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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Well, that would be just as cool as Hikaru or Misa turning up..... Taksraven
  2. Just a coincidence, trust me!!! Taksraven
  3. Especially when the planet appears to be a gas giant that they would NEVER be able to colonise. Maybe they are collecting resources from the numerous asteroids in the area, or scavenging the old Zentradi battlefield in the area. We are being left in the dark as to what the fleet is up to. Taksraven
  4. Here is some footage I recorded when I set off a Dimension Eater in my backyard a few years ago. Enjoy..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DOMSITyrlQ Taksraven
  5. Well, the last time I set off a dimension eater in my backyard the planet survived. Have I look, I filmed it, enjoy..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DOMSITyrlQ Taksraven
  6. I think you are right on that one. The planet shows the same side to the sun all the time and that should cause the core to be stable rather than molten. Taksraven
  7. Mr Bendo is a real "See You Next Tuesday" sort of guy, it must be said. And by acting like that he absolutely destroys any credibility and respect that people might have for him.(if anybody had any respect for him to start with) Fine with me. Is he typical of "hardcore" Robotech fanatics?? Taksraven
  8. For once I was HOPING that I was about to be Rick rolled. Taksraven
  9. Sorry, I have to say this...... TO HELL WITH HG!!!! There, I've got that out of my system now.......
  10. Only for the lucky ones. Those who are unlucky in war end up being either maimed, scarred or in agony until they die. Trust me, in most warzones throughout history it has been the lucky soldiers who die quickly. Taksraven
  11. OMG! Do we HAVE to compare Macross Frontier to ST:TNG??????? Aarrgh, the pain!!!! Taksraven
  12. C'mon, I'm sure that he will always be the Robotech Fairy to most people! Taksraven
  13. Robotech Fairy = Karl Macek + pink wings? Taksraven
  14. There has been one? Or do you want us chasing our tails?? Taksraven
  15. The other question to be asked is "Does it need a second series"? I think that SDF:Macross was originally supposed to end with episode 27 but due to its success they dragged it out for more episodes. (and most of these were pretty dreary until the last two) I just hope that if they plotted Macross Frontier to only go for one season thats all they do, rather than "padding" it out. I have to admit though it would be pretty cool if the last episode of frontier ended on a major cliffhanger and all of a sudden we realised "OMFG, there's going to be another season". If they could spring it on us as a surprise, it would be brilliant. Taksraven
  16. Its not my favourite song in the show. I do like it though. I just think that other stuff is better. Taksraven
  17. Anybody else here concerned about the overuse of some music cues in the series. Don't get me wrong, I love all of the music, but I am getting worried that some stuff, particularly the orchestral is being used in what seems to be every single episode now. ( I know that they have introduced some new stuff over the last three episodes, but all the same....) Also, do we have to listen to Aimo EVERY SINGLE EPISODE!!!! (I know it isn't really in every one, but it seems like it. it is really being overused.)
  18. You mean his magical gunpod that reappeared a few shots later?? Taksraven
  19. Recipe for Pineapple Salad Ingredients * 1 egg beaten * 3 tablespoons sugar * 1 tablespoon corn starch * juice from can of pineapple * 1 can of pineapple * 10 marshmallows * 1 old Squadron Leader Directions 1. Inform the Squadron Leader before he goes out on his mission that dinner is going to be pineapple salad. 2. Beat the egg in a heavy sauce pan, add the sugar, corn starch and pineapple juice. 3. Cook on medium heat until it thickens. 4. When cool add the pineapple and marshmellows. 5. Put in fridge to let set. 6. It might be a good idea to lay some plastic sheets down on your floor and lounge. 7. Have a chat to the Squadron Leader when he returns from his mission. Let him strum his guitar. Mindless chatter is recommended. 8. Leave the room to get the Pineapple salad and be prepared for a shock when you return. Taksraven
  20. YES, that would be FANTASTIC!!! But then the next question. WHICH ONE!! (Is Macross Plus the only series we haven't heard any songs from?? Oh, probably Macross Zero as well....) Taksraven
  21. What if its a pineapple salad served with steak?? Taksraven
  22. Thats one of the reasons I love Starship Troopers. The trampy cheating girl gets the guy and the nice, patient, not-so- over-sexualised girl dies a horrible, painful death. (and I mean HORRIBLE) Brilliant subversion of the stereotypes. Taksraven
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