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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Dunno about this. Nice looking model though. Whats the scale and/or size. The detail on the fingers is great. Taksraven
  2. Just like Scotty "inventing" transparent aluminium in Star Trek IV! Taksraven
  3. Thats always another classic SF stuff up, having technology that is clearly going to take a VERY long time to develop in era's that are a little bit *too* close to the present day. ( In other words, budding SF authors, if you want to have humans with giant robots, battlecruisers, and really fancy ray guns, unless we get the technology from aliens, DONT set your story in 2015!) Taksraven
  4. I have to say that living in the era of Photoshop makes the reality of some of these debatable. Taksraven
  5. The looked more like laser weapons to me in the first film. Taksraven
  6. As you get older, its hard to avoid that kind of, i dunno, I guess *prejudice* might be the right word. I went to a new dentist once and he was clearly younger than me and I did not feel comfortable. (He did his job fine though) Taksraven
  7. Yes, I am aware of that GAME , but how about an animated series set in that era. Taksraven
  8. I still dispute your first paragraph but I agree with the second, but ultimately I think that we are investing more time in arguing about this that what its worth. (In other words, not conceding defeat, just thinking, why are we bothering to argue about this) Taksraven
  9. There is rarely any point in debating real science in SF unless that is what the creators had in mind. (As they do in the Hard-SF genre) In most instances of traditional SF you might as well substitute the word "science" with "magic". The whole franchise is built around the time-travel premise and the consequences that travelling into the past will have on the future. I would consider that more of a focus than a plot device. (Yes, I know I called it a plot device myself) But still, don't forget, as SF fans it is our duty to nitpick. :lol: Taksraven
  10. Audiences generally do NOT go for endings like that, so be prepared for some jiggery pokery to the ending of this film to cheer it up. Taksraven
  11. I think it demonstrates why Time Travel is such a dangerous plot device to use, especially if it is used on a regular basis in such a manner. (focussing on the same events over and over again) I say that we invent a time machine and go back to a time when Jim Cameron was asked to do T2 and we can convince him to say "Pass". ( I don't think that T2 was THAT bad, but it did lay the groundwork for trying to get this franchise to last well beyond its use-by date.) Taksraven
  12. I don't think that we had that show here in Australia. Anybody want to prove me wrong on that? Taksraven
  13. I finally got to see some yesterday. Meh. I think that we need a SW series set AFTER ROTJ. I think that this whole prequel thing has been done to death. (10th anniversary of The Phantom Menace this year, and this is how far we have come?) That, or a true prequel series set in the era when the Sith and Jedi were first at war. Taksraven
  14. Well, as I've observed before, I think that this was the major complaint that a lot of Star Trek fans had with the Next Generation series when it came out, particularly in regards to the Wesley Crusher character. Regardless of the fact that his character was an annoying nerd (how many trek fans are not able to empathise with that), it was the fact that he was so far removed from the baby boomers and other fans of the original series that many decided to hate his guts. Now, with this new Doctor who is so young, I think that many older fans of the 'classic' series are going to have a difficult time coping with him. Younger fans should not have such issues. Taksraven
  15. Ash put out a few more albums after 1977, and a chick joined the band. But after their debut album, they tended to fizzle out and become a little bit boring, like so many other bands. Taksraven
  16. But I love EMARGENCY. Good example of Engrish. Taksraven
  17. Yeah. Who cares about continuity in a franchise based on time travel? Taksraven
  18. Scary stuff alright. This quote from "Khyron Prime" bothered me..... "You wanna complain about CG? Take it to Tommy Yune's blog... ;-)", .....especially if its a message from THAT Khyron Prime. (Think pies, forbidden subject) Taksraven
  19. This is exactly what I suspected was going to happen as well. Even though I had hoped it could have been another actor, I wish Matt all the best in this new role. Although it does kind of bug me that the Doctor is finally being played by an actor who is younger than me, this is simply me being a silly old fart, BUT there will be lots of others in Dr Who fandom who do start to bag him out and criticise him even before he does ANY filming for the role. Taksraven
  20. I would really like to see Paterson Joseph as the Doctor, but honestly, I think that they are going to surprise us. Taksraven
  21. Quite agree, it looks nice but ultimately the proportions are WRONG!!!!!! :lol: Taksraven
  22. How about the Vajra Rook, Pawn and Queen class?? Taksraven
  23. OH GOD!!! The "mystery" fighter can of worms has been opened again!!!! :lol: Taksraven
  24. The last *two* episodes were decent and I think that most of what they wanted to achieve in the others could have been done in half the number of eps they made. Halving the number of eps in the finale would also have left money for more "quality" animation. Taksraven
  25. Currently listening to Nine Inch Nails (as always), Low, Nirvana, The Mark of Cain, Helmet and Tool and the non-music on my Iriver is Bill Hicks, Jello Biafra, Henry Rollins, the complete KYTV, and selected episodes of Macross Frontier and Father Ted. Taksraven Edit: AND I am going to see Nine Inch Nails twice next month, such sweet joy. Anybody else here planning on going to their Sydney shows, should have a little MW Aus convention?
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