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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. You forgot to mention Infinity. Taksraven
  2. Since we do have so much time to kill and since we are nearly halfway through the series then perhaps this would be a good time to look back at the series so far. All of the episodes have their own strengths and weaknesses so which one do you think has been the best so far? Do you like the mecha porn? Do you like perving on Sheryl, Nanase or Ranka? Do you enjoy character development or big battles? Do you love Hippo-Cows? Have a think about it. So with eleven to choose from, lets go. Taksraven
  3. I just wish that they had done a dubbed edit of the movie version featuring the same cast as the rest of the series. Would have been good. Taksraven
  4. Yeah, but I started that thread AFTER this one. Taksraven
  5. AND another one: I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/080604h.php Taksraven
  6. Definitely SF this one: Capricorn One: http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/080605f.php This is really getting absurd. The original started with an interesting concept and degenerated into a crappy chase for the second half of the film.... Taksraven
  7. Not SF of course but if you want more evidence that the execs are out of their minds..... My Fair Lady: http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/080606p.php Taksraven
  8. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/080606q.php More evidence that Hollywood definitely thinks that it has run out of ideas.... Taksraven (Maybe its time that we had a dedicated Remake News thread, since remakes are being announced on a weekly basis now.)
  9. Ooh, Ooh, where did you get that picture of Nanase you use in your avatar??? I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, PLEEASSSE!!!!!
  10. I think that if Grace wasn't such a bad girl that she would at least have some votes. I think that Leon nearly qualifies as a girl too. Taksraven
  11. OR, maybe Nanase thought any chances of her being with Ranka went out the door. :lol: Taksraven
  12. IF they were to answer what happened to them, it would depend on how it was done. If some old guy just walked up and said "Hi, I'm Shin!" it would look pretty stupid. I dunno, its all really weird at the moment and even spirals on the Vajra units and the fact that we have a "Legend of Zero" movie and mention of "Dr Mao", it does not mean for sure that this series will be tied that close to M0. I think that Shin and Sara either appearing or their fate being revealed is about as likely as Hikaru and Misa appearing. Maybe Shin and Sara were taken by the aliens and will return during Frontier merged into a unit called "Tigerhawk" that will be trashed in the next episode. Ha, Ha. Taksraven
  13. Possible, but taking such a long time to reverse engineer it? Possible but not likely..... Taksraven
  14. Yep, thats the one. And it sounds bloody fantastic too. I hope it is on the next OST. Taksraven
  15. There was a strong possibility that both Shin and Sara died at the end of Macross Zero. We didn't see Shin after his unit hit the water ( an impact that would easily have killed him) and we didn't see Sara after the Monster blasted her. I remember at the time that people were trying to work out if she could have survived. I think that this was definitely done by the makers in such a way that it was ambiguous, but most people like to think that they did both survive. I personally think that they did and then Trancended in some way to "another place". I can't help but get the feeling that this is also how Macross Frontier may end too. Taksraven
  16. UNPOPULAR THEORY THAT MAKES NO SENSE NO. 666 Since both the Vf-27 has a built in sword and Brera does too, MAYBE one transforms into the other and vice versa? EH?? In other words, Brera IS the VF-27!!! Taksraven
  17. Well lookee there, its got a SWORD coming out of its arm!!!!! HA!! I said that this idea would work with some of the Valks. ( I know that I was mainly talking about the VF-25, but this still vindicates my idea to an extent.) Taksraven
  18. Look at his shirt. Are those Mayan designs on it. If so, I want one...... Taksraven
  19. Legs repaired (pretty obvious in the preview shot). Ability to fold should be back to normal?? Taksraven
  20. Probably more for the tech thread, but it looks like they have been able to improve Bluetooth dramatically by 2059, just literally flick the info from one phone to another. COOL!!!!! Taksraven
  21. She shoved her tongue down his throat and you call it a CRUSH?? :lol: Taksraven
  22. Grace is a cyborg with variable hair length. OR, Grace is Berg Katse??? Male AND Female. Taksraven
  23. Its the monster eyebrows that give him away on the show. ( I have monster eyebrows too) Taksraven
  24. I think that they intentionally wanted the animation to look like that for the fight scene. Anybody agree with me on that one? Taksraven
  25. After the shower scene in episode 8. Nanase =
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