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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. The dust inside my machine would make Baby Jesus head explode. Taksraven
  2. Do you bother to watch the second season. And what about the homoerotica between Monkey and Tripitaka in a few scenes? (Not that there's anything wrong with that) Taksraven
  3. I don't think that the Alto hatred will ever end. Does he deserve his own award category of "Most Hated Character since Jar Jar Binks"? HEY, Shawn or Graham or anybody else who is running this site who may be listening, I have a great marketing idea, lets make cheap little Alto voodoo dolls and sell them with little prepackaged sets of pins. I predict GREAT popularity amongst some here. Taksraven
  4. Just had a look at the trailer for this disaster film. http://www.movie-list.com/trailers.php?id=2012 I thought it looked promising until I saw who the director was, then I knew it was going to be more heavy handed crap. I do believe the philosophy that they preach in the trailer though, that if world leaders knew that the end was really nigh, they would probably do nothing and not tell us about it. I think that lots of people suspect this. If anybody does want to read a subtle, end of the world tale, read "The Last Night of the World" in Ray Bradbury's "The Illustrated Man". This story is a nice contrast on the typical "End of the world" story. Taksraven
  5. What is this thing 'time' that you talk about, and how do I get some?? Taksraven
  6. Absolutely correct. Very similar (ie they used the same song) to the fantastic ending of Ep 06 when the fleet leaves to 'rescue' Macross Galaxy. Also, the episode 'Northern Cross' with that tune carrying over into the closing titles. In each case it was done in an effective and touching manner. Taksraven
  7. How can GERWALK lose this poll. I'm not saying that the poll is stupid but it is pretty obvious. Actually you forgot that "half gerwalk with just the legs hanging out to either brake quickly or land in VTOL mode" that is used from time to time in various macross series. That one seems pretty useful too. Taksraven
  8. Having the variable universe as well as the variable fighter does make things difficult if you ever want to make a prequel, however. (Thats the closest to criticism of Macross Zero you will hear from me) I'm not saying that Zero was a mistake but there were always going to be continuity issues as a result. (But nothing as dumb or annoying as the Vader-really-built-C3PO garbage). Taksraven
  9. It sounds like how the ROTJ novel did a bit of a better job at explaining Vaders inner conflict, but lets be honest, inner conflict is VERY hard to film in a subtle way. Taksraven.
  10. Well, as the first post says, its meant to be fun, not scientific at all. Are you saying that Macross fans are wearing rose-coloured glasses when it comes to frontier?? Taksraven
  11. Once again, the same as using the title Robotech rather than Macross in the US. A lot of die-hard fans would be pissed off if it went by BOTP. Taksraven
  12. I have never seen this version being referred to as BOTP. Here is the official Image website address..... http://www.imagi.com.hk/web/main.php I am not sure about the current rights issues regarding Sandy Frank, Eagle Riders or G-Force at the moment but since ADV was able to release the original Gatchaman series on DVD I think its a pretty safe bet that Sandy Frank has little or no control left over the franchise. The legal battles involving this series in the past have reminded me often of the Macross/robotech fiasco. As a result we should be pretty safe from 7-Zark-7 appearing. Casey Kasem is a bit old to play Ken now, but it would be nice if his vocal talents were used in some way in this production. Not likely though. Taksraven
  13. If anybody thinks that Macross has flexible canon and continuity issues, they should look at Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. It was reproduced across nearly every available media and I don't think that there were any two versions that were the same. It used to annoy me but now I enjoy the way that Macross draws elements from its own different histories. I think that SF that tries too hard to follow a single canon usually ends up tripping itself up and limiting what can be done. (Star Trek is a good example) Taksraven
  14. Bit of nitpicking here. Shouldn't the film be called "Mighty Atom" I wonder what title it will have in Japan. Taksraven
  15. you've been watching too much Macross: You can't decide which is worse, ROBOTECH or BATTLETECH! Taksraven
  16. When you are in a cinema watching a typical hollywood sf/action effort and some missiles are fired and you jump up on your seat and yell out ... "You call THAT an Itano Circus!!!! HA!!!!!!!!" Seriously, the action in so many Hollywood efforts are so weak and lame when compared to Macross and anime in general. Iron Man fires one crappy little missile at a tank and it blows up, big deal. Now, if packs in his shoulders had opened up and let loose with about 20-30 mini missiles which then would have proceeded to blow up the tank, I would have been more impressed. Taksraven
  17. You have a six year old doing chores! Good work! Send her over to my place and she can clean up my fifteen year olds room. Taksraven.
  18. Sure, it had some problems, but enough to qualify it for worst of the year? Taksraven
  19. Anybody aware of what happened to the "planned" release of this film on DVD in Australia. It was supposed to be through red ant and their website says that it was released on November 12 and has some nice cover art, but on the ordering on the website section it says that it is still "pre order". Anybody have any luck in getting this? Here is the link. Red Ant
  20. Why the hell don't films like this get a broader release in places like Australia. I would watch it in Japanese (I know what they are saying anyway) without subtitles, just to get the cinema experience. Not fair. Taksraven
  21. Sounds like you tried to like a few things, you really did. Taksraven
  22. Is it just me or is this one of the most nonsensical threads ever?? Taksraven
  23. How was it, it always looked a little bit too much like a cross between the Muppet Show and Fraggle Rock for me. Taksraven
  24. Corporations telling US that we are a bunch of fat pigs. I don't think so. Taksraven
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