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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Gee, we've gone this far in the thread and no sign of George "Boo Hoo, you raped my childhood" Lucas?????? Taksraven
  2. Interesting, I thought that they were good CG. Oh well..... Taksraven
  3. I loved Casey as Mark. It was good that Mark contrasted so much with Jason because in the original Gatchaman their voices are too similar. The legendary Alan Young did the voice of Keyop and yeah, that was pretty mangled. The Gatchaman voice for Jinpei was much funnier. Oh, don't worry, I am *well* aware of the overall faults with BOTP and the bastardisation that took place, but Sandy Frank did improve a few things. (If anybody is interested in the BOTP soundtrack, PM me.) Taksraven
  4. C'mon, get it right and think like a true capitalist. All that Carl Macek and Tommy Yune want Robotech to really be is: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Taksraven
  5. That was the biggest problem I had with the first Transformers film. I was sitting there thinking "There is a little bit of stuff here that I recognise, but NOT MUCH." Taksraven
  6. I still think that the dub on Star Blazers was superior to Robotech and BOTP. BUT there were a few good things about the BOTP dub. The voice cast was fantastic and the introduction of Hoyt Curtins music to complement (not replace) the original Japanese soundtrack was brilliant. Taksraven
  7. Exactly the point I was trying to make. And the fact that they didn't "reset" at the end meant that the producers had true testicles. Also, it was the first time I had ever heard an "F" word in a Trek film, anybody else hear it? Taksraven
  8. Franchise comparisons are pointless anyway. I enjoy ST and SW for different reasons with no real need to compare the two. Its like comparing a lot of the old school anime with each other. Gatchaman (ok BOTP version) was great, Space Cruiser Yamato (ok Star Blazers version) were both fantastic, but both shows were soooooooooooooooo different, what would be the point in really trying to say which one was better. And you know what, if I really did have to choose my top three SF films, neither ST or SW would probably make the list. Taksraven
  9. Mumbles quietly.... "But I thought that Macross was better than Gundam, thats why we're here, aren't we?" Taksraven
  11. Roland Emmerich. He sincerely believes in treating his audiences like they are absolute idiots. (Admittedly they must be if they keep going to watch his crappy films) Taksraven
  12. Overall, it was a great film. Trek has never looked this good. The pre-credits sequence was thrilling and it maintained its pace from there. (Weird to see a former Australian soap actor playing Kirk Senior, but he did a good job with his brief role.) There was a little bit of fanwankery going on and a knowledge of the various Trek series and films is a little bit helpful in understanding exactly what was going on but I still thought it was pretty accessible. I particularly loved the Kobayashi Maru bit. Strange to think that the joke itself was originally set up in the early 1980's, I was laughing quite loud knowing what Kirk was about to do. The bit about Archers dog was funny too. The overall look of the film was certainly more SW than Star Trek, but that was OK, it was nice to see space battles realised so well. Thought I was going to hate Enterprise and its new bridge but I found them to be totally acceptable. As already observed here, there wasn't much of a plot and there was barely enough time to give all of the different cast members their moments. Maybe an extra half hour would have helped this, but it would have stuffed around with the pace of the film which was blistering, I must say. Generally the cast was pretty good. New Kirk, fine. New McCoy, a bit weird but fine, Sulu and Chekov were much the same as they have always been, and Simon Pegg was great, even if he did sound exactly like Spud on speed from Trainspotting. Two of the major revelations were Spock and Uhura. Both were outstanding in their roles and the scene where they first embrace in the lift was one of the best in the film. When there was the opportunity this film had a lot of heart with these characters. I thought that the prejudice that Spock went up against with his own people at the start was done particularly well. A lot of people rave about Shatner and Kirk, but I think that the producers of this film correctly realised that ultimately it is Spock who is the emotional heart of the franchise. (Pretty funny, since he is supposed to be the emotionless character) I think that was one of the most successful aspects of Voyager as well, even though it wasn't Spock, it demonstrated the Vulcan characters can be quite mesmerising. It was kinda sad seeing Nimoy, knowing that there is a pretty good chance that this was his last time as Spock. (Unless he comes back in the next film, always possible, I guess) Shatner is supposed to be going around saying that Nimoy is getting pretty senile, if he is he is still doing quite well. But even with this we have a lot of character development with Nimoy playing him as a much more human character than normal (I don't know if this was intentional or not) and it contrasted well with the younger Spock. Captain Pike was excellent. Nice to see the role done this way, I was never too impressed with the job they did in TOS. The one cast member who did get a raw deal, however, was Eric Bana. He's a great actor but in this film he simply did not have enough to do and enough of a chance to really shine. A great pity. I give this film 10/10 for the simple fact that they DIDN'T press the reset button at the end. With the "premature" death of Spock's mother AND the destruction of Vulcan, I didn't think that they would have the balls to maintain this mucking around with traditional Trek canon. Well there are many of us, I suspect, who would have happily seen this franchise die (or at least now go into prolonged hibernation), but I doubt that this can be the case now. It will be interesting to see where the franchise goes from here. Ideally, I think that they could stretch this out to a movie trilogy and maybe leave it at that, but of course that is not going to happen. I predict that pretty soon we will see plans being made for the franchise to return to TV. Time will tell...... Taksraven
  13. Here is an interesting question. How did people here first find out about the true nature of Robotech, and the fact that it was made up of three unrelated series? I found out by reading an article in Starlog magazine, when they did a special about "Japanimation" spread over two issues. It was in that article that I read the Robotech comprised three unconnected series, and it mentioned the HG plans at the time to commission a further 175 episodes to bridge the gap between the three show. (Actually, if anybody has that ancient article or scans of it, I would love to see it again.) Taksraven
  14. Na-aaa, no way. Transmorphers with a budget of only $300,000 could NEVER be as bad as Battlefield Earth which wasted somewhere between 45 million and 75 million. Just as a side note. Look at the Wikipedia page for Transmorphers, particularly the section where it lists the plotlines that the film ripped off. Some people having fun adding crap to that.... Taksraven
  15. When they took the piss out of the Simpsons being produced in Korea during the "Itchy and Scratchy Movie" episode, (where they showed the koreans animating itchy and scratchy at gunpoint), apparently it really pissed off the actual people working on it and they were inclined to suggest that the Americans "animate that section of the film their goddamn selves" Funny stuff. Taksraven
  16. The US overdub of Mad Max reduced a classic film to a pile of smoking rubble....... Taksraven
  17. DUDE! A few spoilers in that presskit! A word of warning for those who don't want to know too much about the plot. Taksraven
  18. Not really the sort of music I am normally into, but a bit of a guilty pleasure. Datarock with Give it Up. Taksraven
  19. Looks like a film that takes SF pretty seriously. Which is good, because so few films really do. One of the last really "serious" sci-fi efforts I saw was the Clooney version of Solaris and I really enjoyed that. (even though a lot of others thought it was shite.) Sam Rockwell is one of the best "regular" sci-fi actors that we have seen in a while. (He was great in Hitch Hikers and Galaxy Quest) Taksraven
  20. Noticed that resemblance too. I love how the robots in Silent Running were guys without legs. Taksraven
  21. Noticed that, esp. with the suits and interior design. Taksraven
  22. Fixed yr URL. Taksraven
  23. Is there any point to this? I think that we are all over it now. Anybody who wanted to vent or express themselves had ample opportunity. Lets move on............ Here is a pretty picture of a sunrise to symbolise the new dawn that we should all be moving towards. Taksraven
  24. I am an artist too......
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