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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. American Werewolf in London remake. Not a big surprise.... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/14512/-am...remake-planned/
  2. A sequel to 300 is not required... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/14494/zac...lks-300-sequel/ Taksraven
  3. Fark me. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/14541/uni...film-adaptation For anybody too young to remember this arcade classic with a very lavish storyline, it looked like this..... Taksraven
  4. The way its been done, it looks more like a Zero to me in some shots.... Taksraven
  5. Such a shame about Genesis, esp. since it looked like it was going to be so awful. Taksraven
  6. Listen to the music in this trailer. I'm sure its a rendition of the instrumental from "Live and Let Die". More weirdness... Taksraven
  7. We should start a new thread. "Films that we know are going to be crap before they are released" ;) Taksraven
  8. Nice little linky's towards the bottom of this page for some Yamato soundtrack goodness.... http://cleirebechi.blogspot.com/2008_06_01_archive.html Taksraven
  9. Yeah, I was thinking about that the other day. G1 used to be more creative with that. Notice how nobody is voting for the chick. Taksraven
  10. I'm not saying that lack of budget is no excuse (I know that some of the best films ever made were done on a shoestring budget), but when filmmakers spend $150million+ on an absolute piece of crap, to me that seems like a bigger crime. Taksraven
  11. I still don't know why we are targetting stuff that is deliberately B/C/D/Z - grade here. Lets go after crappy blockbusters instead. Transformers 2 was a massive waste of time..... Taksraven
  12. Whoa!!! Thats a pretty ancient rumour as well. Cameron's name has always been the one mentioned whenever there are murmurs about a Gunm effort from Hollywood, but have we ever had any sort of real proof that he is interested in it? Always sounded a bit like fanboy speculation to me. But I am probably wrong.... Taksraven
  13. I would never give Trek that much credit though....... Taksraven
  14. Nah, way too sub-par to even fit into that category...... Taksraven
  15. Whats going on? The film is out and this thread has not been bumped since MAY 19????!!!! I thought at least those lucky enough to be living in Japan would have come here to brag by now.....? Taksraven
  16. Had to go for script writers. As hopeless as Bay is, these films needs some sort of intelligent dialogue if they are going to be any good. Witty banter, not lots of grunting and crap. Taksraven
  17. Ummmmm no......... I think that they had their chance to make their own "Empire Strikes Back" with this film, with a darker ending (Prime dead, Rodimus Prime taking over, maybe) and a good lead in to the next film, but they stuffed it up...... Taksraven
  18. The whole energon thing has been really weird with this film series. And now to leave Alaska Base. Taksraven
  19. Yeah, I noticed that and thought it was OK. Taksraven
  20. I'm not some hyper-obsessed TF fan. My point is that if they are going to go 90% of the way to get Soundwave's voice right, why not give it the full 100%, thats all. Read my original post about this movie. My major concerns are not about 'minor' things. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=764557 As director, Bay has to take final responsibility for the finished product. I know that a lot of the problems in this film are not just his doing, but if he has the inability to see that its crap, I'm gonna blame him. I was sitting there during the film, thinking to myself, "All this money, all these great SFX and the final product sucks. What a waste". I'm not saying that I could do better, but I am sure that there are plenty out there who could do better if given the same resources. And they could probably do better with more original material than TF or adapting something that has not been on the big screen before. Ever read John Christophers "Tripods" trilogy. Its brilliant. It would make a great film or series of films. And the budget for this film could easily have covered "The White Mountains". All it takes is for Hollywood to take a bit of a risk, and dare to shoot something a bit different. Films like TF are safe filmmaking at its worst. Hey, we are talking about SF and comic fanboys here, of course the criticisms are going to look silly to some..... Taksraven
  21. Cameron should retroactively sue the dubbers for Star Blazers as well, for daring to have "Captain Avatar" (cool name, I always thought). This sort of legal action for generic words always cracks me up. Like Netscape trying to copyright "Scape" about a decade ago. Taksraven
  22. Yeah, the twins sucked. One looked a bit like a rat so I thought "Rattrap" and then I thought, "No way". The other thing that cracked me up was the fact that they bothered to get Welker to do the voice for Soundwave (wasted character), but they got him to do it as the Dr Claw voice without the treatment the voice then requires to sound like G1 Soundwave. Bloody stupid. Taksraven
  23. I was embarrassed by more than a few chunks of this film. Taksraven
  24. You mean dead?? Taksraven
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