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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I always thought that the body armour designs from Southern Cross were pretty cool. I like the detachable faceplate and it was clear that the designers were closely basing their work on Samurai armour. Dubbing Southern Cross into Robotech must have been a pretty easy experience for the battle sequences, since you could not see the characters mouths under those faceplates when they spoke. Taksraven
  2. A contender for "Worst Designed Mecha in Anime History"?? MAN, is it ugly. Can anybody think of anything uglier. (apart from the New GodPhoenix from Gatchaman 2) Taksraven
  3. Ex-Leper: Thats just what Jesus said sir.
  4. D'oh!!! OST2 is great but it is STILL missing a lot of tracks that I would love to hear. OST3 anyone? And when??? Taksraven
  5. This link is either dead or not working for me. Can somebody PLEEESE PM me where else it is, thanks. Taksraven
  6. Not much to do now that Frontier is over. Just waiting, but there is plenty of good stuff on the horizon for an SF fan. Nerd schedule for the next few months. * Finish watching the final season of BSG * Wait for the Dr Who Christmas special featuring the Cybermen * Wait for the Dr Who Specials next year * Wait for Macross Frontier movie next year * Wait for the remaining Rebuild of Evangelion films. * Wait for the CGI Gatchaman film next year, yay!! (Hopefully) * Download more Mythbusters. * Hope that someday they will make a decent new version of Space Cruiser Yamato (unlikely) Plenty of stuff to keep any nerd going. Taksraven
  7. As usual a lot of bagging of Robotech, but despite this, it is still how a lot of us ended up here. (Not all though, but they were the lucky ones) Taksraven
  8. Bugger, that was the first one that popped into my head. D'oh!!!! Taksraven
  9. Well in this case it was to even the odds so it makes sense to have it there as a backup. Bit like the dummy plug system in Evangelion. Taksraven
  10. Thats pretty cool. Gotta love CG. Taksraven
  11. Better up against WHO though. I think that there would have been a very high number of kills during Space War I due to the fact that a lot of the Zentradi forces were cannon fodder and they could afford to lose many units. The Vajra looks like they were generally much tougher opponents overall but if you had the right weaponry they were easy to knock over. How about some more specifics?? Taksraven
  12. Was critters the one where the guy had the really cool gun?? Taksraven
  13. You can think what you like, but I think you are just in a bad mood with me because of my comments about a *certain* podcast. And don't forget, as the Skyhooks said "Ego is not a dirty word" :lol: Taksraven
  14. Another legend gone. Taksraven (In before lock)
  15. Yeah well, I did notice that we don't *really* see her die. I bet that bitch probably did have another backup body to download too. (She really is a Cylon, isn't she) Taksraven
  16. The movie edition should be interesting but at this stage a second season would be pointless. Taksraven
  17. Quite agree, people are getting too worked up about this. These three characters are some of the youngest leads to ever feature in a macross series and I think it is pointless to get too worried about what teenagers decide. I was happy enough to see Ozma and Cathy get back together. Taksraven
  18. AArgh, don't make me choose!!! Both soundtracks are really nice, but overall I would have to give it to Frontier, which has a much larger range of great pop and instrumental tracks. But, duh to me, its for a TV series! Taksraven
  19. Ouch. My heart would be broken, if I had one. Seriously though, you are making this a bit personal. Are you so annoyed at me here or are you really annoyed at me for my comments in another thread?? Besides, do the Robotech DVD's feature these AUSTRALIAN advertisments? Let me know, please. Love and kisses, Taksraven
  20. I ran the first one of these polls a few months ago for episodes 1-10 and (surprise surprise) episode 7 "First Attack" easily won. I wanted to run a second one a few weeks ago but had to wait for a chance. So here we go, out of the 15 episodes from 11-25, which one did you like best. You can explain why too if you want. Have fun, Taksraven
  21. Doesn't matter. I am happy that so many characters survived. Taksraven
  22. So we just agree to disagree on this one. Taksraven
  23. Humans Vs. Protoculture for the next project. Especially since nothing is ever really *extinct* in SF. It would be brilliant. Taksraven
  24. Its simple, the original of *anything* is usually the best. Freshest ideas, filmmakers working their backsides off with limited budgets, etc...... NOW, they can lock it!!! Taksraven
  25. I was wrong with most of my predictions (apart from peace being made with the Vajra, but that was REALLY obvious), but I am not disappointed at all. I am happy that the ending was not as predictable as I expected. Taksraven
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