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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Bride of Frankenstein remake, FFS!!! http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/14432/uni...f-frankenstein- Taksraven
  2. Just looking at reports that FOX wants to make a sequel to Donnie Darko. That is bad enough, but I was horrified to discover that they made a cheap straight-to-dvd sequel just recently. Horrible! Taksraven
  3. Not trying to pass judgement on the whole project without seeing it, but what a horrible, out of date name for a show. Sounds like a product of the failed VF craze. Taksraven
  4. Yeah, I know that there is supposed to be another on the way but maybe if we talk about it enough here it will go the same way as the Akira adaptation? I dunno where they were thinking about going with it, but there was barely enough story to cover the last two films. The only way that I would pay to go to see it if Russell Brand was in it would be if they not only had his character being killed horribly, but the actor dying as well. THAT, I would be happy to see...... Taksraven
  5. Don't want to see another "Pirates of the Carribean". Taksraven
  6. Just imagine if they had ended Macross with Flashback 2012 fullstop. Taksraven
  7. Just fixed up your statement. He was a fine villain when he was forced to be subordinate to others. Taksraven
  8. Yeah, its heart attack city otherwise, eh............. :lol: Taksraven
  9. The Star Destroyers are an attempt at a good all round vessel. (battleship, troop carrier, aircraft carrier, etc.....) The only real flaw is that it lacks a weapon with a really big punch. (wave motion gun style sort of thing.) Taksraven
  10. I think that they are more likely to be failures now. I think that modern writers have less respect for original texts. Not doubting that. Catch 22, A Clockwork Orange and Watchmen were great films based on 'literary' works. And there are tons of other good adaptations. Its kinda like the debate that used to take place about a Live-action version of Space Cruiser Yamato that was supposedly going to be made in the West, with the US battleship Arizona replacing the Yamato. Ultimately a lot of "cultural adaptations" to specific works are insulting and pointless. Once again, i have no problem with cultures "swapping spit". It does break the monotony. That "just for kids" tag is the worst thing that goes against animation as an artform. Its absolute crap and I will discourage anybody from having such an attitude. Most of the really early animators tried to create work that would appeal to adults and children and that has become a bit of a lost art in some (but not all) cases in the west. As I've said before, just apply the "bad sequel" rule. If a movie has a bad sequel or adaptation, just pretend that it does not exist. Maybe you are right about that, but people can be funny about protecting their culture. In fact some people can be deadly when it comes to protecting their culture. So these debates and arguments are minor by comparison.
  11. Guys like Spielberg will namecheck LOTS of stuff and compliment it, and I suspect that they often have not seen what they are talking about. Guys like Spielberg should be smart enough to know that the original is fine and does not need stuffing around with. I hate the mentatility that a lot of people have that anime or animated work in general does not get real "legitimacy" until it becomes live action. Taksraven
  12. I generally agree with the sentiments. I know that Hollywood has a patchy history with adaptations, remakes and reimaginings, but most of the time they are shite. The one that really pushed me over the edge was The Avengers. What an effing waste of a cast and resources, and all because the writers were crap and thought that they knew better than the shows creators. They talk about a big screen remake of "The Prisoner" and the idea used to excite me, but now I am certainly at the stage where I hope it NEVER happens. Taksraven
  13. Speaking of cyberpunk, there is, allegedly, a filmed version of Neuromancer in the works, but it is probably vapourware. Could Avatar be classed as Cyberpunk? Taksraven
  14. Saw it last night, really enjoyed it. One of the best action flicks I have seen for ages. I think that those knocking it are expecting Shakespeare and that is not what the franchise is about. It was a real magpie of a movie. Take a little bit from different a movie here, take another bit from a different movie here, take a WHOLE LOT from Mad Max 2 here (feral kid, etc), but in the end I wasn't bothered. And it was great to see 1980's Arnie back. Loved that detail. The A-10 action was great, the Skynet technology was awesome, Sam Worthington did steal the show a bit (what can I say, another great Australian actor). Anton Yelchin was really good but he should have done the whole film using his Chekov accent and I really liked Moon Bloodgood as well. The franchise is back from the dead and I wish it well..... Taksraven
  15. Yeah, there always has been a lot of love for the Andromeda in Star Blazers/Yamato fandom. Always baffled me a little bit. Sure the design is OK and the double wave-motion gun at the from looks awesome, but I was never that impressed with it. Looks too much like a flying gun, I guess. And it never had a chance to do that much in the show either. Liking it is kinda like liking Boba Fett. Sorta pointless. Just my opinion. Taksraven
  16. And there would be puritans screaming for such a thread to be shut down, so its not worth the effort. (Yes, I am still pissed off about the "sexiest moment in Frontier" or whatever the hell thread it was I started that was shut down. Not that it was closed, but because of the reason it was closed) Taksraven
  17. Just a joke. Don't Panic. Taksraven
  18. I can spot some similarities.... Taksraven
  19. OK, no more of that. Taksraven
  20. Says the internet tough guy...... Taksraven
  21. Same wanker, more like. Just read this load of BS that he posted...... http://www.geocities.com/robotechthreethou.../manifesto.html Lets just hope that Khyron Pieman.....sorry Prime never learns how to pick up a gun...... Taksraven
  22. Will he even appear? I think that some major characters and events will "vanish".
  23. I reckon that a full size DALEK anywhere in the house would have to rock! Taksraven
  24. Yamato, like a lot of shows such as Macross, does have a fairly loose set of rules that have to be followed if you want to make a show that is a recognisable part of the franchise. An appearance by Desler (my favourite character), is compulsory, the Yamato really having the sh!t kicked out of it in a battle is compulsory too. Anybody else care to add some elements to this list? I too am not particularly fond of the character designs, but at least the Yamato design was true, and not one with very silly wings (the original wings were cool) and an Enterprise disk sticking out halfway down the hall. Taksraven
  25. I challenge anybody who was a fan of the original series not to get a shiver down their spine or have the hairs on the back of their neck standing up when the Yamato blasted out of the ice. Sure, the CGI was not particularly fantastic, but the Yamato still looked great. Loved the way it took off like a roaring rocket. Fantastic stuff as it hurtled across the ice. (I don't think that the ship has ever been animated before to look like it was moving so quickly) I don't think that this will be a remake of the original. The narrator (who sounded a lot like the old Mayan dude from Macross Zero, anybody confirm that) kept mentioning "Black Hole" so I think its a new enemy. Taksraven
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