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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I liked the way in the Shadow Chronicles that the Invid (Inbit, whatever) were shown the door straight away and then the NEW BAD GUYS APPEARED INSTANTLY. You can almost hear the HG accountants and lawyers saying "Quick, get rid of the enemy and aspects of the show that we don't own completely and introduce a NEW enemy that we DO OWN completely." At that point I removed it from my DVD player never to return. Taksraven
  2. Ok, I'm in. The fan club, that is..... Taksraven
  3. Not a character I know, but I really like the "Big Red" Vajra's. So far just about everything about them has been cool. Their combination bio-mechanical aspect is interesting, their actual design is really cool (I love it when they rear up with all their arms outstretched), their single-minded determination and tenacity (even with his head blown off, the one in Ep3 still goes for it), the fact that they are so deadly (I still think that they made the destruction of the one in Ep4 TOO easy, it should have at least killed some cannon fodder.) and ultimately that they are so different from anything that we have seen in Macross before. I especially like the way that the one in Ep2 gets "distracted" by Ranka's scream when she is groped by Alto. The cool way that it (fatally) ignores Ozma like he isn't even there and then the poor bastard gets it in the neck. It will be interesting to see what happens with these creatures in the future. I think that they will turn out to be the fighters for another race, bred to do the dirty work. Whatever their true nature, I just hope that the producers don't stuff it up. Taksraven
  4. Not sure. There was a HUGE delay between the releases of Macross Plus parts three and four and I heard that some sort of legal action was involved. The story I heard was that the Japanese were demanding more money because of the success of M+ in the West. Can anybody confirm or deny this. Taksraven
  5. More like dipping a toe in to check the temperature. Taksraven
  6. They could, but they should not have to. Taksraven
  7. Have to agree there. Beast Wars was a brilliant and vastly underrated series. Its too bad that it has now "dropped off the radar" to such a large extent. Now we have the characterisation-free movie franchise. The thing that Beast Wars really got right was making the characters interesting. All TF since then has simply sucked. Taksraven
  8. I have to admit that there is something mesmerising about that radar dish when there is a shot of Luca in the cockpit. It just goes round and around and around and around and around and around and around and around.......... Taksraven
  9. Would have been nice if she had won though.....
  10. I love the Japanese movie (I am pretty sure that it was Japanese) where a giant meteor or object of some description is approaching earth and they use rockets on the poles to move earth out of the way. Can anybody ID this film? Taksraven
  11. Don't think I would bother, I was disappointed by this film. The characters were some of the stupidest I have ever seen. Taksraven
  12. Well, we have waited a few episodes for absolute confirmation of this but we can now say without a doubt......
  13. Is the SMS carrier fitted with a Wave Motion Gun? Or does the Captain just dig glasses that look like welders goggles? This detail has probably been talked about before but I missed it. Taksraven.
  14. I really like the "little" characters in this show. In episode 4 we had the return of Mr "Natural Pork" chef and the debut of Alto's teacher (what a legend)...... Taksraven
  15. Fantastic frame, good spotting..... Taksraven
  16. Shouldn't the thing be protected by spoilers, I mean, some have not seen it yet and should be ready for the shock.... Taksraven
  17. Great spotting, good work!!!! Taksraven
  18. I always like the stage of the week we are at now when we can see the thread for the next episode pinned and ready to go. Can't wait...... Taksraven
  19. WHAT FLAVOUR IS IT?????? Taksraven
  20. One of the coolest parts of Macross when it starts marching. A bit strange and surreal that it would do that to the floor but very cool. Taksraven
  21. This video I uploaded to Youtube has been getting me in trouble with "Emo's" for the last few months, enjoy.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZJNGbQ56jI Taksraven
  22. I love that bit of the show, it was great...... Taksraven
  23. Good for you. Taksraven
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