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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Magic. Taksraven
  2. The only thing that has surprised me about this poll so far has been the lack of any votes for Aimo. I personally was no real fan of the song but I thought I remembered some people raving about it. Oh well. Taksraven
  3. Maybe so, but at the time it was a relatively isolated case. That was during an era when it was more likely for things to go the other way. (in other words, successful films being converted into crap TV series, ie Alien Nation, MASH, Stargate, etc.....) Taksraven
  4. Engrish is the greatest language known to humanity. Taksraven
  5. Will they let you have internet access in the asylum?? (joke) Taksraven
  6. What current anime series are worth watching?? Taksraven
  7. Yeah, it hasn't always been THIS bad. Taksraven
  8. Not meaning to wish ill will on Axl or any Gunners fans, but I hope that it bombs, only because it would be poetic justice. Axl is a millionaire anyway, what does he care. On a happier note, I have tickets to the Soundwave festival in Sydney next year and the headliners are Nine Inch Nails, Alice in Chains and the Bloodhound Gang! Yay!!!
  9. Me want SMS cap and jacket too. Is it possible to get this stuff if you don't live in Japan?? Taksraven
  10. You are kidding me...... d'oh!!! Don't tell me that we are going to have to wait for some sort of "Perfect" or boxed set collection. Taksraven
  11. Yeah, sorry 'bout that. There was barely enough space to feature all of the appropriate songs so I made a decision to leave all of the Fire Bomber stuff out. Taksraven
  12. Simple explanation. Its a great series that annoys a lot of fanboys which makes me like it even more. Taksraven
  13. Hopefully OST 3 which is supposed to come out on December 3 will pick up a lot of the BGM stuff that has been missed so far. There are plenty of other tracks that I still want too, including that bit you are talking about. I want the piece that was first used in Ep 3 when the Vajra with its head blown off came back to life and opened fire. Thats another great piece that was used quite extensively in the first half of the series. Sounds a little bit like the Jaws theme in the early stages. Love it and I reallly hope it is on OST 3. Taksraven
  14. Ok, here we go, the battle of the songs. Sorry that there was not enough space to include all of them, let us know if you like any of the songs that are not here. Have fun. Taksraven (Might do one on the orchestral music at a later date)
  15. Just finished watching a show called Macross Frontier. Heard of it?? Taksraven
  16. First you disagree with me, now you echo me???? Make your mind up!! :rolleyes: Taksraven
  17. I know its been filmed NOW, but it took ages to get it done, thats my point. Taksraven
  18. I think that there are rights issues on using Macross designs in this film. Anybody have any idea on this one or is nothing clear cut yet?? Taksraven
  19. Thats why I love Macross. There certainly glances back and nods to the past, but each show is still fresh and new. Taksraven
  20. Geez, talk about a guilty conscience!!! And you never had to convince anybody that she was huuge either. ( * ) ( * ) :lol: Not having a go at ya. Taksraven
  21. Don't close it!!! Taksraven
  22. There are still at least two or three orchestral trackst that were really cool that have to be included on this. PLEESSSEE!!! Taksraven
  23. That surprised me about Klan as well. I guess its similar to what happened to Nanase, a few REALLY vocal fans of the character may have convinces us that she was more popular than she really was. Or is it that no other character can compete with Sheryl. Taksraven
  24. Anybody else surprised that the last episode seems to have won this poll?? Taksraven
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