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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Planet of the Apes remake? Looks like another attempt to avoid the remake tag. Good luck. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/081202b.php Taksraven
  2. Forbidden Planet remake?? http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/081202e.php We'll have to wait and see. Taksraven
  3. Can't be long now.......... :lol: Taksraven
  4. It looks like the recoil from one shot of that shoulder cannon would knock the whole unit over. Taksraven
  5. What would be the point of that? Taksraven
  6. Is that it for the soundtracks then? It would be a pity if it was because they STILL have not released a lot of the good instrumental stuff. Taksraven
  7. On this website??? Never........ Taksraven
  8. Goddam Youtube has shut down my second account. BASTARDS! I had just reached 2 million views overall for my vids. Taksraven
  9. BBC Christmas lineup trailer is up with Next Doctor footage, enjoy. http://www.gallifreyone.com/news.php#newsi...lEylFVlLzJkvefR
  10. OK, if we were to go down that path I would rather see THE GIMP as the Doctor. At least he would be more vocal. (Screams and whines, that is) Taksraven
  11. How did this person get to see a rough cut!!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!! Taksraven
  12. Its a difficult tightrope to walk. Releasing a movie with the broadest potential audience but not compromising on the level of violence. If the cinema release is a PG, I don't really mind as long as a more "graphic" vision of the graphic novel is released in the future. (Cool wordplay, huh!) Taksraven
  13. Don't put that stuff down (except the 80's hair metal), have pride in your musical tastes and don't let anyone tell you that your music sucks.* Taksraven * Unless you are a fan of Nickleback with that poodle for a lead singer.
  14. It looks really good now. A little red square in a white box. Greatly improved. Taksraven
  15. That crap line they use is the glue that holds together the franchise. Taksraven JAR JAR FOREVER!!!!
  16. Amused by the poster artwork for the DVD release featuring the Joker rather than Batman. I personally think that the movie was a bit overloaded. It was still good but the focus on Harvey Dent meant less time for the Joker. I think that they combined two films in a way. Twoface should have had his story begin in TDK and continue in a second film. And what was that Scarecrow cameo about? Contractual obligation for the actor or what? Just my thoughts. Taksraven
  17. I agree that it adds to the mystery, but if they were ever going to do a "Final Macross" (heaven forbid), I think that a confrontation between humans and a resurgent protoculture would be the way to go. Then they could make Macross series set in an alternative universe, with roles reversed, which everyone would enjoy. Taksraven
  18. There is no such thing as awful engrish. Its always wonderful. Taksraven
  19. I really doubt that they were drawn to the same scale. I think its a perspective thing. Taksraven
  20. I would love to see a Zentradi version of this. It wouldn't be as practical but it would certainly be interesting, with the diverse mecha that they used. Taksraven
  21. Is it just me or is this thread becoming more OT, complicated and unreadable?? Taksraven
  22. Pretty good. Reminds me of the one from some anime convention years ago that tried to include similarly styled images of several hundred (maybe thousand) anime characters. I will upload if I can find it, SDF was represented on it. Taksraven
  23. Absolutely seconded. Its especially useful for those of us who have no real access to macross stuff or who cannot get past brutal exchange rates. Aussie dollar was nearly at the same value as the US a few months ago and now its worth around 60 UC cents. Bloody ridiculous. Taksraven
  24. I have been wondering about this. We need to be kept up to date. Taksraven
  25. It would be an interesting series though. Taksraven
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