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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Don't worry, I'm sure that they will try to make it worse. Especially if they hire Zane for the role again. (In my opinion BZ is one of the WORST actors in modern times.) Taksraven
  2. A remake of The Crow? http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/081215f.php Do we need it. As usual, no. Taksraven
  3. Saw this online this morning and was not able to believe it. Any opinions? http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/story...50-7485,00.html Taksraven
  4. Just out of interest, have you seen the original and if you have how do you think it compared. (I think that this film will be more enjoyable to those who have NOT seen the original) Taksraven
  5. AND the reviews are starting to come in and WHAT A SURPRISE! Its getting bad reviews. Here's an example..... http://www.darkhorizons.com/reviews/daythe...hstoodstill.php Honestly though, they had next to no chance of making a remake of this film that would impress people. I know that the original had faults and was certainly not perfect but it DID have certain qualities that could not be emulated due to the era that it was made in. (Cold war, fear of nukes, etc......) The description of Gort is a particular worry: the worst offense lies with Gort, Klaatu’s now building-sized robot defender. Once a creation of limited movement, the new Gort is reintroduced as a fluid being of destruction, not only from his laser beam-happy ocular cavity, but also though his ability to dissolve into a swarm of miniature metal insects that eat away anything in their path. Will I see the remake so I can judge it myself. Well, I won't be paying to see it, thats for sure. Taksraven
  6. Seriously though, I am sure that they could have cast better for the "computer voice" for the film. They should get the guy who does "Eddie the shipboard computer" in Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. (Original version, not the 'new' movie) Taksraven
  7. Ok, I was never cool in school I'm sure you don't remember me And now it's been 10 years I'm still wondering who to be But I'd love to mix in circles, cliques, and social coteries - that's me Hand me my nose ring (Can we be happy?) Show me the mosh pit (Can we be happy?) We can be happy underground Taksraven
  8. I find it interesting that both Mospeada and Southern Cross had GERWALK-like modes for their main craft. Are there any other anime that had this mode as well? Taksraven
  9. Predates the Internet by decades. When Monty Python's Life of Brian came out, most of the protesters against this film had not seen it. And they wanted it BANNED! Same with the Last Temptation of Christ. Taksraven
  10. Um, anyway, 2012 looks like it will be crap. Taksraven
  11. Right. I like how it is pretty clear that they have spent 99% of their effort on the *mecha* and about 1% effort on the character design and implementation. And ALL of it STILL looks crap! Taksraven
  12. MASSIVE news on the film announced today. I hope that everybody is ready for this!!!! http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/081211e.php Taksraven
  13. Just watched the teaser trailer thingy for the first time, UGH!!!! Taksraven
  14. Agreed, no time for frivolous crap. Taksraven
  16. I should have included the category of "Dumbest Idea that you heard in 2008", cause this one would have won it. Sigorney Weaver is considering the possibility of playing Ellen Ripley again on the big screen, possibly with Ridley Scott directing, but she is concerned that the "aliens" have had too much exposure lately due to AVP, etc, so maybe they would NOT be included in a future film with her Ripley character. FFS! Taksraven
  17. There are some exceptions. The movie of Fight Club was more effective than the book in a lot of ways. The film of Catch-22 was not perfect but it did a great job complementing the book. (They did cut some good parts that were in the book, but if they hadn't we would have had a movie that was at least 6 hours long.) People need to understand that ALL mediums have their limitations. Taksraven
  18. I've seen LEGO spaceships that are more streamlined than that monstrosity in the first few pics. Should be named USS BLOCKY. Taksraven
  19. Your long posts rock, good work. I wish I had the time to be so detailed. I just apply the logic of "since the world didn't end all of the other times that doomsayers predicted it would why should it end now?" OR Maybe the world DID end with those events and we did not notice. Anyway, I took this passage from the good book, the Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. I think it touches on a few of the arguments you are getting at. "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing." "But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? It proves you exist, and so therefore, you don't. Q.E.D.." "Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic. "Oh, that was easy," says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing. Taksraven
  20. Just like those super-intelligent meteors in Armageddon that destroyed landmarks too. When people are high up in planes they need to look down and realise how big the earth is and how remote the chances are of landmarks being destroyed by random events. Taksraven
  21. Its the same as how people love conspiracy theories to explain away random events like the JFK assassination, the "fake" moon landings (one of the biggest loads of crap I have ever heard in my life), and other more recent events such as 9/11. It must be some part of human nature to not always accept things at their face value, and while such attitudes have been useful in uncovering the true nature of some historical events (eg Watergate) these attitudes also have a very negative effect as people are often willing to believe some really crazy theories. Taksraven
  22. Yeah, why not. Its a fun thread that just needs a new injection of steam to keep it going. Taksraven
  23. Who could forget this thread. Taksraven
  24. Shhhhhh, the puritans here (aka: the "don't talk about nudity or sex" fanatics) will get you. Taksraven
  25. Early days yet, but I didn't think that Fighter mode would end up running second. Taksraven
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