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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Reality check time I think. Listen. Its just a show meant to entertain you. Don't get too worked up. Taksraven
  2. Bugger! I was going to start a Frontier Music thread. Oh well. I find some of the influences of the music interesting, and not just the pop stuff. We had the music in episode 6 and 8 that sounded like it escaped from pirates of the Carribean. (When they launched the recon units in Ep 6) We have Aimo which sounds to me like it has Celtic/Irish origins. (Anybody else hear that or is it just me?) Infinity reminds me of the music of Evanescence. (I hate the band, but I like the Infinity song) I think its the heavy guitar instumentation combined with Sheryl's "raven" look when she was doing the song. The music I like best though is the stuff playing after the opening titles of episode two. They also played a variation on this theme when they were loading up the Macross in episode 6. Great stuff. To be honest, I have been enjoying all of the music of this series so far. Brilliant stuff. Anybody else hear any interesting influences in the music? Taksraven
  3. Explain to us, in detail, what you liked best about the shower scene and were there any aspects of it that disappointed you. Taksraven
  4. grumble....grumble....grumble.......making the Vajra seem less dangerous.........grumble........grumble Taksraven
  5. Yep, I did notice a lot of that going on. too bad. Taksraven
  6. Do we know if there was any real sf or literary inspiration for the Zentradi to be a race of giants? Are they based on anything interesting. Or did the producers just think that they would be a good idea? Or did having a race of giants in the series justify the Valks? Taksraven
  7. I think that the Miss Macross competition in Macross Frontier was inspired by the Miss Macross Competition in the SDF:M series. Taksraven (I know that responses like that make baby Jesus cry, but.........)
  8. They looked EXACTLY like Cheyenne model Destroids to me. (If anybody picked any differences, let me know, I am interested in this.) I have a sneaking suspicion that the animators might have gotten lazy and be using the old models from Macross Zero. Not that there is anything wrong with them, but I am sure that if Macross 1/4 is so good it should not be equipped with early or first model destroids. Don't get me wrong, I do like the Cheyenne's though. Taksraven
  9. It is clear that insanity is truly overtaking Hollywood on a daily basis. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/080518i.php Put simply: YOU COULD NOT MAKE ROBOCOP ANY BETTER* I am not saying that the movie is absolutely perfect, but it is excellent, a lot of fun and just great. I couldn't care less about Red Dawn, I always thought that was crappy propaganda. But HANDS OFF ROBOCOP!! Taksraven * Ok, I will admit that there is one bad FX shot in Robocop and thats right at the end when Dick Jones is blasted out of the window and it switches to a crappy claymation shot of him falling to the ground. Yes, I would use CGI to fix up that shot. But thats just ONE shot in a relatively low budget film that needs work.
  10. Latest news on the new Terminator movie with Christian Bale. Looks like overkill is on the way since he has signed for THREE terminator flicks. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/080521f.php Taksraven
  11. This link should work, I couldn't get the other one to. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/080521d.php Taksraven
  12. Don't forget, I think the version that you watch FIRST has a big impact on which you prefer. (Not trying to start a Dub vs Sub war here though). I would find it quite difficult to watch Macross Plus in Japanese with subtitles for the simple reason that the Dub version was the only one I had access to here in Australia for a long time. I had no choice until I got the DVD two years ago and by then I was too used to the dubbed version. Taksraven PS. With most anime DVD's, don't bother to watch the English dub with the English subtitles on, as they are usually too different. (Most english subtitles are translated quite differently from the japanese audio.) Very annoying for people like myself with hearing problems.
  13. VF-27 Geometry (watch it move) Taksraven
  14. That would be cool. We also need a movie edition and/or OVA based on the Macross Frontier series. Taksraven
  15. Well, I know what the word "shite" (if it rhymes with bite) means in certain parts of the UK and Ireland. :lol: This video will help explain the context of the word. Taksraven
  16. Actually that was a very busy time. We had the Macross falling to Earth in 1999. We had the moon blasting out of orbit on September 13, 1999. We also had to deal with Second Impact when it took place on September 13, 2000. We also had the discovery of TMA-1 on the Moon and the Discovery mission to Jupiter/Saturn around the same time. Now all we have to look forward to is the arrival of the Zentradi and Jupiter turning into a star. Oh, and Third Impact as well. No, Macross does not need a retcon. A retcon is what comic book writers use when they are feeling lazy. Taksraven
  17. Well this is the Mecha/Technology thread, but anyway...... Yes, I think a lot of Ranka's problems stem from her youth and immaturity. I think that so far Alto only really sees her as a kid and not a serious love interest, but then again I have been calling Ranka jailbait all along. I think that the best comparison for the Vajra would be hunting beasts in nature. They attack and fight because it is part of their instinct, whether they want too or not. (You watch a domesticated cat when it see's a bird. Even with thousands of years of breeding as a pet behind it, it will still try to get the bird, it just can't help itself, pure instinct) Taksraven
  18. Y'know, I've never watched Heroes. So I don't think that influenced my ideas. Taksraven
  19. For sure. I suspect that he might have little or no real direct control over his actions, especially with his hypnotoad eyes. Since the failure of Sharon Apple and the Ghost project, maybe humanity (UN Spacey, UN, whoever) is trying to make weapons that can be easily controlled, but they are biological rather than mechanical. I think when the truth about Brera is revealed we will see the storyline get much darker. I've said it before and I will say it again, I don't think that the Vajra are the real bad guys of this series. Taksraven
  20. Ranka the "experiment". With Ozma assigned to protect the experiment. Wouldn't that be a nasty (but unlikely) plot development. I think that Ozma might know more than he is letting on though. Same as Leon clearly is. Taksraven
  21. I agree that he was never really "entangled" or captured, but I disagree that he actively hindered Alto's escape. There is something else going on here that we are not aware of yet. That much is for certain. Taksraven
  22. Yes, but as was pointed out by someone else, the Vajra did seem to have some sort of "anti-missile" flak (the tentacle defence pods)that they used in episode one that seemed to be strangely absent from episode 7. The red Vajra that captured Luca did seem to use the same sort of ectoplasm to grab his fighter and cart it away. Looked like Spidey the way he did it. (Surprised that I have seen no other comments on this new ability.) I still think that overall the Vajra threat did not seem to be as great in this episode. Their mothership folded in, blasted one capital ship with its main gun, sat there doing nothing for ten minutes and then used the main gun to take out an asteroid. (If it takes that long to charge their big gun they have real problems.) Compared to episode one when the red vajra used its big gun in rapid succession in a few minutes to take out a capital ship, blast a hole in the colony ships dome and then take out a bunch of tanks. I think in episode 7 what we needed was more shots of cannon fodder getting trashed (I only saw one SMS destroid blow up) to make the battle seem more realistic. (I doubt that they only lost one VF-25). If they want to downgrade the threat of the Vajra that is fair enough, but they need to introduce a new threat to replace them (yes, I know that the vf-27 and its supporting forces will probably fill that role.) I know that the Vajra is not invincible, but neither is the SMS. Taksraven
  23. Ah-Harr, got em first!!! Taksraven
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