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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I thought that the walrus was Paul?? Taksraven
  2. Ok, I will admit that I have not watched Macross 7. I know that one day I must do so. I also need to see FB2012 properly too. Taksraven
  3. I admit it can be nice, but not when you are building up to the climax of the series. Taksraven
  4. Absolutely correct. B&B ran the franchise into the ground. Taksraven
  5. I would rather see a Richard Ramirez version. (very bad joke) Its funny, everybody I talk to about this one is stunned. Maybe the general outrage might be enough to get the project cancelled. We can live in hope. Taksraven
  6. I voted for all the options. (You better fix that) Taksraven
  7. Does it mean that they would have to remove their incontinence pads so they could finally get it on? Taksraven (I would like to enter this post into the "Most Vulgar Post of the Year" competition that we should be running .)
  8. Yes, as I noted before, part 3 was the weakest chapter and really only picked up in the final quarter of the episode. Taksraven
  9. Yeah, its just a pity that this squadron was really only glimpsed. Would have been better if they had a larger role. Taksraven
  10. Demon Seed was Ok. A bit weird though. Taksraven
  11. Sounds interesting, I will have to check it out. Thanks for that... Taksraven
  12. Don't always like the reimaginings so much. I thought that they did a good job with Dr Who. Continue the original continuity but bring things up to date. Taksraven
  13. My turn to be vulgar now. Who is the new avatar and where can I get more? Very cute. Taksraven
  14. I believe that the correct term is Ménage à trois. Don't want to upset any puritans with vulgar language. :lol: Taksraven
  15. Supernova was a godawful film too. Dunno about it being the worst ever, but it really sucked. Taksraven
  16. Both Debbie Gibson AND Tiffany were huge rip-off merchants. They should have done their playboy at their peak, not the 40+ stage. In fact, Bill Hicks had the right idea about what those girls should have done and thats all I am saying on the matter. Taksraven
  17. HEY!!! Whats going on here? I leave this thread for a while and people start to bring up The Andromeda Strain and The Quiet Earth, some of the best and most obscure SF out there. Sure, not really Science Fact, but great attempts at making intelligent SF. The Quiet Earth had one of the best endings in movie history. And its NEW ZEALAND SF! Wow, what an effort for a tiny island nation! Taksraven
  18. 50-years old (written in 1968 or 1969 IIRC) WTF!!!! Buy a calcuator!! AAARRGHHHH!!!! Good work bringing up Andromeda though. Havent seen the new mini-series, but the original film, which has already been mentioned, is FANTASTIC, and one of the best attempts at making a realistic science fiction film. Great stuff. Taksraven
  19. I was hoping that somebody would mention this film. Based on fact and very enjoyable. (October Sky is an anagram of Rocket Boys, which was the original name this film was to have) Taksraven
  20. Naah. I always thought that Douglas Adams always presented a more accurate view of the future of humanity in Hitch-Hikers. Even though Earth was destroyed at the start of the story I always thought that the rest of the beings in the universe represented human nature in more technological circumstances. In other words, the same bunch of morons, only with better technology. I am a bit cynical though. Taksraven
  21. You bring up a good point there. That is the sort of craziness (humanity magically maturing after thousands of years of barbarity, forming the one govt and abandoning currency) that never ever rang true for me in Trek. I think that was Rodenberry's idea to avoid really describing how humans in the future are governed. Taksraven
  22. Over 12 hours and no criticism of RT on this thread. (or any discussion at all for that matter). Is this a record or have we finally run out of steam? Taksraven
  23. Loved that show. Wish I could get it on DVD. Science fact? Near enough. Taksraven
  24. Its easy to have digs at the science in science fiction because most of us fanboys think we know a lot about it. (Even if we don't) If we picked apart the fiction aspect (especially shallow characterisation, poor plotting and crappy storylines which is the curse of most SF) we would be knocking down the supporting wall and the whole thing would collapse. Taksraven
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