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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/x-men/ I love weebls stuff. Taksraven
  2. Interesting, I hadn't heard that before. Where did the info come from? I might email Red-Ant. They released the Evangelion rebuild before most other english speaking countries. Taksraven
  3. Maybe we need a thread dedicated to unwanted sequels as well as remakes? ( I would post a link to one, but Dark Horizons is down) Taksraven
  4. I think that a thread like this one needs to be pinned and used as a permanent forum for technical issues relating to getting Macross onto DVD, as I am sure that many of us have no end of problems getting stuff onto DVD into a reliable format. So much of the software and the files we have to use are all over the place. And THEN, on top of all that, some DVD players do not work well with home-made DVD's. Very frustrating, D'OH! Taksraven
  5. HUH??? Please explain?? New to me?? Taksraven
  6. I think that the first rule of covering songs by other bands should be NEVER cover a bands biggest hit. UNLESS, you are really sure of yourself or have a very interesting idea of what to do with the song. So many artists fall into this trap of covering another bands most popular or successful song. A better idea would be to cover a song that was an album-only track, or is a little bit more rare or obscure. A lot of bands have covered "Have a Cigar" by Pink Floyd. It is one of their greatest songs but is relatively obscure compared to other tracks by the band. Other musical artists are attracted to the song because of its lyrical content, which slags off at record companies and record company executives. Another cover I really enjoy is "Cars", originally by Gary Numan but then covered brilliantly by Fear Factory. The cover is especially good because Numan himself takes part in the song and the videoclip. It sounds great. Taksraven
  7. Doubleplusgood, Gubaba, doubleplusgood, with my appy polly loggy's to Klingon speakers. Taksraven (.....creating the first sentence ever containing Newspeak and Nadsat.)
  8. I think that having the Ryno thread open for a while was a really good idea, like I said, it allowed some to let off a little steam and it also allowed some constructive criticism. BUT, I think that the idea of having an ongoing "lets pick the mods apart thread", which seems to be the point of this, is not such a great idea. I know that these forums cannot operate like a total democracy where everybody has a say in everything that happens, but on the other hand I don't want it to operate like a total 1984 police state either. (Which it doesn't, by the way) Ultimately I think that we do have to put faith and trust in the mods to run this place properly, which I am willing to do, since we are all really just "guests" here anyway. If a mod makes a decision that is *totally* unreasonable, I will take it up privately with the mod via PM. So far I have not really had to do that (although one thread I started was renamed in such a way as to take the piss out of it by some mod without any justification, didn't like that one... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...mp;hl=megaforce ) but I accept that if I had to I could do that and not expect to be banned for dissent. The one thing that the Ryno thread did demonstrate to me, though, was that there is one major rule that I think could be overturned (or at least given leniency in one dedicated thread) and that is the rule about politics. The thread about Ryno was pure politics and I think that everyone taking part was totally reasonable and we had a lively discussion. I think that if a thread dedicated to politics was established and any political discussion had to be kept there I think that the mods might get a surprise and find out that we can act in a reasonable way about this touchy subject. It would certainly be interesting. I think that when people talk about government and party politics here now it usually gets really silly really quickly but I think thats because it is a banned subject and people know that they can only go for so long before being warned or the thread being closed. I think with a dedicated thread things might be a little different. Just my idea, I'm sure it will get howled down and rejected. Taksraven
  9. Stupid nerd whining at its finest........ http://showmescifi.com/2009/04/28/klingons...k-xi-jatlhwipu/ Dorks like this give the rest of us a really bad name. It stops SF from being taken more seriously. Taksraven
  10. Unfortunately Dr Who DVD's always seem to be selling at premium prices. I guess they know that a lot of the fanbase can afford it so why drop the price. Its pretty rude actually, especially since the quality of the Season boxsets has dropped a bit since they started. (Looks over at the cyberman head attached to the box for season 2 and sighs) Taksraven
  11. I prefer the general sentiments of this song, even if it wishes for Hollywood to be destroyed for slightly different reasons... Taksraven
  12. I really think that the "set your phasers for snore" subheading for this thread is looking more and more irrelevant and hopefully inaccurate. Taksraven
  13. I think that each series had a "bible". It was available for purchase if you wished to write Trek stories to submit to the producers, that way you could follow their "rules" which was stupid. Friend of mine had one. Here is an example of one on ebay... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/1992-STAR-TREK-DEEP...p3286.m63.l1177 Personally, I think that it does not help the franchise evolve. I understand the need for some rules when writers (You could not have a random writer come in with a script where 7 of 9 has sex with Janeway) are producing scripts, but primarily they should be there to protect the budget of a show and little else. Everything else should be up for grabs and if somebody writes a script that is TOO outlandish you just reject it. There was supposed to be a bible written for the New Doctor Who produced in America in the 90's. That sounded really outlandish compared to the original series. I would love to have a copy to look at anyway. (If you want to know how weird they thought about going with the New Who, look at this..... http://www.shannonpatricksullivan.com/drwho/serials/tvm.html Here is an example of how weird it could have been.... Taksraven
