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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. yawn.... Old news. A lot of us saw it in May. :rolleyes: Taksraven
  2. Are you kidding, I think its an experience that a lot of us are trying to forget!!! Taksraven
  3. You mean say bolour with a K. Kolour! Taksraven
  4. What a silly bunt! Taksraven (To the friendly mods, thats a Monty Python joke there, no wrath please)
  5. I think that I would have to be patriotic to have that sort of attitude, but I generally see nations as a human construct with little relevance to who we are as human beings. (In other words, what difference does the geography of your birthplace make to a persons talents and abilities, none) I'll stop boring everybody now. Taksraven
  6. Yeah, take note of the timeslot. I can still whinge because the bastards never tried it in a different timeslot. 12pm Saturday is RAGE time. (If you live in Australia you should know what I mean) Thanks for the heads up tho.....(Glares at the other Aussies here who let him down) Taksraven
  7. At least you guys are getting a chance to see it. No sign of it on Australian TV, probably be released on DVD here first. Taksraven
  8. Well who was largely responsible for her comeback and getting her to be taken seriously, Nick Cave fer christsakes! Taksraven
  9. You'd be in Robotech, not Macross, silly, hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Taksraven
  10. As an Australian, I must say that part of the interview was a bit terrifying. Does Minogue really have that much of an international profile outside of Australia and the UK? I also think that the comments credit Minogue with having a lot of intelligence. I personally think that a lot of her success has been luck. Edit: AND May'N is a much better singer than Minogue anyday. Taksraven
  11. With all the twists and turns, I think that the story of the HG-Macross-Robotech legal rights issue could easily be made into a cheap, crappy straight-to-TV-movie. Who would play Carl Macek? Taksraven
  12. Yeah, I thought about that one after I posted the original message. That is one that I do not expect to ever be resolved or rewritten. Taksraven
  13. Don't forget, it could have been an angel as well. Taksraven
  14. I said ANIME programs, not mangled american garbage! :P Taksraven
  15. Yeah, that was the ending we seemed to get. Taksraven
  16. Just out of interest, does anybody know of any other anime programs whose ending had a level of controversy similar to Evangelion. I mean, here we are more than ten years later and people are STILL arguing about it. Just wondering. Taksraven
  17. I think that Lush toured Australia but rather stupidly I did not go. In a way, during the 90's I took a lot of the music and bands for granted. I thought that the diversity and the alternative scene would never end. Like many I have since found out that was not going to be the case and a lot of the great music from the 90's wasn't going to get much airplay and promotion beyond that decade. I still listen to some new artists (as well as some of the old ones from the 90's that somehow survived) but today the music industry is nowhere near as diverse as it used to be. Most of the smaller, interesting, record labels have gone, but at least a lot of the smaller bands can now get their music out using the internet if they don't have a deal with one of the big companies. Taksraven
  18. 4AD!!!! OMG!!!!! LUSH!!!!!!!! http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=V9T1iyuBv3M AND!!!! http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=2F4aHdMxM0k AND!!!!! http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=buz5D8OWmRc I really liked the first two when they came out, but when Hypocrite was released, WOW!!! Aaannyway, glad we found some common ground. Taksraven
  19. THANK you. At least there is one person in these forums who can spot humor. And just think. If the director had his way the Trek film would be out now and we all would have seen it. D'oh. Taksraven
  20. Depends on how much of Yui was left. I always had the impression that there was certainly a human intelligence in Eva but I don't think that it was always necessarily one that was aware of what was always going on. The other problem with instruementality is that it seems to factor out the possibility that humanity may not be alone in the universe. Taksraven
  21. I've thought about the same idea. It really is needed if people want to avoid constantly repeating themselves here constantly repeating themselves here constantly repeating themselves here constantly repeating themselves here............. I think putting together a list of questions would be easy (eg, What/Who are the Protoculture?), but writing the answers may cause a bit of contention. How about we put together a list of questions for starters? (This would require its own thread) How about it mods, Graham, Shawn? Would the powers that be support this venture? Taksraven
  22. What do they do, use massive ropes to fence off the areas? Taksraven
  23. What bugs me most about the Instrumentality Project is the way that it was forced on people. No democratic choice, no opt out option, just a bunch of politicians and eggheads deciding "this is whats best for people". To me, that would be insulting. Taksraven
  24. This is a website that is an interesting read for diehard fans.... http://www.dalek6388.co.uk/where-are-the-daleks-now.htm Taksraven
  25. So is that it for soundtracks for this series, or are they going to release more? (I'm sure that the film will have some new music) Taksraven
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