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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. That's a great idea, go for it. Taksraven
  2. Yeah great, thanks for that. Taksraven
  3. Well, this might be interesting, since I think its a pretty small genre compared to Science Fiction. When I say Science Fact I mean films that stick pretty much to reality. A little bit of dramatisation is permitted. And I don't want people going on that films about the real moon landings are really science fiction cause we allegedly never went there and all that crap. For me, its a toss up between The Right Stuff and Apollo 13. They are both pretty good. Taksraven
  4. Alternate reality + Prime reality = headache approaching on the starboard bow. Taksraven
  5. To be honest, its not just the Macross mid-90's I miss, its the alternative music scene too. All gone now. They don't even play the stuff on the radio. :( Taksraven
  6. Quoting Garth at Dark Horizons..... What upcoming remake prompts this comment. Stallone's Cliffhanger is going to be remade!! FFS!!!! http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/14136/-cl...e-in-the-works/ I wonder what the quickest time between original and remake is. Any ideas?? Oh yeah, a remake of Mona Lisa is on the way too...... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/14145/rou...na-lisa-remake/ Taksraven
  7. OMG, I can't believe that I forgot this one...... LONE SLOANE - A French SF comic that started in the sixties and new chapters are added from time to time. Brilliant stuff!!
  8. I love Fallout Tactics. Taksraven
  9. WE cant! MODS can. :( Taksraven
  10. Prefer the original themes to most computer games, particularly Amiga stuff.... Rob Hubbard is a legend..... Taksraven
  11. But the mid-90's were a great place to be!! ;) Taksraven
  12. Been going on for years..... Bowmans pod from 2001 in The Phantom Menace.... R2D2 in Close Encounters.... Firefly in BSG...... Taksraven
  13. That is probably the worst thing about it. The pacing of the original anime had problems, with part three in particular dragging on. Then again, most Macross' series (SDF:M, Plus, Zero and Frontier) had real issues when it came to the pacing of the series and generally the endings were rushed. Taksraven
  14. You are right, it goes back to really old storytelling and traditional tales... Taksraven
  15. I think you mean "Phaesed Pwazma Rwifles in duh fordy vatt reange" Taksraven (God, its hard to type Arnie, easy to speak it though...) "Its nod a Teumarrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"
  16. You know, it is possible that they were ripping off Yamato, but do you think that the producers would be "visually literate" enough to have seen it? Taksraven
  17. Yeah, I heard about that, it would have been suckier..... Taksraven
  18. And thank you to whoever finally brought the subtitle for this thread up to date, it was looking silly. (Come to think of it, did we see ANY footage from that first teaser-trailer in this film, I don't think so......) Taksraven
  19. I would put New Film and II on level pegging. First contact would be much further down the list, and I like Generations even though it was flawed. Listen to the commentary, even the makers wanted this film to go further than it did. Taksraven
  20. Honestly, I didn't think that Jumper was that bad. The director only stuffed up by hiring shopfront mannequins to play the two leads. (The dude from Billy Elliot was cool though) Taksraven
  21. Nah, I liked how he acted, don't forget that this is new impetuous Kirk with no Daddy. Taksraven
  22. I wouldn't hold my breath for this film. Taksraven
  23. DC's "Crisis on Infinite Earths". It could be the ultimate superhero movie (or set of movies). Taksraven
  24. Yes, I know that the BOTP dub/mangled version was flawed, but at least it gave me a chance to see this show at the ideal time in my life (about 6 years old) and I have since hunted down the proper version. But I own and enjoy both, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Taksraven
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