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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. UN Spacey put the link and pics up. I just commented on it.
  2. Why, oh why, does he have to move like a frikkin Ninja now? And a CGI one AT THAT!!!!
  3. Question should have been "Which character has the better actor, Thor or Loki?" Would have gotten a different response then.....
  4. Nah, I think it was really good that you posted that video. It was certainly interesting to watch. It clearly tries to go a long way to perpetuate the myth that *everything* in the original trilogy was good and that *everything* in the prequel trilogy was bad. Both have their strengths and weaknesses of course and it is silly to say otherswise. What annoys me more than the prequel trilogy is a lot of the tinkering Lucas has done with the re-releases of the original trilogy on DVD and then blu-ray. Of course some stuff is genuine improvement (ie, the final space battle over the skies of the original Death Star) but other stuff is truly questionable (ie, Vaders new "Nooooooooo" as he kills the Emperor. Of course, even this discussion would be pointless if Lucas made all versions of the films, including the original cinema cuts available, but he doesn't want to do that, which is really stupid when you looke at the seamless branching tech of Blu-ray.
  5. Seems that Zimmer doesn't like it either. The music from the Inception trailer wasn't used in the film soundtrack. (thank god)
  6. You've obviously never heard what happens when she opens her mouth. The horror outweighs any other "assets" she has..... (and besides, there are no "assets" of hers on display in this film anyway")
  7. An interesting attempt to "rationalise" the problems with SW and condense them into a list of just four points, but at the end of the day it's really just a big attack on the prequel trilogy: "Point 1: SW is not set in cities" If Lucas had the budget to build believable big futuristic cities in the orignal trilogy he would have. Oh wait, he did, Bespin..... "Point 2: The future is old". Well, the prequel trilogy was set in the past, before the decay and stagnation of the Galactic Empire set in. I think that was a good justification for the difference in the look of the two films...... "Point 3: The Force is mysterious" Possibly the most defendable point of the lot, I have to agree with this one...... Point 4" SW is NOT CUTE". Yeah, because all the cute stuff came from the prequel trilogy. THERE (EWOKS) WAS (EWOKS) NOTHING (EWOKS) CUTE (EWOKS) ABOUT (EWOKS) THE (EWOKS) ORIGINAL (EWOKS) TRILOGY. (DID I MENTION EWOKS?) Personally, my only suggestion to JJ and the production team would be, focus more on creativity and imagination and if you do have a problem, use the creativity and imagination to work through it, don't just try to pour money on the problem.
  8. Hang on, Kat Dennings is in this film and people want Natalie Portmans character to die??? WTF??
  9. Didn't like the sound of a lot of the voicework. Darkseid in particular didn't sound intimidating at all.....
  10. Pot kettle black. LOL. Fight???? C'mon Duke, we don't "fight", I think that this is more like what we do.........
  11. Translation. "I've just shat all over something you happen to like. I'm unrepentant and don't care. You'll live."
  12. The music does get used a heck of a lot here and there, but I like it so I don't care...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SbnqIIkXQc
  13. Yeah, promotion of SW is done really well. I present to you, Jabba the Hutt, the Christmas Tree decoration. Everybody should have one....... And then you've got other wonderful stuff like this........
  14. Of course, the GREATEST KING ARTHUR FILM EVAR has already been made.......!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTQfGd3G6dg
  15. Yeah, great stuff....... Seriously though, not trying to be disrespectful. A lot of the Filmation stuff was produced, of course, when most television productions, animated or otherwise, were produced on shoestring budgets. The people making the product were well aware of the fact that it wasn't too great, but it was simply the best they could do with the money they had and the resources at their disposal. Personally, I think that this was some of their best stuff........
  16. FINALLY!!! Not much, but better than nothing. Got my tix to go and see this in the cinema. Can't wait!!
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