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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Very easily fits into that category. What I am really impressed with has been the "new" story elements, episodes and characters. Episodes like 18 in particular which do not happen in the original version but have still been outstanding. Can't quite tell where they are going with the Iscandar sisters and Yuki being captured but everything has been done so well so far that I have faith in the production team. Yes, pacing is a problem, but I can live with that.....
  2. I like how you can say that before anything is filmed, etc. Clairvoyant eh?
  3. I think that he got so excited during this battle that all the blood went from his brain to *another* part of his body, hence the rash decisions.....
  4. Future of the Left at the Annandale Hotel back in 2011. Some shots with my Sony Xperia arc, some with my little Panasonic point and click job. I think they turned out OK.
  5. Even though they showed it in the trailer, the shot of Bergers carrier listing and all of the fighters sliding off the deck was brilliant......
  6. My main problem with the plot was the Viper character. She was underdeveloped, underused and never really explained. For a villain that has been around since 1969 I think thats pretty poor. A more graphic/bloody version is supposed to be released on blu-ray. We will have to wait and see.....
  7. I thought that the Brando footage they put in (which had been originally shot but abandoned so they didn't have to pay him as much) was pretty good. I enjoyed Donner's cut. Getting rid of the shite at the Eiffel tower was pretty good too.
  8. Yeah, this shot shows it and the geography of the city seems to be well and truly screwed up anyway. I guess that most people assume that the harbour bridge and Opera House are nearly on the coast, but they are quite a way inland on the harbour. Given the number of Aussies acting in Hollywood, the accents annoyed me more.
  9. Somebody has done a "Carlos Danger" design-your-own-Jaeger, but there is no way in hell I am linking to it from here. Pretty funny though....
  10. I could cope if it was at just a different song, but IT SUCKS!!
  11. Just watched Volume 6. Really good once again. Can't wait to talk to others about it.
  12. Love all the flopping and flailing about in these suits, you wouldn't think that they were pressurised at all. The real deal is supposed to be much more cumbersome. I'll pass on this. Rather see a film about the real-life orbital hijinks of the Gemini missions, especially the Gemini 8 mission where the thrusters jammed and Neil Armstrong had to try to save the capsule that was spinning uncontrollably. Would make a great film.
  13. How cool would it be to see the RT:LAM officially shitcanned? Imagine the excuses coming from HG.
  14. WEHT the Mechwarrior game that HG started legal action against most recently. Vapourware?
  15. Is the next volume of this out in a few days......
  16. I think that the biggest problem faced by this film is time. Is this still supposed to be "fasttracked" to be released in 2014. If so, that is a BAD idea. They need to take time to write and polish the script and to develop everything else. Otherwise it will show.....
  17. Yes, that certainly is a problem. I think that Watchmen pointed the way to deal with that problem, with the godlike hero being balanced by the more "terrestrial" street level heroes who have to do the investigating and such. They need to play up the "World's Greatest Detective" tag with Batman which tends to go out the window at times.....
  18. I'll be honest, I watch the first two fairly frequently, the last one not so much. And I think that's just because the last one was a bit underdone writing and production wise - probably needed another years work to iron out the bugs properly. I am still *very* happy that we have a successful Batman trilogy with only one major cast member change. So what's yer point?
  19. la la la, here's a movie that hasn't even been made yet, la la la, but I know that it's going to be shiit, la la la, even before it is made, la la la...........FFS!
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