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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Correct, even though when he did kill the Predator in the end, I think it came down more to luck than skill or intelligence. ( I know it was using a trap he built in a way that it was not really intended, but still, he was lucky thats where he ended up after the thrashing the Predator gave him.) Taksraven
  2. That would be a risk. The longer they keep it unreleased, the greater the chance of some bootleg version hitting the net. Taksraven
  3. Maybe, I think that its more of a case of the franchise being relatively successful, but not as much as the Transformers franchise so therefore I don't think it is going to glide smoothly through the movie-making process. Financing will be a pain as well, because to do it properly I think its going to need a larger effects budget than the TF film. Taksraven
  4. A "reboot" of Predator might be on the way. Not really a remake maybe, but I'll mention it here... http://www.bloody-disgusting.com/news/15106 Get this though, a team of commando's up against a "team" of predators. Looks like they are missing the point of the original already. I always thought that one of the best aspects of the original film was that it was a team of commando's being wiped out by ONE Predator. Taksraven
  5. A thread for the most recent news has already come and gone, but I thought I would put a link to the news here anyway... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/13063/ste...-the-universe-/
  6. Anybody tried to play Gears of War lately...... http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2009/01...rting-today.ars
  7. A thread title like "Calling all Southern Cross fans, come chat" or something along those lines might have sounded daft but it may have been more effective in just dragging in true "fans" and would have given you more basis for chasing out the anti crowd. I always thought it was more of a thread to discuss and criticise the show. Taksraven
  8. The title for this thread is VERY misleading, it should say "Useless gibberish - Only read if you are bored". Taksraven
  9. More news on the new material, including when it should be broadcast.... http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/jan/2...f-cast-reunited Taksraven
  10. So reading between the lines the project is in development hell (*big* surprise) and only has one possible star attached. I give it ten years at least, if we ever see it at all..... Taksraven
  11. Not an anime series, but I am currently watching the DVD's of this animated series I have been waiting ages for.... Taksraven
  12. Reflected light would be a problem with stealth in space too, I would have thought. Taksraven
  13. I thought that the designs for the human armour were ok too, based on samurai armour, esp the helmets. Its a pity that these designs were not used more in the series. Taksraven
  14. I love the way that the robes STOP when they hit the shoulders, then continue with the wrists. GRATE design. (And yes, I mean GRATE). One design from the series that I really did like was for the guards/sentries/troopers aboard the Zor motherships. Unique and quite cool. Anybody got a piccie of them? Taksraven
  15. I think that it would be really good as long as it stays true to the original series. (ie, the good guys firing millions of rounds from their automatic weapons and not hitting one bad guy.) C'mon, the original sucked. Taksraven
  16. Well, there have been rumblings about a possible sequel to BLADE RUNNER and apparently Mr Scott has said that he would be interested in directing it. We should start a thread for "Sequels that we don't need"! Taksraven
  17. Just as a side note, are any Australians from this forum going to the Soundwave festival at Eastern Creek, or NIN at the Hordern, or Cradle of Filth in May? Just wondering. Taksraven
  18. I really liked Hikaru. Even though he was the series lead he wasn't the absolute ace pilot and he got shot down or blasted on a pretty regular basis. Gotta love that. Taksraven
  19. Forgot about nightwatch & daywatch & whatever the name of the last one will be. Yes, a very good series, some fantastic ideas and generally done on a minor budget, but I still prefer the scientific nature of Ultraviolet. Each to their own, I guess. Taksraven
  20. HEY! I fill up the Wikipedia with QUALITY!!! ;) Taksraven
  21. I find this movie series entertaining enough, but for me the main problem is the way it interprets vampires. (The best example for me is in the first movie when one of the major plot points involves a vampire staring at their own reflection.) For me, the best vampire story in the last decade or so has to be the BBC series Ultraviolet, from 1998. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet_(TV_serial) Its great stuff, very scientific, check it out if you get the chance. Taksraven
  22. Robotech diehards are good at filling up the wikipedia with crap. I think that they take the view the more they write about RT, especially in places like the Wikipedia, the more "legitimate" RT becomes. :wacko: Taksraven
  23. I don't think that the director was too happy about the film being pushed back. I certainly wasn't, NO good films were released in Australia during the Christmas period (and only a few good ones have come out since). Taksraven
  24. Rise of the Lycans, the film being released now, is a prequel. So *technically* it is the first, but it was not the first made, it was the third. Taksraven
  25. I would like to see it. Even without Beckinsale and Speedman, we are left with brilliant actors like Nighy, who can do wonders with crappy scripts, so it should be OK at least. I think that most of the story has been told in the two previous films though..... (I think that the Beckinsale dialogue was supposed to be taken from one of the other films, its not supposed to be new) ( I was out getting a pizza last night and I saw on the side of a small corner shop a huge poster the same as the one as the first post in this thread of Bill Nighy, and I thought, "Thats really cool", a British actor like him in that sort of context) Taksraven Surprised this didn't get a mention here before this as well....
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