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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Tomino yes. Ideon specifically. Taksraven
  2. No point for a poll on this since there are too many characters. Who is going to die in this series? Who will survive? Leon is going to die for being bad. Grace will die if she is not dead already. Ozma will die before he gets to the Pineapple Salad. Luca is probably going to die and miss out on his steak. Cathy Glass is dancing with the devil and it may cost her her life. Brera is going to turn away from the dark side and sacrifice his own life to redeem himself and save Ranka. AND (this one is going to get me hate mail) I think that there is a strong chance that Klan is not going to survive this conflict. I can hear her confessing her feelings for Mikhail before she buys the farm. Ok, I don't necessarily think that all of these characters will be killed. BUT, I think that there is a strong chance that this Macross series could have the highest bodycount of main characters. Taksraven
  3. Its pointless to speculate about retcons with Macross anyway, since we have both SDF:M AND DYRL as true stories about Space War I. (Don't give me any garbage about DYRL being "just" a movie in the Macross universe, as we have discussed before it would seem that SK is happy to draw on both the tv series AND the movie in making his shows. I have no problem with this, but as I say, it really makes speculation about retcons pointless.) Essentially, very little is written in stone about Macross. Its like Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy in which every version (radio program, tv series, movies, books and even the vinyl LP's) is different and conflicting with each other but they are all equally valid. Taksraven
  4. AGAIN with the Space: Above and Beyond........!!!! :rolleyes: As long as nobody mentions Seaquest:DSV...........oops!!!!! Taksraven
  5. Here is a picture of Zomeo and Zoliet...... Taksraven
  6. I don't think that we saw the queen die. Brera's stray shot certainly hits the queen and goes through the crystals but I think the queen herself may have survived. Like when Ripley destroys the egg sac in Aliens but the queen herself survives and detaches herself from it. We will have to wait and see. Taksraven
  7. Sorry, I think that your proposed weapon already exists in anime...... http://www.chronicsite.com/gatchaman/fightermechs.html Look at the last mecha on the page. Similar concept you might agree. Taksraven
  8. I think you will find thats a PPB retractable sword as opposed to a knife. Same concept weapon that Brera used to halve the Hydra. Taksraven (ps, don't say that its PPB, just because its green, glows, and easily slices through the enemy some people don't think its a PPB)
  9. No, I think it will transpire that "natural" Vajra are not necessarily biomechanical. If Ranka's pet and the other thing we saw on the alien planet are anything to go by. Don't forget, the biomechanical Vajra are supposed to be quite brainless. Taksraven
  10. A lot of people are posting speculative posts about the rest of the series now. Halfway blues I guess. The interesting speculation is that the Vajra could be a benevolent or peaceful species. I guess that is possible if they have an original purely organic form, but the biomechanical mecha they use would seem to indicate a species well equipped for a major conflict. Face it, they are deadly. I guess the Vajra queen itself that we saw in the last episode seemed to be unarmed, but it had lots of minions to do the fighting for it. If the Vajra are an originally peaceful species that have been corrupted, I think we will find that it was by the Protoculture rather than by humans. (Don't forget the spirals) Maybe they were a precursor to the original Zentradi. Taksraven
  11. I love the Ruthless Reviews review of this film. Pretty much sums it up for me. Enjoy. http://www.ruthlessreviews.com/reviews.cfm...al_soldier.html Taksraven
  12. The remake of 1984 made in 1984 was pretty good. Can't really be called a remake of the 1950's version since they were both just based on the novel. The 1979 telemovie remake of All Quiet on the Western Front was absolutely brilliant. I show students that film and they find it hard to believe that things in a war could be that bad. The John Carpenter remake of The Thing was outstanding. I also preferred the more recent version of War of the Worlds to the 1950's attempt . (I still think that the true definitive version of that is to be made. Set in the proper location and era with the true horror of the invasion.) Yes, I will agree with you though. 9 out of 10 remakes are absolute garbage. Taksraven
  13. I think in Gundam that they corrupted this guys name for the physics since he used to work in mathematical physics and the theory of relativity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Minkowski Taksraven
  15. Yeah, thats the vibe I was picking up on too. Was Hancock any good? Taksraven
  16. Trailer for the remake is up. http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/thedayth...till/large.html Looks really weird. Think I will stick with the original. According to the Wikipedia article on the film, its about man vs nature as opposed to the Cold War man vs man theme. What a load of bollocks! Taksraven
  17. Well, according to some people, the original Battlestar Galactica series was the best SF EVER MADE! Yeah right! Its about as good as the Buck Rogers that was made around the same time. I got the DVD of series one of that and regretted it. It was better when I was eight. Taksraven
  18. "Most Pointless thread ever!" Taksraven
  19. Thats ok, as long as she doesn't feed it after midnight. Taksraven
  20. The start of episode 4 when is refueling plane is shot down and he has to try to catch his gunpod. Taksraven
  21. Pity that he only knows how to play one tune on that virtual harmonica. Taksraven
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