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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Another voting selection could have been... - Because it is not *another* stupid crappy reality TV show. I mean, there is so much rubbish on television at any one time these days its such a relief to see programs that are different and are also GOOD SF. Its like I observed in an earlier post, 2008 is a great year so far 'cause you have new Macross, Dr Who AND BSG being shown at the same time. Great stuff... Taksraven
  2. You forgot one.... - Jaded fans who nitpick the show too much at times........check :lol: Taksraven
  3. I hope you meant to say tie up all the loose ends. Taksraven
  4. And I would STILL like to know why the captain seems to have a pair of goggles as part of his uniform. (Strange fashion sense or a mega-powerful piece of artillery on the Macross Quarter.) We might finally find out next episode. Taksraven
  5. I think we just need to say SF magic and not get too worked up about it. Most (99.9%) SF and SF Anime has little basis in reality. Its just the way it is.
  6. Where do the pilots legs go????? :lol: Taksraven
  7. God, Space Above and Beyond, you are reeeeaaallly showing your age there. Then again, I was going to be an old codger and compare the end of episode 6 to some of the scene's in Space Battleship Yamato that had the heroes preparing to fight and then departing to a rousing tune. Come to think of it, I think I have seen the departing sequence from the end of episode 6 in another show apart from SB:Y. Anybody have any ideas. (Yes, I know it has been done a few times in SF and other genre's, but there is something that is VERY similar, I just can't remember it.) Taksraven
  8. Bah, lets not get too worked up about animation yet. I'll tell you whats cool about this show and thats the music. Do we know if the first OST disc is going to be Sheryl and Ranka songs or is it also going to include some of the orchestral stuff, because I have really been enjoying the orchestral stuff. (Also the pop stuff too, don't get me wrong.) I especially enjoyed the rousing theme that they played during the last episode just before Sheryl's concert. It was a more "epic" version of the music from the start of Ep2 when Alto rescued Ranka. Great stuff, I WANT IT!!!! B)) Taksraven
  9. I was thinking SV-51 - especially with those canards on the front. Its not a modified YF-19 is it. (I will get howled down on this one for sure). Isamu??? Taksraven
  10. People have been begging for this movie for over a decade and I don't have the faintest idea why. Taksraven
  11. Poor Cathy, only one vote (not mine). And a Miss Macross runner up too. Taksraven
  12. Golden Week???? Oh, ok, public holiday. Taksraven
  13. Multiple Macross 1/4 class ships next episode????? Look at the picture I have borrowed. The ship closest to the viewer has a profile that would seem to match a Macross 1/4 ship. BUT, the ship further away and above it seems to have a very similar if not EXACTLY the same profile. Maybe another SMS fleet? Or just other ships of the same class that belong to NUNS? It will be interesting to see. Taksraven
  14. This is who he has to be..... Taksraven
  15. Ok, time for some technical expertise (Mr March or anybody else with some idea.) Here are the ships, can we have them identified please. (The ones that can be identified that is.) Taksraven
  16. This picture needs a funny caption desperately, but my wit is not up to it at the moment, anybody want to have a go???? Taksraven
  17. VADER IS LUKE'S FATHER!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! Taksraven
  18. Thats the most valid point anybody could make about this. Basically it is NOWHERE near as bad as some of the stuff we had to endure in the original series. So just bear with it and enjoy the show. If you get toooooo nitpicky its hard to enjoy anything. Taksraven
  19. I think that says it all about why I don't think that Alto will ultimately end up with Ranka. She is essentially still just a child. Sheryl is definitely more of a "woman". Unless Ranka matures quite a bit as the series continues to progress. Taksraven
  20. A bit off-topic I know, but.... I have to ask and I know some software that can do it, but what software do you specifically use to make such great animated gifs. Taksraven
  21. I said "essentially the size", not "exactly the size". Taksraven
  22. Ever seen the old 60's SF series "The Invaders". It all makes sense. Taksraven
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