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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Toy buying habits!!!???? Forget that. Its affecting all of my potential purchases. Living in Australia, I purchase a lot of stuff from Amazon since we generally get squat released in this country. Next year, a complete 4-season set of Duckman is being released. With the poor economics at the moment and the value of the Australian dollar plummeting through the floor, I am seriously considering if I can afford this set now. Taksraven
  2. Maybe there are problems with long-term exposure to artificial gravity??? :blink: Taksraven
  3. I think that the living would envy the dead. Taksraven
  4. Thats right, but by the way that some people carry on here you would think that we did have a choice at the time. Taksraven
  5. Yeah, but that sort of thing goes on a lot more than people realise.
  6. This has probably been covered before, but does anybody else think it is silly that the VF-171 is equipped with a PPB system (at least for punches) and the VF-25 is not. You would think that PPB would be standard on ALL Valks AND Destroids. Taksraven
  7. OK, this one is a TV remake, not a film remake, but it rates a mention. Prepare for a remake of V. Here is a synopsis of what they have planned: ************************** Much like the '80s version, the show will open with an enormous army of spaceships hovering over the world's major cities. The human-like Visitors' (who're actually reptilian underneath) say they've come to help Earth, but their motives are nefarious. The new "V" will center on Erica Evans, a Homeland Security agent with an aimless son who's got problems. When the aliens arrive, her son gloms on to them -- causing tension within the family. As in the original however several storylines will unfold simultaneously. ************************** Sounds GREAT doesn't it. I bet the tension in the family will all have us glued to our screens. I hope that the quality of this remake can match the quality of the recent Flash Gordon remake from the Sci-Fi channel. Can't wait. Taksraven
  8. Yes please. Taksraven
  9. *wipes away tears* Yes its so true! Seriously though, you have expressed the concept of Macross pretty correctly. (Some would disagree, but there are always idiots out there). I think it has a better message than shows like Star Dreck and Stargate. Taksraven
  10. It was clear that it was meant to be more of a celebration as opposed to death and destruction. I can live with that. Taksraven
  11. Join the club. Although I think that I just hate not being in japan more rather than not being Japanese. Taksraven
  12. Yeah well, I am surprised. Like I said, I knew that she was popular, I didn't realise she was *that* popular. I guess that I thought the votes would have been spread around a bit more and not so concentrated on one character. I thought that Ranka would have had at least half the votes that Sheryl had. (Yes, I know that Ranka was not popular with a lot of fans) I am surprised about Ozma as well. It makes me realise that they should have fleshed out Fokkers character in the original Macross series a lot more. Klan is a bit of a surprise as well. Maybe she was shot down too many times. I think she would have polled better if she was more of an ace pilot. Taksraven
  13. We don't celebrate Halloween in Australia. (despite the efforts of some twits). If we did and considering my current bodyshape, i would love to get a costume so I could dress up as Ryu from Gatchaman. Fat Darth Vader does not cut the mustard. Failing that a trenchcoat would help cover up my gut and I could go as Rorschach. THAT would be cool. Taksraven
  14. Just looking at the poll results. I knew that Sheryl was popular, but I didn't realise she was THAT popular. Anybody else surprised by this? Anybody want to offer any explanations? Taksraven
  15. Here is some news on the boxset for Season 4 that will be for sale later this year. http://www.denofgeek.com/television/126472...et_details.html Enjoy. Taksraven
  16. This is one of the reasons why I like Macross much more than shows like transformers. The fact that they bothered to create a transformation system that at least looked like it could work, rather than the transformers transformation process which always looked like some sort of magic was involved. And the live-action TF film did nothing to improve it. Taksraven
  17. I take it that you mean Alto? Ozma has had plenty of votes. Taksraven
  18. Metallica in any era = YAWN. I can tolerate some of their songs (not One though, hate that garbage) but ever since the Napster stuff and the business with orchestras, forget it. Taksraven
  19. Yes, another poll. Still, it should be an interesting one. I have tried to put up a diverse selection without missing out too many characters. The spot for number 20 was between Tehmzin and Howard Glass, but we all love a Zentradi, don't we? If you did like a character best that hasn't been included, let us know. Taksraven
  20. How do you get to be a "powerless mod"? Taksraven
  21. Episode 17. - * Ground crew looking into Ozma's cockpit and presumably noticing blood/damage indicating that he was wounded was almost exactly the same shot as SDF:M when ground crew look into Roy's cockpit. Cathy's subsequent discovery that Ozma was wounded in combat similar to Claudia's discovery that Roy was mortally wounded. Taksraven
  22. Known about that since the 90's. It was a bit hard to miss on the old compendium site. Kinda sad that it never took off but I am also kinda glad, since when that project was being conceived it was likely that the movie would have ended up being a low-budget effort probably using models. I think that much more could be achieved with a lower budget today. Taksraven
  23. While I accept and abide by the decision that we are not allowed to talk about politics here, I will say that the fact that we can't is a little bit 1984'ish as far as I am concerned. Please don't vapourise me mods. Taksraven
  24. I think it was a case of some songs working better than others and the main problem was that some were repeated so much that you really got sick of them. Was this the same in the original Japanese Macross? Taksraven
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