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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Next up on the chopping block. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/080925g.php Remakes of remakes, FFS. Its like Chinese Whispers, I guess eventually the remakes of remakes of remakes will be so different from the original that they will seem totally unconnected. Taksraven
  2. I noticed a flaw while I was watching the Karate Kid once. The flaw was that there was an axe embedded in the television screen, then I noticed my hand on the axe handle............ :blink: Taksraven
  3. Thank you for noticing that they have been posted here before. Would have been nice if I had been properly credited as the original poster. Oh well, it just brings more people to my youtube page. Taksraven
  4. Well, no praise from me then. I like to use REAL computers (My computer timeline - C64>Amiga500>Amiga2000>486>Pentium>etc) and I consider games consoles to be just toys by comparison. (There, I said it) In the world of REAL computers a 160GB HDD does not cut the mustard. Sorry, its a fact. I think that if Sony EVER wants these consoles to be taken seriously by some people they have to make machines with real grunt. And with their mass production they could afford to make cheaper machines with more power. Taksraven
  5. For what its worth, Macross Frontier managed to tick most of the boxes for what I wanted to see in a new Macross series. A very entertaining program with a LOT of mystery woven in to keep people guessing and interested. I admit, I usually like programs that are much "darker" than this one, but there was a general celebratory atmosphere to the series that was totally appropriate. I think a more negative or neutral ending like Macross Zero would have wrecked this series. And it did have its "dark" moments. A lot of people are now whining about this, that or the other but if you really hated it that much you should have switched off. I'll admit that I have had criticisms of the series myself, (problems with pacing, the varying destructive capabilities of the Vajra, etc), but I can see past these and appreciate the series now as a whole. I think its fair to say that most of us have had a great time watching it and a good time on the forums discussing it. At the end of the day I am NOT saying "Don't bag the show" but I am trying to point out that the series was meant to be a piece of entertainment that was fun. Don't take things TOO seriously. Taksraven
  6. Never presume because you make a PRES outta U and ME. (That was a joke, by the way) Seriously thought, I was having more of a dig at Sony than you. Its just the fact that the 160GB drive was mentioned in the topic heading and I thought that would be a good place to start with general abuse of Sony. This is Australian humour http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=p9izVu_TtAE&...feature=related Taksraven
  7. Replying to my own post here, but one out of three is pretty crap. Ha ha. *watches as his own crappy thread sinks into oblivion* :lol: Taksraven
  8. I think that most sensible guys would. GO ALTO!!!! Taksraven
  9. I think that it was pretty obvious it was going to be rushed. Same as the last episode of ZERO. but I loved it anyway. Taksraven
  10. One of the best bits of the episode. YAY!!!! GO DESTROIDS!!!! Taksraven
  11. Gotta love it. Looks like Alto will be enjoying Menage et tois. Poor boy, how will he cope. Taksraven
  12. Pretty much, GREAT stuff!!! Taksraven
  13. To imply that the Vajra were about to take out the WHOLE universe. DOMINATION!!!! Taksraven
  14. Loved it, great episode, a bit like a Macross tribute party but who cares. Brilliant ending. Taksraven
  15. Grace, Leon and Brera to die tomorrow. I think that will be the worst of it. *touch wood* Taksraven
  16. ......is that this time tomorrow it will be all over bar the shouting. Its been a hell of a ride..... Taksraven
  17. No, i am not suggesting that, but it would be like me reviewing chick flicks, a pointless activity since I hate them. Or a better example would be if I was to review the Stargate series (OMG, no). I am not saying that a person must only review things that they like, but there are times when it is pointless to review things that you hate. I am not saying that CCA was perfect, it certainly did have its flaws, but maybe they need to be approached with an open mind rather than with a mind that has been closed by hatred. The main points in the review that bothered me was the fact that the reviewers were slagging off characters for not being likable (duh, welcome to real life) and for having character flaws. (god forbid, not everybody is perfect). I mean, Quess IS a bratty teenager, but there are millions of bratty teenagers out there in reality, so why is such a character unwelcome in anime? The review conveyed an attitude of arrogance which always makes me say to people, if you can do better, try to do it yourself. (I am probably going to cop more wrath from the fanboys now, heaven help me) Taksraven
  18. Fantastic stuff, thanks for the updates, just in time. The VF-171EX Super is chunky as all hell but still a nice looking machine. Taksraven
  19. Thats right. I think its too similar to what happened at the end of Macross Zero, with the final episode being a real rush job of trying to tie up all the loose ends and it certainly wasn't a total success. Its like I've noted before, I think that the final battle in frontier needed to be spread over three episodes rather than two. My final plot prediction is that Ranka will stay with the Vajra, Brera will die, as will Grace and Leon, Battle 25 will be destroyed, the Vajra will become our "friends", Alto will resume his acting career and give up flying (If he is still alive that is) and the SMS will become the force guarding whats left of the frontier fleet as they continue their journey for a new home. The only major element I have left out is Sheryl because I really don't have any idea of what will happen to her. Taksraven
  20. WHY, OH WHY, is there a big whoopty doo about Sony releasing a games console with a 160 gb hard drive. In SEPTEMBER 2008, fer christsake. Why don't they put bigger drives in their machines, especially since 1tb is now the new 1gb???? Some might say it would put the costs up, but we are talking about SONY here, not some little tinpot manufacturer. Taksraven
  21. Well, the official title of the 2008 Christmas Special has been revealed and it looks like they are going to tease us again, like they did with the last regular episode of the 2008 season. Dr Who Christmas Special 2008: I mean, really, unless they are serious this time i think that this is the sort of mindf**K that fans are getting sick of. But, it DOES feature , so I guess we can't complain too much. Taksraven Hey, this is post #666 for me. NUMBER OF THE BEAST!!!!!! And look, an appropriate Dr Who pic!!!!
  22. I think that this series was a poor idea. Very few, if any films or movie series can successfully make the transition to the small screen, and this one did not do well. In Australia it ended up in a graveyard timeslot pretty quickly (although most SF does here). Taksraven
  23. I don't know which i hate more, Quess (who I don't really hate that much, since she is just a typical whiney teenager) or the whiney voices of the podcasters. Especially the chick in the threesome who reminds me of a typical university feminist. (Except this chick is an anime nerd of course). They clearly hate Char's Counterattack so much I wondered why they even bothered to make the podcast. One of their clear complaints is that Char's character seems to have changed. Well, people do change in the real world, one failed artist became one of the worst murderers in history. Taksraven
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