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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Yes, but if Alto could take out the enemy by himself it would make more sense I did note that he had already stabbed the Vajra. A sword would certainly do more damage at the very least and it would improve the chances of the Valkyrie pilot to remove a limb or head or cannon from the enemy. I will definitely dispute you on that one. Most of the time that we have seen Ozma fly out for combat he has been using heavier armor than a standard valk, with more missiles, etc. He is specialised most of the time in combat. Remember, he usually gets to have the Itano Circus fun with all the missiles he is carrying. As for Alto's valk, I think others pointed out after the Deculture edition of Ep 01 that Gilliams Valkyrie (Which Alto has inherited, as well as Gilliams role in the squadron), was a Pursuit Valkyrie. Lighter armour and weapons but FASTER, thats how Gilliam managed to almost keep up with the Vajra unit attacking the Frontier in Ep 01, when others like Ozma could not keep up and arrived at the battle inside the city late. I think its fair to say that all units in the Skull squadron have specialised duties they are expected to perform. I think that giving at least one unit better weapons to deal with hand-to-hand combat would be fair. I know that a lot of people don't like swords so how about a bayonet, eh? Taksraven
  2. If they were going to specialise the Valkyrie squadrons SO much I think they would need to do more to improve a Valk for close range Mêlée combat. It would seem that all of the VF-25's are equipped with the PPB knife but after watching Alto grappling with the Vajra in the latest episode I thought it was pretty clear that he needed a more effective weapon in such a situation. Maybe a PPB bayonet mounted on the gunpod (we have seen that used effectively in Macross before, yay) or *maybe* (and I know that this is going to start people howling and saying that Macross will end up looking more like Gundam), maybe even some sort of PPB sword. I mean, if you look at Alto's fight with the Vajra, I think its pretty clear that the bug is able to hold off the knife to prevent Alto from stabbing him again. A sword would reach easier, would probably do more damage and generally would be more effective. Not all units would need them, just units that engage at closer quarters (in other words anything other than snipe and radar units). Plus, it would look cool. As long as its not just a lightsaber rip off. Other options would be things such as maces, flails or axes I guess. I know that this would change the combat style of Macross but we all know that the combat styles have undergone radical changes for this series. Anybody else got thoughts on this? Taksraven
  3. I would prefer pie.... http://www.weebls-stuff.com/wab/piepod/ :blink: Taksraven
  4. Don't look now. *groan* There always has to be one. Taksraven
  5. Thanks for those gifs. I really love the shots zooming in on Alto's Valk all the way to the head, and they did it at least twice in the new episode. Mmmmmmm Mecha heaven....... Anybody else think that the head of Mikhails unit really looks insectoid? Taksraven
  6. Gotta love that unit. So cool. Taksraven
  7. Sorry, I would rather bet Klans saline-filled ones on that since Nanase doesn't have implants! Taksraven
  8. So we're going to get tribal about this, eh. The battle lines have been drawn. Taksraven
  9. "Its just a flesh wound. I've had worse!" :lol: Taksraven
  10. COOL!!!!! Very nice shot. Taksraven
  11. Time will tell, but I think that I'm right and yer wrong. Taksraven
  12. Mikhail has variable ears. At times pointy and at other times not. Taksraven
  13. I was really slow with that one. I originally thought, "Oh, isn't it cute, she's got a dolly" and the next thought "Wait a minute!!" :lol: Mikhail + Klan + (the new) Romeo + Juliet?? So sad. I predict that these two might not have a nice fate, the same as Shakespeares lovers. But whatever happens, they will be together at the end. Taksraven
  14. C'mon, we all love Bobby, don't we?? (If you have read some of my previous posts you will notice that I support B.O.I.N.G anyway. So I am spoken for. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Shower scene.........*gurgles*) BTW, do we have any translation as to why Bobby got annoyed with Ranka's manager? Taksraven
  15. Bah, its not that bad. Only the part when they were zooming in on the meeting from above and Cathy and Leon had NO FACES and it kept zooming in on them. Looked like a real animation error, actually. Taksraven
  16. Has to have NUNS connection, otherwise it would not have a NUNS logo on it. (Yes, I believe its a NUNS logo now, they made it really obvious toady. Unless its like the old pirates trick of having flags of different nations handy depending on who you encounter. Taksraven
  17. What I can't understand is if the Vf-27 is some sort of secret unit, WHY does it have a NUNS emblem on it? Taksraven
  18. When I saw that shot for the upcoming episode all I could think of was the pier/jetty exploding with everybody on it. Kind of morbid I guess. Taksraven
  19. Ok, just a few of MY thoughts on the episode before reading the rest of this thread. 9. Two words - SHIRTLESS BOBBY!!!!! And now I have to go and ruin this post by covering it with black stuff. Taksraven
  20. The dub of the second movie was ok. The really funny part was the famous blooper when Desslock slipped up and called the Yamato the Argo. Great stuff. Taksraven
  21. Thanks for the headsup on that fact, I didn't know. Time to drag out my M+ and Earth to the Moon DVD for a voice comparison.
  22. This shot illustrates very well the cute way that her eye colour matches her hair. Great stuff. Taksraven
  23. I like the other one where you can see her from behind with a bit of her backside poking out from the towel/sheet and lots of side breasts. Yum. Nicest looking animated character that I have seen since Birdgirl. Taksraven
  24. I think thats more likely, but I liked it better when the Space Warp made Nova's clothes disappear. Taksraven
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