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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Thanks for that. To be honest, I thought that the original bioroid designs were pretty good and unique for a non-transforming unit type. I wonder how these people think that their designs are an improvement? Taksraven
  2. "FAN MOVIE to be released next year" Thank you mods. Taksraven
  3. Fine then. Taksraven
  4. Only mods have that POWER!!!!! Taksraven
  5. God, did we *really* need most of those episodes though? Taksraven
  6. Since I was a bit too distracted when you originally had this wild stab at me, (which missed, I must say,), better late than never for this. You must be the founder. Lay off me. Taksraven
  7. The best thing about 2008 is that its going to end. Taksraven
  8. I am sure that as far as they are concerned that they handled it brilliantly. We all know a lot better than that though. Taksraven
  9. It was on the local news here in Aus, gives you some idea of the number of recycled OS news reports we have to put up with. Taksraven
  10. Sorry, I like to bump funny threads once in a while. You complained last time anyway so your objections were duly noted. (joke) Taksraven
  11. Well, I am an Australian and I hate beer AND football. (This makes me really popular) A typical Aussie. Taksraven
  12. Things are pretty quiet here. Taksraven
  13. I know that Australian English gets criticised a lot, but even Australian actors would not pronounce enemy as 'emeny'. Taksraven
  14. Interesting article pointed out on Slashdot about the revival of "retro" games..... http://arstechnica.com/articles/culture/ga...come-back.ars/1 The thing that does astound me is how the emphasis always seems to be old (usually VERY old) arcade and 8 bit games. A lot of 16 bit classics are neglected. I, personally, would love to be able to play updated versions of Carrier Command and Starglider 2. Taksraven
  15. We should also have a party in 2059 as well. I will be in my 80's. Taksraven
  16. What are your talking about? Do you mean its like its funny how when Batman is around Bruce Wayne never is? :lol: BTW, I am hanging out in my little spacepod just near Pluto's orbit waiting for the anniversary. Should be quiet here. Taksraven
  17. Yeah, I remember reading an article in the 90's that said that Roys voice had been dubbed by Paul Hogan. Ha Ha. As if. Taksraven
  18. Whats to say that they didn't bring back every human who had ever lived to join in instrumentality? I think its entirely possible thats what happened. AND, I think that a lot of this has to be more up to individual interpretation. I think that the various Rei's were appearing over those dead people for a reason, not just 'having a look around'. AND, Rei was also there in a similar way when Kaworu died in the TV series. Taksraven
  19. Gee, the media has noticed that there are a lot of remakes around at the moment. WHAT A SHOCK!!!!!!!!! http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=n-Zm7UtEMRs Seems strange that they single out sf though and I am not sure about classifying the new Trek film as a 'remake'. Taksraven.
  20. Thanks for that. It looks much worse than I expected. Poor Misato, one of the strongest (but still vulnerable) female characters I have ever seen in an anime program and they go and do that to her. Taksraven
  21. A very silly theory that I had not heard of before. BTW, does anybody have a freeze frame of the blast that finishes Misato off because I heard that there is a frame where you can see parts of her going everywhere. (They really knew how to treat characters that were popular with the fans) Taksraven
  22. Okaaaaay. Its not for shooting rabbits or foxes so what is it good for? Taksraven
  23. The Next Doctor - A quick review..... Nothing too detailed, just some thoughts on it. If you haven't seen this episode yet, WATCH IT. Taksraven
  24. Can't be bothered taking pics, but I got. * Darth Vader clock radio * Star Wars Japanese release poster on a T-Shirt * David Tennant biography * Daily Planet T-Shirt * Chaser T-shirt * Chaser Mug * Monty Python calendar * And for myself I bought a nice little Nokia E-71 Taksraven
  25. Jesus Christ! I have to say it though, at the end of the day Warner do have themselves to thank for this for the simple reason that all of the legalities should have been worked out for this expensive project before any footage was even shot. If heads have not rolled yet over this they will have to eventually. Taksraven
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