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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I like the fact that Andrew Denton released the "Stairways to Heaven" album with a dozen or so covers of the song from The Money or the Gun. The All Stars version was a farce but it was also brilliant at the same time. "Other examples of words with two meanings - hump, shag, root, pork" Making me laugh now just thinking about it..... I have uploaded it to Youtube before, I will find it and upload it again. (Don't forget Barry Crockers input to that version of the song too.....) Taksraven
  2. Man, thanks for the heads up on that. I always thought that they were a band that went before their time. Saw them back in '95 when they were headlining a festival with NIN. Fantastic show. Hope that they tour Australia and hope they have not gone completely off the boil. I would not hold my breath for new album recordings though. (As a side note, Alice in Chains is recording a new album and when I saw them live a few weeks ago they were brilliant!) Taksraven
  3. Nope. But thats what makes it so cool. Slightly OT, but does anybody have any idea of the largest constructed object in SF/Anime? The Dysons Sphere encountered in the ST:TNG episode Relics would have to be one of the biggest, about 3/4 of an AU in diameter. Taksraven
  4. No comic could EVER be a match for a classic novel. There, I said it. Comedian and comic book fan Robin Williams joked, "'Is that a comic book? No! It's a graphic novel! Is that porn? No! It's adult entertainment!'" BUT, I think that some movies give novels a run for their money. (Not many though) Taksraven
  5. Good review for the film + director and some of the cast interviews....... Taksraven
  6. How about having the Zentraedi Factory Satellite and Bodolza's command centre on it too? Taksraven
  7. I suspect that was the case, but they did NOT make it clear. Taksraven
  8. You know, I think that the portrayal of the Jedi and the Force really got into trouble the very second that the Emperor opened fire with the force lightning in Return of the Jedi. I guess that it was up until that moment the Force was still quite mysterious and ultimately a thing that could not really be seen, you just had to believe in it. (Yes, I know that the ability to move objects etc is physical as well, but it was still an 'invisible' power) I remember when I first saw the film in '83 and it was the moment that that Force power was brought to bear that I felt that the Force and the Jedi by association were cheapened, by a poorly animated lightshow. It was a real WTF moment. The other impression I got from the original trilogy was that the Jedi were possibly much more militaristic. All the references to General Kenobi and that sort of thing. I was quite disappointed in the prequel trilogy when they decided to make Obi-Wans outfit from the original trilogy the Jedi "uniform". Taksraven
  9. A totally enjoyable film. Although the sex and violence had me wondering why it has only scored an MA rating in this country. Go see it. And for once using the smiley icon is totally relevant..... :) :) Taksraven
  10. Its called "Getting out and having a social life with real friends rather than sit at home all day on the computer and watching TV" :P Seriously tho, the problem with going out to see a lot of movies in the cinema means that ultimately you do go to see a lot of crap. Taksraven
  11. Nah, I reckon that Spanking the Monkey is easily worse than Galactica 1980. And I PAID to see that stupid goddam film. Taksraven
  12. I'm sure that you have a much greater chance of winning the lottery than that happening to you. Probably easier to get struck by lightning. Taksraven
  13. Tom Cruise rides a bike amongst other things in Top Gun.... Also, there was an old anime called Devlin about bikes.... Taksraven
  14. If you like bikes you can't go past Megaforce or Galactica 1980. ;) Taksraven
  15. Don't tempt fate. They should remake eps 4-6 and replace Boba Fett with Jar-Jar! Then Obi-Wans failure would be complete. Taksraven
  16. I haven't seen T3 so should I bother or just ignore it and go and see this new one? Taksraven
  17. You forgot the third option. People could start to talk about this topic in a serious manner. But, as I already noted, I think that the whole purpose of this thread was to bait people into this sort of discussion, so whats the point anyway?? Taksraven
  18. It sounds like (to me) that these are people being converted into terminators who don't realise afterwards what has happened to them. I always got the impression that the Arnie style units were completely fabricated by Skynet and NOT converted humans. Maybe these "converted human" style units are then reintroduced back into human society to go about their normal business until they receive their attack orders. (Manchurian Candidate anyone?) OR maybe these units cannot be detected by dogs?? I could be completely wrong. We'll just have to wait and see..... Taksraven
  19. Kissed you where?? (Sorry, bad Blackadder joke) OK, truce in force, for now. Taksraven
  20. That new trailer is really.....REALLY EFFING COOL. I love the NIN song "The Day the World Went Away" as the main song in it. (Well, the only song apart from the traditional Terminator sting at the end). I think that I would like to see this movie. ( And I didn't even bother to see T3 ) Taksraven
  21. Yep. Patrick Bateman. Taksraven
  22. Bah, your Seebach is nothing compared to the rocking power of JOAN KIRNER!!! (Former Victorian State Premier) Taksraven (I can see this battle degenerating from worst video into people who should not be allowed near a microphone or guitar...)
  23. I suspect that we were being baited with this thread...... Taksraven
  24. Actually I would suggest go to www.ruthlessreviews.com and click on their forums. You should have fun as the insane locals there try to rip your balls off. I come here when I want a bit of sanity and to NOT get mauled by stupid rottweilers. Taksraven
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