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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Oh sorry, didn't want to spoil Turner and Hooch for anybody when the dog gets shot and dies in the end to save Tom Hanks life and then Tom Hanks cries a lot and I think that then there were puppies but I can't remember properly. Is that better?? Taksraven
  2. You mean like in Turner and Hooch?? :lol: Taksraven
  3. Mindbending ending, eh...... I can hear the writers now as they said "Lets take everything that the fans think they know and throw it out the window". Loved the ending though, brilliant. Taksraven
  4. Anybody elses jaw hit the floor at the end of the episode????? Taksraven
  5. Well at least you got to see an ancient (and trashed) version of it in Ep 04. The Q-Raus are clearly a superior unit, I think thats why they would use them. Taksraven
  6. Totally agree with your first two choices. The VF-1J in particular always symbolised Macross for me (with its little "chin" jutting out that I always loved) and the classic white with red trim colours. Not sure about what choice I would make for third place, but I think that the thunderbolt has always been underrated, the VF-0 is really cool and I like the VF-25 as well. So many choices. Taksraven
  7. Yes, it could be just a flashback for Kamjin, but why the bionic implants then??? Taksraven
  8. Unfortunately he was not that well known here in Australia, but he was great in the Bill and Ted movies (Yes, I know that he did a *lot* more than that.) Anyway, RIP. Taksraven
  9. I love Doctor Who. I love Bad Wolf. I love laughing Daleks. I love cool Doctor Who next episode trailers. Enjoy.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f382j590gzU&NR=1 Taksraven
  10. Oh yeah. I forgot about that with his eye. Good thinking. But that would only open up a massive can of worms though. How did he survive the crash of his ship and *MASSIVE* explosion? How did he escape earth? Whats he been doing for the last few decades and how come he reappears now? All of these questions could be answered easily enough but in all honesty, a Kamjin return would deserve its own series or OAV surely, rather than just a side story in Frontier? Unless he is mixed up with the Vajra somehow. If it was him it would be cool to see him at work in his officers pod again though. Taksraven
  11. It could be, we are not sure yet. Would be cool if it was him or a clone. Taksraven
  12. YES!!!!! (climbs into time machine and hopes to emerge in the future to watch this episode) Taksraven
  13. It was just such a shock to see a character with that design, regardless of whether or not it is a clone of the original Kamujin/Kamjin/*Khyron* whatever.... Looking at it as well, does his helmet design seem similar too? I assume that that thing over his eye might be a targetting device rather than some cybernetic implant, but we will have to wait and see. With all the Queadluun-Rau action in this series, I think it would also be cool to see a Regult/Reguld Battle pod cameo as well, especially as they were one of the original Macross iconic designs. I know its probably too much to hope for. The shots on the Zentradi command deck looked really cool too. Can't wait for the next episode. Taksraven
  14. It was alright. It definitely wins the prize for "The most useless episode if you don't have subtitles", above any other that I have seen so far. The preview for the next episode was FANTASTIC. I think that the eyecatch was the most boring/least creative one that they have had on the series. Bring on next weeks episode. Taksraven
  15. Thats what I thought. I don't think that anything is absolutely confirmed yet about who is working with Leon and why. Taksraven
  16. BLOODY HELL, thats who I thought it was!!!! Taksraven
  17. GO SHINSEN!!! Just as the show is about to start up again they catch up. Good work. As far as I am concerned their versions of the episode are my archive-quality ones. (doubt I will ever be able to get this on DVD) Taksraven
  18. Combination of factors I think but I DON'T think that it is the show going downhill. Since it was the only episode we had for quite some time I think that a few of us watched it over and over again while we waited for more. I also think that the first episode has to have a lot of impact, and I don't just mean action. It has to paint a picture of where the series is going to go as well as introducing us to as many characters as possible. Quite a task. Also, the first episode WAS really really cool. I voted for it. The second "broadcast" version did bug the hell out of me though. The orchestral music seemed to be out of sync. Taksraven
  19. Well, the poll has been running for nearly a week now and it looks like episode 7 is the predictable winner. I guess that the real interest had to be in what were the runners up and by how much. Star Date running second was certainly a surprise for me. Guess that we do like stuff other than mecha porn. There may be hope for us yet. After episode 20 I will set up another poll for the next ten episodes to see which one out of that batch we like the most. Taksraven
  20. An absolute legend but at least he has achieved a kind of immortality through his work. In a world where physical SFX are generally going out the window in favor of CGI he MUST be remembered as a legend. God protect Rob Bottin, John Dykstra, and all the other remaining legends of the traditional SFX. Taksraven
  21. It DOES make sense and I think you are right. Taksraven
  22. Anybody else think that the fighter mode profile of the VF-27 looks really weird with no tailwings? Taksraven
  23. I can't believe that Episode 9 'Friendly Fire' has been so neglected. A great character-developing episode with fantastic mecha porn and for once the show was focussed on people other than Ranka and Sheryl. All the Klan enthusiasts should have gone nuts about that one too for obvious reasons. ( . ) ( . ) Taksraven
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