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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Dr Who and the Silurians?? :lol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Who_and_the_Silurians Taksraven
  2. To me, it gets to the stage where, whats the point in building a ship soooooo big. Its an awful lot of resource to possibly have destroyed in combat. Taksraven
  3. There was a "future of Macross" thread somewhere else here, in that I suggested the idea of a lone human working as part of a Zentradi fleet. Might be interesting, but even if the lone human was using a valk the focus would not be on valks. I still say that humans encountering Protoculture would be a fantastic idea. Taksraven
  4. I preferred "EMERGENCY BRAKE - NEVER USE!" Taksraven
  5. Great list Gubaba, you clearly like to *read* SF. (I fear that puts you in a small, but cool, minority these days) At least Clarke was honest about what was going on with the Rama Sequels, but I also suspect that he was not the solo writer of the 2001 sequels as well...... Given Hollywoods liking of making sequels to stories that are not meant to have them, I am surprised that they have not tried to make a sequel to that other great near-SF classic, 1984. I think that Mr Blairs estate would tell them to piss off like they told Bowie to piss off. Taksraven
  6. "Tonight on it's the mind we examine the phenomenon of deja vu. That strange feeling we sometimes get that we've lived through something before....." Taksraven "Tonight on it's the mind we examine the phenomenon of deja vu. That strange feeling we sometimes get that we've lived through something before....." Taksraven "Tonight on it's the mind we examine the phenomenon of deja vu. That strange feeling we sometimes get that we've lived through something before....." Taksraven "Tonight on it's the mind we examine the phenomenon of deja vu. That strange feeling we sometimes get that we've lived through something before....." Taksraven
  7. Sounds like the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy suing Encyclopedia Galactica for copyright infringement. (if anybody here knows *that* joke). ;) Taksraven
  8. Actually, still a bit OT, but I was just wondering. I can't think of an SF example, but like in the comic character universe, when Charles M. Schultz, creator of Peanuts, died, he took his characters "to the grave" with him, meaning that nobody else was allowed to use his characters after his death. Have there been any notable instances of this sort of thing in SF, with a successful franchise ending with the death of its creator? Taksraven
  9. I would like to climb into and pilot either B-ko or Cima Garahau. No, wait........ (gotta love those anime bad girls) Seriously though, it would have to be a Viggers/Chrauler MBR-04-Mk VI Tomahawk Main Battle Robot (Thanks to Mr March for the full name. Always thought it was one of the coolest looking Destroids. Failing that either a RX-78GP02A Gundam "Physalis" (I've got a nuke, just try and stop me), a RX-78GP03 Gundam "Dendrobium Orchis" (I might not have a nuke but I have everything else), or, just to mix it up, the customised Blackhawk I used in Mechwarrior 3. Taksraven
  10. Ok, bit of an update here on the progress of Astroboy..... http://www.aintitcool.com/node/39993 But its pretty vague. There has been little hard news yet but according to few websites that I have been to there are certainly funding problems with Imagi and its future projects. Its been enough to slow production on Astroboy and there has been no word yet as to how it will effect their Gatchaman project. So, with Imagi it looks like a case of wait and see but don't be too surprised if the current global economic crisis wipes them, and their future projects out. Taksraven
  11. Actually, the interesting flipside to that argument is like with Star Trek, has that been canon since Rodenberry died? Taksraven
  12. Um, since Lucas *created* the Star Wars Universe, anything he added to the saga in the prequels *is* canon. Even Midi-chlorians have to be accepted as canon because even though they were not mentioned in the original trilogy there certainly wasn't anything that would have contradicted the possiblity of their existence. SW fans have to bite the bullet and just accept that Lucas stuffed up his own saga and a remake by anybody else would therefore be non-canon. Taksraven
  13. Got a link for those wallpapers, I think I would like them.. Taksraven
  14. The ending was a bit of a shambolic mess (many real wars in history have ended that way though), but overall I quite enjoyed it. Taksraven
  15. Its never looked like a particulary practical weapon to use anyway. Gimme a Magic Wishing Staff or Lightsaber anyday. Taksraven
  16. Hang on, a remake of 0083??? I didn't read that properly the first time. Why remake that? I enjoy the original as is, no need to stuff around with it. Ok then, I take back my original statement, some Gundam series are not always welcome. They should remake the first series. Taksraven
  17. OK then, some are more welcome than others.... Taksraven
  18. Firefox was '82 and Robotech was '85. (Yes, I had researched that before my original post) Taksraven
  19. No Brera? What a shame!!! Taksraven
  20. You'd probably be resurrected as a Six and stare at your naked self in the mirror all day. Taksraven
  21. More Gundam is always welcome, *especially* if it is UC. They have neglected that part of the mythology for wayyyyyy too long. Taksraven
  22. I would say that Beyond Thunderdome was as much of a letdown as The Phantom Menace. Taksraven
  23. The concept of a control device like a "thinking cap" wasn't a new idea to SF though was it, I can think of at least one film (Firefox) that used the concept. Just being a nerd in pointing that out. Funnily enough of course, they used a similar device in Macross Plus as well, but we all know that. Taksraven
  24. I don't think that they could have done anything to make Shadow Chronicles a better movie. (ie, you can't polish a turd) Taksraven
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