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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. If the "carrier" arm of the Macross Quarter can disconnect from the main body of the ship, is it a ship in its own right? I wonder if it can function by itself and if it has its own name. Might be the same deal for the other arm of the ship too. Just wondering. Taksraven
  2. Put simply, he helped them by not killing them. As others have pointed out, he had ample opportunity. I still think that this is going to degenerate into some sort of three-way conflict and I think that the Vajra are going to end up being the pawns (or prawns, depending on your opinion of them ) in the battle. We do not know enough about the Vajra to know if their motives are truly evil, but I predict that they will be squished BEFORE the end of the series, with the final conflict being between the SMS/Frontier forces and whoever the hell Brera is working for. Taksraven
  3. REALLY?? I never noticed...... :lol: Taksraven
  4. Thats the Cannon Fodder rule then, isn't it. Cannon Fodder will be hit directly in the cockpit every single time with no chance of survival. Macross Zero had some of the best examples of that. If the hero is hit it will be anywhere BUT the cockpit. Taksraven
  5. Thats one criticism that I did have of Episode 7, the Vajra seemed to be nowhere near as deadly as they have been in the past. Taksraven
  6. Thank god. Economics as a whole is pretty much ignored in SF in general. Except for "Trade disputes and federations" in a rather crappy set of prequels which demonstrated successfully why economics should be ignored. (It was brought up in Hitch-Hikers Guide, I guess, but only so Douglas Adams could take the piss out of it.) Taksraven
  7. The vision that Macross Frontier shows is that the future, at least on the colony ships, seems to be pretty prejudice free. Its hard to believe that humanity would so easily give up such a bad habit. Taksraven
  8. This brings up the thing that I am most confused about now with Macross. According to the discussion here, DYRL is supposed to be a movie made within the Macross world to summarise the events of Space War I. Ok. I can understand that. Now, if this is the case then why do they show a frame of Britai and other characters from the original series at the very start of Macross Frontier but using DYRL designs and events. (Roy and Minmay were certainly not with them when they were captured in the original series.) What I am asking is, what is canon now. The events and designs from the original SDF:M series or the events and designs from the "fictional, but based on fact" DYRL movie??? I know that this is probably a dumb question but I was wondering if it was possible to get a simple answer to this? Taksraven
  9. I was going to do an eyecatch party on Youtube when the series was over. Still think that the Ozma one was the best so far. Taksraven
  10. Thanks for those gifs, they were fantastic. Taksraven
  11. Yeah, he watches too much TV. That or he has been programmed in hypnovision. Hang on, he looks a bit like this..... Taksraven
  12. I wonder how the Destroid Monster design would fit into that. (I know what is in Frontier is not really a Destroid Monster, but still, if they wanted to be annoying.) Taksraven
  13. Yeah, but if they used the old UN Spacy logo in this series you would have morons posting footage of it on youtube and in other places claiming that it was NEW ROBOTECH and playing the robotech theme over the top. That sort of annoying crap does go on. With the rights issues for Macross in dispute in the U.S. (No, I am not trying to open THAT can of worms), at least this series has a better chance of release in the U.S. EDIT: Sorry, you can tell that I wrote this without checking the following posts that had already stated this. Taksraven
  14. Thats the problem as soon as any program is "Remastered" for Dolby 10.5 million with 200 speaker surround sound or whatever crap. It means that most of the time they go back and rip out all the original sound effects that you might happen to know and love and replace them with *special* (often very generic) sound effects that are designed to make your sub woofer make big noises. The gunpods on robotech are a good example (they just sound like normal machine guns now don't they?), but don't worry, they also stuff around like this with "BIG" releases. In the Special Edition DVD release of the movie "The Terminator", they remastered the sound. As a result they took out all of the original gunshot sound effects ( most of which were really distinctive and tried to reflect the nature of the different weapons being used) and replaced them with ones similar to what you hear in the remastered Robotech. It makes the movie quite unwatchable if you are really familiar with the original version. Original version of Tech noir shootout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOb8NC708_c...feature=related Remastered version of Tech Noir shootout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVfnfxgG6jg Its a terrible practice and I am surprised that people don't complain about it more. Taksraven.
  15. S.M.S = Shoji's Macross Sideshow Taksraven
  16. no, you are taking ME seriously. :lol:
  17. Well, they are entitled to their own opinion..... Taksraven
  18. The "ear" antennas make the VF-27's head look a bit like this. Taksraven
  19. If it is possible to have variable fighters, maybe, as was pointed out earlier, a person could have variable breasts?? :lol: Taksraven
  20. Yes. Both of these guys agree with you. Taksraven :lol:
  21. S.M.S = Strip, Myung, Strip!!! Sorry, having M+ flashbacks. Taksraven
  22. Same colour as Nora's unit too.......(Not that that would really mean anything) Taksraven
  23. Well.......YEAH.........but I put the picture up on here first....... Doesn't THAT earn me a medal?? :lol:
  24. Has anybody managed to get the Shinsen RAW yet? I am just interested to know if it is worth downloading? (400 meg for an mp4 seems a lot) Taksraven
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