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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. For them to make changes to correct names like that they would first have to care about any sort of continuity or canon from the original series. I don't see them suddenly caring about it ever, while they can hear the cash registers going off. ;) Taksraven
  2. What a load of sh!t. "You get to buy this item but you never get to reveal to anybody else what is in it!". F@uk. The trick would be to buy the item, say it was "stolen" or "lost", and then reveal the contents. Taksraven
  3. Mad Max and Mad Max II, two of the best Australian movies EVER!. If they ever do another sequel or a remake I will get annoyed. Taksraven
  4. Just out of interest. How many of us here would pay to go and see an RT movie in the cinema? (even if its just to mock it) I would go. Taksraven
  5. Ok, I live in Australia so I need the following words and expressions explained to me.... * TI * 99/4a units * "p-boxes" I guess that my ignorance means that I am not hardcore, but I am willing to learn from the master. Taksraven
  6. Who the funk is Will Farrel?? :P Taksraven
  7. The only way that RT should make it to the big screen.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvfXBNk-JVM...feature=related Taksraven
  8. The trek one is old news. Dunno about Land of the Lost. It could be interesting, since the original series was such a low budget affair. I'm not going to judge it yet. Taksraven
  9. That seemed to be the consensus of quite a few people on various websites. I don't think that it looks bad. Such a large unit will certainly compensate for any design flaws. (I remember a similar looking piece of mecha (moving on one giant wheel) in an episode of the 80's Astroboy, and it looked kinda cool.) Taksraven
  10. Ok, I'll admit, the trailer looked cool. (Yes it is supposed to.) Taksraven
  11. Replying to my own ancient thread here. The Bootleg Action Figures website is up and running again. Its mainly of interest to toy collectors and I know that there are plenty here who would be interested. It is in no way exhaustive or definitive, but it is a lot of fun..... http://www.bootlegactionfigures.com/pagetwo.html Taksraven
  12. Back in the days of the Vextrex, all I could do was drool with envy and wish I had one. First computer/game machine was a C64 for me. A brilliant little computer. Taksraven
  13. I don't think that a date has been set, if it ever gets made. Taksraven
  14. Vectrex, now there is a word that summons up nostalgia. Taksraven
  15. My fathers name is Roy. Taksraven
  16. Eeewwwwwwwwwww! Taksraven
  17. From the "Sequels we don't need" bin.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TR2N#Sequel Taksraven
  18. Thats my suspicion as well. HG CLAIMS to own the rights to all of Robotech and everything else, but I would be willing to bet that they are on shakier legal ground than they are letting on. If this project goes ahead, I predict that lawsuits would come flying from everywhere. Maybe even from Macek himself. (I know that I am going to get howled at from those who claim to know that I am wrong). Look at what happened recently with Watchmen and its legalities. Sure it did get settled and relatively quickly, but I think a fair amount of that may have been the result of the fact that the film was made and ready to go. If legal bickering was to break out BEFORE the production of a RT film, don't be surprised if the project is wrapped up and abandoned prematurely. I see another possiblity (that may have been mentioned here before) and that is that a RT film is not a serious consideration. It could be just a way for some hollywood types to "invest" their money in a film (or some white powder) that is going to create a tax write off for them. I think that more serious consideration of a RT film has been going on here than any hollywood office or planning room. Taksraven
  19. The second pilot wouldn't be Max or Roy, it would be a new character called Poochy. Taksraven
  20. I didn't mind the book (by Alan Dean Foster if I recall, the master of novelisations), but the ending was even closer to 2001 as far as I was concerned. The movie ending was good. Taksraven
  21. Ever mucked around with the MAME emulator for old arcade games, that really rocks. Taksraven
  22. Same goes for Knight Rider, original Galactica, Buck Rogers, Magnum PI, Space Academy...etc. Actually, I have found that the one type of program that often does stand the test of time well from adolescence to adulthood often IS anime. Taksraven
  23. Easy peasy, just show her some pics of the new Kirk and some of the other boys...... Taksraven
  24. Thats probably what they are trying to figure out as well. I personally think that if they made the film so it covered about the first third of the "First Robotech War" (up to the point where the SDF-1 returns to Earth,), that would be a good amount of material to cover for a first film. To try to fit 85 TV episodes into 3 films would be suicidal (I feel dirty having written that suggestion, though...) Taksraven
  25. If you don't work as a scriptwriter in Hollywood you should, and what would really excite the studio execs is that your story idea could easily be adapted to fit a lot of other franchises. Did you do the script for The Avengers movie? Taksraven
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