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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I think you have nailed one of my main concerns there. For all of the comedy in the original, Murphy's loss of humanity was one of the sadder story elements and it was done *very* well. Just the way he says "Leave me alone", realising that he has lost his humanity AND his family is really well done. I fear that this part of the story has been stuffed around with and I think that the humor has been corrupted as well. Too bad. I probably will go to see this in the cinema though.
  2. Nah, the LOL moment was "You need to speak to your son!" LOL!!
  3. I'm not really that fussed about the outfit, as long as we never see *this* back on the chest again I will be happy..... This was the only logo I knew until I saw the Earth-Two Batman with the simple black logo across the grey chest without the yellow "spotlight" around it. Always thought it looked great!
  4. Sunset in Fremantle, on holiday this year....
  5. Discovered this the other day. I would have thought that somebody here would have mentioned it already as I am sure that a few of us would be interested in a new Gatchaman series. Not really a reboot or a remake, it is supposed to be set in the same "universe" as the original. It's pretty out there and I don't know if I really like it yet (its 7 episodes in), but a lot of Gatchaman fanboys and girls will *HATE* it bigtime..... Opening titles.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLQE9etbaJ4 Character designs.... and stuff..... To me, I think it's possible that this project did not start out as Gatchaman, but ended up morphing into it during the design phase. It has little in common with the original series.
  6. Yeah, that was one of the coolest moments so far in the show.
  7. OH. Boo Hoo. FFS! How about Hugh Jackman as Batman. THEN YOU COULD HAVE A STRAYAN DOIN' THE JOB MATE, SHE'LL BE RIGHT, COBBER! STRAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Seen it already. Not as good as Hot Fuzz, a bit better than Shaun of the Dead, so it sits in the middle of the "trilogy". Very enjoyable though. Especially liked the ending.
  9. Just got back from seeing it, really enjoyed it. The social commentary of the film was great, there were plenty of laughs but the one thing that really blew me away were the special effects. The designs were outstanding and the effects themselves were VERY photo-realistic. Lets hope the days of obvious CGI are disappearing.....
  10. Yeah sure, me on a good day......
  11. 7:08 DAY-UM THATS GOOD!!! Sooo different to the Battle at Gamilon in the original series but that's OK.
  12. Some might not consider this to be a "guilty pleasure" but I will challenge anybody to tell me that it is "too mainstream" C64 game music made by Rob Hubbard, especially the likes of the "Commando" theme....... A lot of people bang on about NES and SNES music and the like, but never having a worthless "console", this music has always been special to me.... Always loved his "Warhawk" music too.....
  13. Don't worry, I will stand beside you. I loved the first movie as well. I think with all things like this that it is merely art reflecting a violent society. NOT art creating a violent society. We had a little bit of a moral panic here in Australia when the first one came out, with the media banging on about this being such a terrible and violent film that was not accurately represented by the trailers. There were even calls for the film to be banned over the Hit-Girl character. BUT, the film did get a MA15+ rating in this country which should have informed everybody about the extreme content. Personally, I think this is a classic case of a film that did not need a sequel. I will check this new one out, but I will be wary.
  14. It's not meant to be taken that seriously dude. It's freakin giant robots and monsters, not Shakespeare.....
  15. None of us meet with Togo's high standards. LOL. Its a wonder he hangs around with us "underlings".
  16. The problem is that "B"movies have become a lost art and people don't respect them for what they are. With the old cinema "Double bills" long gone people can't appreciate that a type of filmmaking evolved when they did exist that is still with us today. Machete is another great example of an old style "B" movie. It's never going to compete artistically with an "A" movie, but it's still a lot of fun.
  17. They've done it. They have "fuc.king" topped themselves with this new trailer. Is 15 seconds ALL we are going to get. When does this come out?
  18. Which story do you think Davison appeared in b4 becoming Doctor? (Cause there isn't one)
  19. Fake BTW. Nothing "official" about Hurt's Doctor then......
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