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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Please. I saw the bit in the heading that said "Literal or Interpretive Translations" but I ignored that for the moment because I also saw the part that said "sub or dub" and wanted to address that issue. Give me some credit please. Taskraven
  2. Super-Voc?? Taksraven
  3. BAM!!!! And down goes the sacred cow!!! :lol: Taksraven
  4. I think, but simply, that both Batman and The Dark Knight are different types of beasts that have to be appreciated on different levels, and I think it comes down to directorial style just as much as it does the actual acting. Both films have their pluses and minuses. Taksraven
  5. I thought that the whole dub vs. sub thing was absolutely dead now we have this miracle format called "DVD" and we can simply have both on the one disk. ADV bothered to have a dub version of Gatchaman when they released the first season a few years back, but I always watch the sub instead. BUT, I prefer the dub of the original GITS. I can make a choice between the two and I do. Where's the argument? Lets face it, this argument was only valid with VHS. Taksraven
  6. Title for the next special..... PLANET OF THE DEAD. Taksraven
  7. Real short. Taksraven
  8. The new Galactica is, of course, one of the biggest exceptions to the remake rule and I think that you have pretty much summed up the main reasons why this was the case, and by not being a total slave to the fandom of the original series it has surpassed the original series easily. Star Trek has been one of the worst examples of pandering to the fans ever since TNG started, but I do have hopes that the new film can break some of the rules (and the expectations of many die-hard trekkies) because if it does, it could be truly successful. (And I don't just mean successful economically) Taksraven
  9. I thought that it was made pretty clear at the end of the original film that the power in the Klaatu-Gort relationship really did lie with Gort when Klaatu stated that Gort and other machines like him were created as a "Police force" to keep the population of the universe in line. In other words they had surrendered many of their individual freedoms to the robots so peace could be maintained. Not a very free or democratic way of life, but as Klaatu points out, it works. A lot of people miss this underlying message/theme of the movie. Taksraven
  10. ANOTHER remake that I am sure we all want to see...... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/081224e.php God help us. Taksraven
  11. I liked Snarf's appearance in Robot Chicken outside the Chinese Restaurant. Taksraven
  12. Spoken like a true tech fanatic. (Thats meant as a compliment) I thought that the original series was pretty good. It was only really let down by a total lack of budget for the last 5 or 6 episodes. (And even then they still managed to produce some good stuff.) The only other thing that annoys me was that some of the Angel designs struck me as a bit lazy, especially the "glowing thread" one. Actually, here is another question from the TV series that I have heard debated before and I would be interested to hear the opinion of others here. Who really killed Ryoji Kaji?? Misato or some unnamed agent. (I always thought that it worked better dramatically if it had been Misato that killed him) And another question, what do you think Gendo said after the line "The truth is....." (Or whatever) and then it goes silent and you see him just mouthing the words before he shoots Ritsuko in End of Evangelion. Taksraven
  13. You are pretty much right about that on most counts. Buck Rogers is becoming pretty obscure these days (But not in MY sig) and as a result I am sure that it is not high on the list to be remade or 'reinvented' (which is hollywood jargon for 'we are TOTALLY going to make this up without looking at any original source materials' - see the Sci-fi channel Flash Gordon remake for a good example of this attitude) I understand that Hollywood mentality that a lot of heroes don't ever really go out of fashion, and this is especially true with comic superheroes, but I think that some hero's are from such a different era that there is no way to adapt them to modern sensibilities without changing the fundamental concepts of the characters. Heroes like Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, The Shadow (which is rumoured to be in development for ANOTHER modern film, why bother) and MAYBE even characters like Judge Dredd just cannot be related well to the world we live in now. This is the reason why we have not seen live-action films based on more obscure characters like Dan Dare. Its fair enough to bring back some old heroes but I think that its also fair to say that we need new ones as well. I think that the Neo character in the Matrix was a good step in the right direction. You are also right in what you say about ignorance being a big tool used to develop projects being based upon old TV shows and movies. The classic example had to be the film The Avengers. I was sitting in the cinema watching this film and I thought to myself "Has anybody involved in this production even SEEN the original series that this is supposed to be based upon." Clearly they were ignoring the source material when they made this film, it seemed to be based on perceptions of what people thought the show was about without having seen it. It would be easy to think that this attitude stems from people not seeing the source material but ultimately I have to believe that it is deliberate. Writers, producers and execs clearly believe that they do know better than everybody else (and this often includes a shows creators) and so they just do what they want. There was a time when I was excited about the prospect of a new film based on the old series "The Prisoner" being made, but now, with hollywoods track record, I hope it is never done. Taksraven
  14. Maybe Evangelion ending speculation is pointless at the moment because I am sure that with the new movie series we will have another DIFFERENT ending to debate about. (Lets hope that the new ending is just as confusing as the others) Taksraven
  15. That would not surprise me. It only takes a few 'failures' for the execs to need to wear their brown underwear and start crying for mummy. Taksraven
  16. Sorry bout the stuff up. I was going by the reports of others. Taksraven
  17. I liked the bit in Robotech Art 3 where Macek got angry with the Japanese and accused them of having a secret agenda of using some of the material to make a completely new series in Japan. In other words he was doing this.... Taksraven
  18. Wow, the best episode first, must have all seemed downhill from there. Taksraven
  19. Look, those fatcat executives in Hollywood who have usually not even seen the original program being remade but still insist of being in control of the remake projects clearly know better than us. Look at the recent remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still". Sure, it ignores the main premise of the original film, has transformed Gort into a building sized robot that would give most Transformers and run for their money, and abandoned the iconic line "klaatu barada nicto", but the filmmakers have STILL demonstrated that they know better than all of us. So, if a Thundercats Live-action film is ever made and bits are left out or there are things in it that you don't like, just remember, they still know better than us. Taksraven
  20. Thats the Wonder Woman variant. Taksraven
  21. Are you saying that there was RETCONNING going on in Macross Zero!!!!!???? Taksraven
  22. That was put into service probably in a panic when it was realised that the anti-UN forces had their own variable units that were routinely trashing F-14's, aircraft carriers and anything else they could get near. BTW, how many variable fighters were the Anti-Un forces supposed to have produced? Taksraven
  23. OK, here we go again. In the category of "Remaking a film that they stuffed up badly last time so you wonder why they are bothering", a category that is already occupied by the Phantom remake, we have....... JUDGE DREDD!!! FFS!!!! http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/081222a.php Taksraven
  24. No way man, flares are koming back in, I saw it in my horoscope! Taksraven
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