  14. A little from column A, a little from column B. Taksraven
  15. Well, it has been nice that the mods have allowed for this thread to continue and let some people blow off a little steam. Thing is, of course, if fundamental changes were made to the forums it would just polarise things even more. People would start whining that things here weren't as good as they used to be (I have already seen occasional posts complaining about that) and you would get others complaining that some things had not changed enough. BUT things always end up changing one way or another and there is always the chance that forums could die from indifference. In the early days of the internet (engage silly old fart mode) I used to hang around on a lot of usenet threads like aus.tv and aus.music and we used to have great discussions there. They were not moderated so some pretty nasty stuff was said from time to time (one wanker once wanted to meet me in public so he could fight me, what a loser) but after a few years the discussions became stale and boring and I don't bother going to the groups anymore. So it goes..... Taksraven
  16. Yeah, I've been noticing a whole lot of quiet lately. I know that there are natural peaks and lows, but it seems pretty quiet now. Taksraven
  17. As long as they make her take some acting lessons. Sure, she is nice to look at, but she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. Taksraven
  18. Not trying to be narky or rude, but how would you know for sure that some people KNEW it was Ryno rather than suspecting. (Unless they were silly enough to admit to it directly) I agreed with all of your previous points except for this one. Even if they did know it was Ryno, its not like they were commiting an act of genocide. In other words, I don't think that their crime was *that* extreme. It still wasn't right though and there would be nothing wrong with the mods telling them that. ************************* As for working with the mods to make this a better forum. Maybe if we had some sort of "Three strikes and yer out" policy. I have been to other forums where infractions against the rules are recorded against your name (privately, not publicly) so you know exactly how close you are sailing to some sort of ban or disciplinary action. It might help make things more consistent. I know that one warning from a mod should always be enough to get a person to shut up, but people are argumentative by their very nature. Also, it might help if all warnings were PM'ed. I nearly missed a warning once and it was right before I nearly shot my mouth off (once again, I'm no angel). PM ing the warnings would give people less of an excuse to say that they didn't know. Just an attempt at some constructive input, feel free to ignore it. Taksraven
  19. Oh holy flubbing shirt...... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/13982/bra...ad-fred-remake/ A Drop Dead Fred remake with Russell Brand as Fred. Shoot me now. I know that the original had problems but I doubt that they could ever top Rik Mayall. Taksraven
  20. Well they have this little bit on their disclaimer page...... Good post though, that is what I was getting at a few days ago. HG seems gung-ho about hanging on to the Macross copyright, but what about the actual ROBOTECH trademark, etc..... Taksraven
  21. Post of the Year. Taksraven
  22. Remake of Videodrome.... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/13973/-vi...gets-new-flesh/ Remake of Nightmare on Elm Street (interesting choice for the new Freddy) http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/13929/twi...to-elm-street-/ Straw Dogs remake.... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/13917/mar...aw-dogs-remake/ R.U.R remake (oh god) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R.U.R._(film) Taksraven
  23. Its funnier when mainstream Hollywood does it to itself. eg.. Deep Impact Vs. Armageddon Volcano Vs. Dante's Peak Taksraven
  24. Some people would say that you could never get enough "MACROSS 7 IS GAY!!!" threads. OK then. (Trying to steer this thread away from the RT.COM rocks that clearly threaten to sink it.) If HG own the rights to Macross, I assume that they also own the rights to the ROBOTECH name. Ok, obvious statement, I know but I am interested because as far as I know the rights to the "Battle of the Planets" franchise that Sandy Frank owned were supposed to have expired back in 2007, so as far as I can tell there will be no new BOTP DVD's or other merch. Does anybody know how this sort of situation came about and could it hold any relevance to the future of RT? I am just thinking along the lines of a future where maybe HG still holds the Western rights to Macross but maybe not Robotech? It would seem strange but I was wondering if it was possible? The other interesting example I am aware of is the situation involving Spinal Tap. I have heard Harry Shearer say in numerous interviews that he and the other members of Spinal Tap HAVE to have at least one activity related to Spinal Tap each year (whether it be a few concerts, or a DVD or CD release) and if they don't, they will lose control of Spinal Tap. I am not sure how this situation came about but he did mention the involvement of the company CANAL+. Taksraven
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