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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Any word on a second OST cd for MacrossF yet?? Taksraven
  2. Quite agree there. Sounds like they were trying to keep the spoilers hidden. Good on them. Taksraven
  3. Or anybody else's for that matter. They look TERRIBLE!!! Thank god the artwork in frontier for any vintage mecha seems to be a little bit more respectful. Taksraven
  4. I got bored and then had an idea. Enjoy the vid...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrYZYlKhWJ0 Taksraven
  5. Man, if its cannon fodder, a mere sneeze could knock out a VF. :lol: Taksraven
  6. Possibly the last Macross, fixing up as many loose ends as possible? Would be kinda sad but it would be great to see the franchise go out on a high. (As long as it does not have an Odeon-style finale) (I don't *really* believe that it would be a final-macross series, but you never know. I would hate to see it degenerate into something like what Gundam has become. ie, a joke that never should have gone beyond the UC) Taksraven
  7. No, the other option should be "Why the hell are we getting so worked up about this, we find out in a few days anyway". If we had used this mentality earlier we would have had a poll "Do you think the characters name is Lanka or Ranka?" Just for the record, of course it is the original Macross, why build ANOTHER one that would be a hodge-podge of technology like the original. Taksraven
  8. Are we agreed that Ranka's pet is some sort of baby Vajra? Taksraven
  9. Correct. Maybe it was put there for its own safety? Or maybe it is the Vajra hive?? Taksraven
  11. OI!!!!!, I suggested that pages ago, stop stealing or I will call the cops......... :lol: Taksraven
  12. Man, have consideration for those who have not seen Dr Who yet. (I know its been more than 12 hours, but we're not talking about Macross.) I think the cliffhanger for Frontier was actually better than the Who one as there was ABSOLUTELY NO WAY anybody could have seen that coming. Taksraven
  13. Look, I've seen signs of NUNS infiltrating our media for years, even BEFORE Macross II. Just look at this. AND this..... I mean, its everywhere, like its a government conspiracy..... (looks around nervously) Taksraven
  14. Wacky theory #69 Maybe Sharon Apple survived in the SDF-1's computers and finally took the ship for a spin properly. Maybe she is still seeking Isamu........ :wacko: Taksraven (I think it would be more fun to have an Isamu cameo than a Global one....)
  15. I hadn't thought about that, good point. They might as well have waved a big flag with the UN Spacy logo on it. Dunno why they had the Zentradi with a different symbol though. (different fleets maybe). I don't know why HG is so precious about so much Macross stuff these days since most (ie pretty much all ) of the designs in The Shadow Chronicles were based on Mospeada ones anyway. (Better stop talking about this subject now before the mods get annoyed, a bit taboo this) Taksraven
  16. One for the Macross experts. If Global was alive in 2059, how old would he be. Just imagine if he appeared. Also, the appearance of the Macross does bother me because now we have the possibility that it could be destroyed. (Yes, I know, that would be like killing the dog in a dog movie) That is one event that I do NOT want to see happen in Macross Frontier. Taksraven
  17. I think its a fair chance that he did survive. It only showed him hitting the water, NOT exploding. I still want to see him in a CG officers pod!! Taksraven
  18. I think I'm sorry I started this now..... :lol: Taksraven
  19. Watch the episode and you will understand what we are talking about. It is more than just a flashback, trust me. Taksraven
  20. Now THAT would be a cool TV series.... Taksraven
  21. In the Sixth Sense, Bruce Willis' character is A GHOST!!!!! And the chick in The Crying Game is really a guy!!!!!! Taksraven (Do I have to explain what Soylent Green is, or who Tyler Durden is as well??)
  22. I am probably wrong about this, but did anybody notice this...... Taksraven
  23. I want Luca's lunchbox...... Taksraven
  24. Anybody notice that the Macross is in exactly the same pose and position as it was in the final shot of SDF:M Episode 27. Even with the bits dangling off the cannon and the whole ship is tilted over to the side a bit. Eerie stuff. Taksraven
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