody mindedness. Examples of success and failures. Failures - Avengers TV Series Vs the Avengers Movie - It was clear that the producers of this film believed that all the punters wanted to see was Uma Thurman in a skintight outfit. Everything else about this sucked (poor acting, poor writing, poor direction, etc....the usual suspects). This is the movie that convinced me once and for all that most movie remakes are garbage. Transformers TV Series Vs Transformers 2007 film - Once again, I dont think that the makers really had any idea what made the original series popular and this film stuffed up badly as a result. Not good. Successes - Star Trek The Original Series Vs Star Trek The Next Generation - No, I am not trying to restart that argument, I am just pointing out that doing the Next Gen series and setting it in the future was a great idea. You could have the original continuity, but you could also change parts due to time passing. Pity that the writing was not always great and they also made too many episodes (quantity ruining quality, as usual). Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Vs Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet The original series always had potential and the remake realised that potential. By using state of the art CGI, interesting scripts and by having the guts to have a program in which death could take place, this show was very underrated...... As for shows to remake now, I would think that Space 1999 always had a lot of potential. Gatchaman would look great in CGI too. I would be happiest to see some new material made, this lazy remaking of old TV and Films is stupid. Where is the new stuff. Writers, get off your backsides!!!! Taksraven
  19. Hate to be a nerdy nitpicker, but the series of Dr Who that is being made now continues the original continuity. It is definitely NOT a "remake" in the same way that the Bionic Woman and Battlestar Galactica are. Taksraven
  20. Dunno about the Cyberman pose, looks like his about to flick out Wolverine claws from the backs of his hands. Taksraven P.s. - And please explain why Jay and Silent Bob are classified as mechanicals in your collection.....
  21. I am not sure which one it is. From what I heard though, This synopsis is old so I don't know how much it will resemble the final product. You can see why I used the spoilerbox, enjoy.... Taksraven.
  22. I think that the other incredible fact about the success of "Blink" was that it was the "Doctor-Lite" story of the season. Tough production demands means that David Tennant gets a bit of a break during one story each season. "Love and Monsters" had been the Doctor Lite story for the previous season and while the concept behind the story was an excellent one (The superfan spoiling the fun of other fans), the execution was poor, I thought. But, Blink was brilliant and the Doctor Lite story for the upcoming season looks like it has potential as well. Taksraven
  23. As much as I love most of the movies that have been mentioned so far, I hate to say but most of them are just "bubblegum" pics. Not B-Grade but certainly taking an easier and more superficial view of the world. I think that the most prophetic films are often more literary ones. And quite often they have taken as much "Science" out of the Science Fiction as possible. Lets see, a prophetic Sci-Fi film about our world. With the world in which we now existing in a constant state of war against a virtually unseen enemy. An enemy with a leader who cannot be tracked down but still uses various media to taunt us. Even though we are not sure if he is alive or dead. With governments and business encouraging us to blindly follow. Where voices of dissent are considered to be the enemy? A world in which we are constantly being monitored (and watched) by CCTV cameras. A world in which the language is being corrupted, shortened and simplified to such an extent that it is often unrecognisable to older generations. A world in which living standards are falling for many, but the leaders tell us that we have never had it better. A world in which Big Brother is very popular. In other words. Nineteen Eighty-Four Filmed several times and one of the greatest works of literature ever. George Orwell was a true visionary. And to think that the book was really about 1948. Taksraven "Do it to Julia!!!!!"
  24. He's just a character dude, so therefore not real, so who cares? I am sure that there are plenty of idiots worse than him in reality anyway. Don't Panic Taksraven
  25. Mao had her blood mixed with the Birdman/Birdhuman (what is the official name for this device), so I think that that genetic link will be what the "Bugs" are after. Mind you, it did seem to be zeroing in on Lanka as well. Maybe they just like young girls. ; ) Taksraven
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